Author Topic: Troy Taylor [merged]  (Read 118452 times)

Online Willy

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #570 on: November 11, 2010, 12:02:30 AM »
Geez Claw. what a deeply concerning post.  ???

How would u be if 300 odd years ago your ancestor's country was invaded and your people were nearly wiped out, before being thrown into a hierarchical, greed-driven society where they start at the bottom of the food-chain?
Do u expect the ancestors of Indigenous genocide and the stolen generation to just fit right in?
throwing money at them is never going to fix these problems, so dont expect it to.

Many people portray Aboriginals as a primitive people. But they lived sustainably for thousands of years in communities based on shared wealth and respect for accumulative knowledge. We live in a society fueled by greed and materialism.


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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #571 on: November 11, 2010, 01:58:27 AM »
Geez Claw. what a deeply concerning post.  ???

How would u be if 300 odd years ago your ancestor's country was invaded and your people were nearly wiped out, before being thrown into a hierarchical, greed-driven society where they start at the bottom of the food-chain?
Do u expect the ancestors of Indigenous genocide and the stolen generation to just fit right in?
throwing money at them is never going to fix these problems, so dont expect it to.

Many people portray Aboriginals as a primitive people. But they lived sustainably for thousands of years in communities based on shared wealth and respect for accumulative knowledge. We live in a society fueled by greed and materialism.

spot on  :clapping

gerkin greg

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #572 on: November 11, 2010, 02:10:32 AM »
you're a drunk and a vagabond wilbur and i watched you sleep unprotected with two thai prostitutes you greedy materialistic bastard

Offline Chuck17

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #573 on: November 11, 2010, 07:34:45 AM »
Well I must say I am very concerned.

Were those two prostitutes female or those boy-girl things.

Fess up Wilbur.

Offline Owl

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #574 on: November 11, 2010, 08:07:09 AM »
we have wasted 3 picks in recent times.
Alroy Gilligan, Relton Roberts and now Troy Taylor, move on shell we
hmm can add collard and peterson to that list.

i have to laugh every time a criticism is aimed at blacks its racist.

troy taylor comes from the out back geez and here i was thinking he came from darwin one of the bigger cities in the country.

the simple facts are we knew he was high risk not because of his skin colour but his background. we are talking about troy taylor here are we not. sheesh he lasted to pick 51 which by the way is a very valuable pick. he lacked discipline was running wild and clearly showed he did not have the mental attributes needed to pursue and make an afl career. when some of us said as much we were, yep you guessed it labeled racists immediately.
why did a top 20 pick on talent alone slip so far and god knows how much farther he would have  slipped if we had not taken him when we did. does anyone ever stop to ask these questions.

as for the racist component in this thread. its typical dont you dare ever speak your mind about blacks in this country,because you are labelled straight away. ya know what i couldnt give a stuff about what people call me. i call a spade a spade and if people dont like it and label me a racist well thanks im happy to be called one.
me i have a simple philosphy you treat each individual how you would like to be treated yourself i suppose that makes me racist.
as an observation, and keeping in mind aboriginals make up just 2% of the population. also keeping in mind over 10% of gdp is spent on them i think in general far to many aboriginals are on the dole and not even looking to work, drunks, or heavily represented in our court and jail systems.and this happens despite the enormous amount of resources we throw at such a small minority. but i suppose in making this observation im racist.
as for the stolen generation i have not heard once ever that perhaps a good percentage of removals was warranted. kids were living in squalor being abused  by drunken parents and half starved to death.this still happens in many remote places to this day and i an mot afraid to say many children in these circumstances shpould be removed from the horrible situation they find themselves in. it wont happen today far to many are gun shy and afraid of copping  the nasty white man just uprooted these kids for no reason.

i for one am sick and tired of the guilt trip it seems the dogooders have earmarked for us.  it seems the more we pander to the minorities the more they put their hands out for.
i have to ask at what stage are these people going to get of their lazy behinds utilise what is being thrown at them, and what is being thrown at them is mind blowing and do something to help themselves. as far as im concerned i dont owe them a thing not an apology not anything. in fact on a personal level the way i have been treated by them i have every reason to dislike them. im sick of the waste and im sick of not being able to speak the truth or call it as i see it.
its about time the excuses stopped and our indigenous friends got themselves into the 21st century.
theres an old saying you cant help those who wont help themselves and i reckon far to many aboriginals fall into this category.

