I was actualky going to start a whole new thread devoted to Richo being crucified by the umpires.
Seriously what does the man have to do to get a free kick?

Gehrig gets a free in the first (quite rightly it's the rule btw) for having his arms chopped and being touched - Richo gets held and we get play on -

give me a break will ya.
Hello Geish and your band of merry green snots - let me spell it for you C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y - that's all we want
And to make matters worse
The question becomes even more important when in the final quarter Simmonds got a free kick directly in front for being held

That happended to Richo on at least 6-7 occassions and what did the umpires do ???

Flap their arms like lunatics and call "play on" - can we get fair dinkum here or what. If the bloody free quick is there it should be paid no matter who the player is.