Now i think you both. being WP and MT, have got it all wrong. Spoilt whingers MT. I think thats a big harsh.
daniel, it has nothing to do with loyalty to a political party it has to do ith what "welfare" payments were originally established for -v- what they are now.
This attitude that people have about being "entitled to" something is the issue for me.
I have never, ever agreed with handouts for the sake of handouts. Welfare should be for those who need it not given out as some sort of encouragement award which is what appears to happen now. Every govt is guilty of it and will continue to be guilty of it because as I have said it all about buying votes
Any family on $150k+ with a $650k motgage, massive self inflicted credit card debt should not be receiving handouts from the govt. End of story
I've seen people decide to have have a child simply because they wanted the baby bonus not because they wanted or could afford to have a child but simply because they thought it was their right to get that money. Sorry but I don't see that as being right especially for the child.
BTW best thing the Howard govt did was introduce the requirement of a persons employee benefits (the stuff company's pay FBT on) having to be included on a person payment summary (group cetrificate) as a way of means testing people who may have only been earning $100k but were receiving over $50-$100k in benefits and not paying tax. I didn't hear the outcry back then that I hearing today - newsflash it is exactly the same thing
We (my "family" and we don't have kids but we are still a family) pay taxes (alot of them I night add) and I have to say I am sick ot death of paying taxes to pay for handouts to people who don't need them and shouldn't be getting them because they cannot manage their own finances.
I was bought up to believe that if you cannot afford something; anything then you go without it. Harsh? I don't think so I call it reality.