yep according to some fools im a racist and im proud of it at least i speak my mind.
Oh eff me Andrew Claw Bolt is here, he has been studying the world hard from his armchair on 'today tonight', be outraged in 30 mins flat lol.  If I meet you, and you slag off aboriginals, I will crack you so effin hard in the head, one of your eyes will pop out, my (half) brother and sister are aboriginal.  Each person makes their own mistakes and way in life.  Some people live in places and circumstances that put them at a disadvantage.  I lived in Darwin for years, I was posted there.  My PettyOfficer and his family were aboriginal, they were awesome, big clan, looked after all of us all the time like we were family, I will never forget that.  A lot of the other poor buggers up there live by the roadside or in pooty accommodation or camps, are not educated and are in impoverished conditions.  Darwin is not a big city, its like a bunch of suburbs.  It is cosmopolitan but not for most aboriginals, they aren't part of the main stream up there.  They live on the fringes and in palmerston.  All your generalisations are horsesh!t and your a halfwit.  Admit it, your a bitter, nasty little right wing prick, I bet your into eugenics you twisted eff lol  What race are you claw? Post prison stats for your race you wanker, lets have a comparison! Anglo Saxon? Celt? Italian? Greek? Lebanese? Chinese? Indian? African?  How would we all feel with these stats being hucked up alongside dole numbers being brandished as to why our particular heritage is inferior?  Anyone?  And furthermore, whats it got to do with football, all he has done is gone back to sort out something with family, he committed no crime or anything....Your a pee poor excuse for a human being Claw, whatever race you are, someone p!ssed in your gene pool because you havn't evolved from the reptile stage.
ill ignore the emotional clap trap behindhole and answer one question. im indiginous australian  i was born here.i have a simple motto in life regardless of race  religion or gender treat all as you would like to be treated yourself.
ya know if experience in life counts for anything and shapes us my experiences since living on the mainland for the last 30 yrs with blacks has been nothing short of abysmal. when you are regularly robbed bashed looked down upon by a certain group one is not want to have a high opinion of that group as a whole dont you think. ive done nothing but speak the truth and will continue to call it as i see it and have experienced it.
im not racist but i will admit i probably have little tolerance for the plight of many who refuse to help themselves this goes for others as well. black brown white or brindle if your a drunk your a drunk if you are lazy you are lazy, if you have no respect for others you have no respect unfortunately far to many blacks are these things we live in the age of the aboriginal industry where self interest groups rule sadly far to many of those self interest groups are black themselves. the simple facts are aboriginals are disproportionately represented in the leagal system  the welfare system the prison system. ah why go on you dont want to hear or acknowledge all you want to do is blame it on the white man.
i will finish by saying nowhere in the world has so much been thrown at such a small minority in an attempt to help. if we keep going the way we are there will develop the menatality amongst the majority of them against us.
Nice ruse Claw, you might suck some in with your wording there mate.  Anyone would think those stories happened to you instead of you watching them on 'today tonight' during Howards big intervention.  They might even believe your face saving attempt that your indiginous, but I don't buy it for a second, it just adds to your disgusting behaviour that you would try and lay that crap on everyone.
Lots of people name their swords......

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #575 on: November 11, 2010, 09:05:03 AM »
im not racist but...
I love this line. It's almost as good as "No offence, but..."
No offence, but you're a complete f-wit

See how that works? Just because you say you're a racist, doesn't mean you're not
Given you stereotype negativity to an entire race, you're a racist

Offline Penelope

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #576 on: November 11, 2010, 09:15:12 AM »
Geez Claw. what a deeply concerning post.  ???

How would u be if 300 odd years ago your ancestor's country was invaded and your people were nearly wiped out, before being thrown into a hierarchical, greed-driven society where they start at the bottom of the food-chain?
Do u expect the ancestors of Indigenous genocide and the stolen generation to just fit right in?
throwing money at them is never going to fix these problems, so dont expect it to.

Many people portray Aboriginals as a primitive people. But they lived sustainably for thousands of years in communities based on shared wealth and respect for accumulative knowledge. We live in a society fueled by greed and materialism.

Lets not forget that after the trouble with the natives in many other English colonies the powers that be learned their lessons well and over time systematically and deliberately created a welfare or nanny state amongst the indigenous people of Australia. This is how they attempted to keep the natives in check and is in no small part a reason why we have the situation we do today.

