"now thats BS
so buddy gets the AA nod because he was injured and coulda shoulda won the Coleman.
so then jack should get the AA nod because his kicking hasn't been great this year and shoulda won the coleman.
Buddy missed 6 games this year and has hardly had a AA year.
Should go to the winner and then perhaps Pav in a pocket"
You are not being realistic. Bar for that injury Buddy was having a very good year. He gets the AA selection because when he has played he has been very good bar for the game against us. Secondly I was not saying that Jack shouldn't get AA selection because he has been kicking badly what I was saying was that there is no guarantee he will win the coleman especially if he kicks inaccurately. Just because you win the coleman doesn't mean you should win AA selection. Pav and Hawkins have had good years and surely will be in the running for AA selection.