Lads the implications of PooPooMcphee's figures from the BF board are huge.
In essence we have, at the moment. more or at least as many paid up menbers as Carlton, Essendon or Collingwood. Ticketed/non ticketed....who cares. It is people fishing out the money and paying to be members. The huge non ticketed in not down to Cuz. We had 9,000 last year. It is down to how our package is put together.
Membership potential and crowd drawing potentila at Tigerland is at least as big as Collingwood and is bigger than Carlton. In 2007 we were the biggest ever drawing spoons. In 2008 we had 39,000 members - only 2,000 short of Juddton and Essendon - while coming off a spoon and with no hype. We will have 45,000 this year and possibly more which will probably equal Collingwood and beat Carlton by thousands.
A successful Richmond has always been among the top 2 supported clubs in Victoria and will be again. Top 4 this year and we WILL be top selling membership club in 2010 and only the Hawk bandwagon is stopping us this year.