In the early/middle part of last century a bloke by the name of Weston A Price traveled the world seeking out indigenous cultures that still lived traditional ways and compared their health and well being to those that had been "influenced" by westerners. These places included Africa, Switzerland, New Hebrides, Polynesia, Arctic regions and Australia. What he said about the aborigines i find interesting.



While these evidences of superior physical development command our most profound
admiration, their ability to build superb bodies and maintain them in excellent condition in so
difficult an environment commands our genuine respect. It is a supreme test of human
efficiency. It is doubtful if many places in the world can demonstrate so great a contrast in
physical development and perfection of body as that which exists between the primitive
Aborigines of Australia who have been the sole arbiters of their fate and those aborigines who
have been under the influence of white man.

Nutrition And Physical Degeneration, p171

I must point out the use of the term "primitive" is by no means meant meant to be a derogatory term here, but merely a description of those that had not yet had "modern" ways forced upon them at the time. (The use of this term is explained in the forward of the latest editions of his book.) Some of these "primitive" people he studied were in fact white.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

the claw

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #577 on: November 11, 2010, 09:37:21 PM »
we have wasted 3 picks in recent times.
Alroy Gilligan, Relton Roberts and now Troy Taylor, move on shell we
hmm can add collard and peterson to that list.

i have to laugh every time a criticism is aimed at blacks its racist.

troy taylor comes from the out back geez and here i was thinking he came from darwin one of the bigger cities in the country.

the simple facts are we knew he was high risk not because of his skin colour but his background. we are talking about troy taylor here are we not. sheesh he lasted to pick 51 which by the way is a very valuable pick. he lacked discipline was running wild and clearly showed he did not have the mental attributes needed to pursue and make an afl career. when some of us said as much we were, yep you guessed it labeled racists immediately.
why did a top 20 pick on talent alone slip so far and god knows how much farther he would have  slipped if we had not taken him when we did. does anyone ever stop to ask these questions.

as for the racist component in this thread. its typical dont you dare ever speak your mind about blacks in this country,because you are labelled straight away. ya know what i couldnt give a stuff about what people call me. i call a spade a spade and if people dont like it and label me a racist well thanks im happy to be called one.
me i have a simple philosphy you treat each individual how you would like to be treated yourself i suppose that makes me racist.
as an observation, and keeping in mind aboriginals make up just 2% of the population. also keeping in mind over 10% of gdp is spent on them i think in general far to many aboriginals are on the dole and not even looking to work, drunks, or heavily represented in our court and jail systems.and this happens despite the enormous amount of resources we throw at such a small minority. but i suppose in making this observation im racist.
as for the stolen generation i have not heard once ever that perhaps a good percentage of removals was warranted. kids were living in squalor being abused  by drunken parents and half starved to death.this still happens in many remote places to this day and i an mot afraid to say many children in these circumstances shpould be removed from the horrible situation they find themselves in. it wont happen today far to many are gun shy and afraid of copping  the nasty white man just uprooted these kids for no reason.

i for one am sick and tired of the guilt trip it seems the dogooders have earmarked for us.  it seems the more we pander to the minorities the more they put their hands out for.
i have to ask at what stage are these people going to get of their lazy behinds utilise what is being thrown at them, and what is being thrown at them is mind blowing and do something to help themselves. as far as im concerned i dont owe them a thing not an apology not anything. in fact on a personal level the way i have been treated by them i have every reason to dislike them. im sick of the waste and im sick of not being able to speak the truth or call it as i see it.
its about time the excuses stopped and our indigenous friends got themselves into the 21st century.
theres an old saying you cant help those who wont help themselves and i reckon far to many aboriginals fall into this category.

