I have a suggestion as far fetched as it may be but listen to this.
We all know he wont be coaching next year as does Danny,It is a pointless excerise him coaching any further in my opinion, contracts or no contracts.So leave now may be the best option. Problem would be who would coach in the meantime and this is probably the reason why the club keeps saying he will coach till the end of the year as you would not want any of the assistants to take over so why not try this.
Appoint an ex-player who has ambitions to coach at the highest level in the future who could also be groomed under Wallace next year
and take up an assistant role next year.
It would it turn create some sort of ""goodwill""( if thats possible) and would gravitate Richmond people back to Richmond.
The only ex-player I know who has gone on to coach and does have a football brain and IS available is Scot Turner.
He is involved with the past players and was there last night.
Its just an idea but what the heck, there has been plenty of terrible decisions made at the RFC by the president and the board and the clown who signs the players contracts so this idea mighten be as silly as first thought.
Too just lay down and die and put up with Danny for the remainder of the year is not an option and either is losing every game.
It will put enormous strain on the club finiancially and would make it difficult to sell the club next year.
You dont want Casey bankrolling the joint either so its probaly not a bad idea.