yep according to some fools im a racist and im proud of it at least i speak my mind.
Oh eff me Andrew Claw Bolt is here, he has been studying the world hard from his armchair on 'today tonight', be outraged in 30 mins flat lol.  If I meet you, and you slag off aboriginals, I will crack you so effin hard in the head, one of your eyes will pop out, my (half) brother and sister are aboriginal.  Each person makes their own mistakes and way in life.  Some people live in places and circumstances that put them at a disadvantage.  I lived in Darwin for years, I was posted there.  My PettyOfficer and his family were aboriginal, they were awesome, big clan, looked after all of us all the time like we were family, I will never forget that.  A lot of the other poor buggers up there live by the roadside or in pooty accommodation or camps, are not educated and are in impoverished conditions.  Darwin is not a big city, its like a bunch of suburbs.  It is cosmopolitan but not for most aboriginals, they aren't part of the main stream up there.  They live on the fringes and in palmerston.  All your generalisations are horsesh!t and your a halfwit.  Admit it, your a bitter, nasty little right wing prick, I bet your into eugenics you twisted eff lol  What race are you claw? Post prison stats for your race you wanker, lets have a comparison! Anglo Saxon? Celt? Italian? Greek? Lebanese? Chinese? Indian? African?  How would we all feel with these stats being hucked up alongside dole numbers being brandished as to why our particular heritage is inferior?  Anyone?  And furthermore, whats it got to do with football, all he has done is gone back to sort out something with family, he committed no crime or anything....Your a pee poor excuse for a human being Claw, whatever race you are, someone p!ssed in your gene pool because you havn't evolved from the reptile stage.
ill ignore the emotional clap trap behindhole and answer one question. im indiginous australian  i was born here.i have a simple motto in life regardless of race  religion or gender treat all as you would like to be treated yourself.
ya know if experience in life counts for anything and shapes us my experiences since living on the mainland for the last 30 yrs with blacks has been nothing short of abysmal. when you are regularly robbed bashed looked down upon by a certain group one is not want to have a high opinion of that group as a whole dont you think. ive done nothing but speak the truth and will continue to call it as i see it and have experienced it.
im not racist but i will admit i probably have little tolerance for the plight of many who refuse to help themselves this goes for others as well. black brown white or brindle if your a drunk your a drunk if you are lazy you are lazy, if you have no respect for others you have no respect unfortunately far to many blacks are these things we live in the age of the aboriginal industry where self interest groups rule sadly far to many of those self interest groups are black themselves. the simple facts are aboriginals are disproportionately represented in the leagal system  the welfare system the prison system. ah why go on you dont want to hear or acknowledge all you want to do is blame it on the white man.
i will finish by saying nowhere in the world has so much been thrown at such a small minority in an attempt to help. if we keep going the way we are there will develop the menatality amongst the majority of them against us.
Nice ruse Claw, you might suck some in with your wording there mate.  Anyone would think those stories happened to you instead of you watching them on 'today tonight' during Howards big intervention.  They might even believe your face saving attempt that your indiginous, but I don't buy it for a second, it just adds to your disgusting behaviour that you would try and lay that crap on everyone.
as i said you dont want to hear you just want to blame the white man. yep you have your head up your arse. like i said robbed bashed abused and on a rgular basis. house 4 times car twice bashed twice and ya knowe what there are plenty i know who have suffered similar at the hands of those so called poor down trodden aboriginals.
like i said you treat people the same way they treat you.
these problems arent the domain of  a small minority of blacks but a large percentage of the whole. you put your head up your arse and pretend it aint so thats fine by me kid yourself. ya know all the do gooders blaming every one else except blaming those who wont help themselves. 10% of gdp  going to a paltry 2% of the population geez we dont do anything for our blacks or so the industry would have all believe.
ah well bring on another abusive post it what i come to expect from the so called do gooder lot.

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #578 on: November 11, 2010, 10:02:41 PM »
saying i will bash your head in till your eyes pop out is not helping teh sterotype mate.

people need to stop living in the past .. not forget it !! but try an look towards the future

The Jews have forgivin the Nazis dont see how this is worse


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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #579 on: November 11, 2010, 10:14:25 PM »
Stfu everone.
Is he playing nxt year or not?

Online Willy

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #580 on: November 11, 2010, 11:20:43 PM »
Well I must say I am very concerned.

Were those two prostitutes female or those boy-girl things.

Fess up Wilbur.

lets just say that I reached the end of the rainbow that night.

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #581 on: November 12, 2010, 12:34:32 AM »
Willy and The Gerk got married. :congrats

gerkin greg

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #582 on: November 12, 2010, 12:53:48 AM »
married to your mum's fat black ar$e

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #583 on: November 12, 2010, 02:04:21 AM »
Stfu everone.
Is he playing nxt year or not?

I do hope so

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Re: Taylor to miss pre-season start and may quit AFL [merged]
« Reply #584 on: November 12, 2010, 06:39:43 PM »
saying i will bash your head in till your eyes pop out is not helping teh sterotype mate.

people need to stop living in the past .. not forget it !! but try an look towards the future

The Jews have forgivin the Nazis dont see how this is worse

You need a dictionary dopey. ::)
2 years into a 35 year plan