Author Topic: Stopping the boats  (Read 75148 times)

Offline 🏅Dooks

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #300 on: September 29, 2013, 02:22:17 AM »
Looks like contact with the Australian people (part 4 of 4 has) been well and truly broken, two weeks into government.

At this rate they may as well burn the rest of it by cup day.  :lol. Tony's signature and all.

Speaking of Abbotts contract, part 1 of 4 'End wasteful spending' is starting to look a little shaky...

But im certain the costs were offset by not having to rescue the latest boat arrivals.

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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #301 on: September 29, 2013, 02:47:28 AM »
They are economic refugee's even Bob Carr admitted this. They are not being persecuted in Indonesia and majority of them aren't even from Indonesia.
The majority of countries around the world are third world crapholes. Even the so-called stable ones are dangerous places. Corruption and lawlessness is the norm. I mentioned before, a work colleague who I met from Sao Paulo told me he needs to live in a suburb surrounded by a security wall to protect his home and family.

Indonesia isn't a signatory to the UN refugee convention. So yes not being Indonesian means they are in limbo in Indonesia - they are unable to return to their country of origin; they can't settle in Indonesia lawfully even if they wished to; and they have little prospect of being resettled in a third country. The people smugglers avoid official Indonesian immigration channels anyway as they falsely promise safe passage to Australia (in return for $$$) before the asylum seekers reach Indonesia. 

The vast majority of asylum seekers that come by boat to Australia are eventually given refugee status and are settled in Australia. It's just our Governments don't want the public knowing about that for political reasons. Both parties only introduced "tough" measures in the face of poor polls prior to an upcoming election (Coalition 2001; Labor 2013).

Labor policy's encouraged people to pay smugglers and risk their lives. Their policy's will never look good because whether you like it or not the majority of Australian public don't want people smugglers controlling our immigration. Currently Abbott is looking tough by standing up for our sovereignty and doing what he was voted in to do to and that is to stop the boats.

For the record I don't think the boats will ever be stopped. The ALP encouraged so many people to attempt to cross the water that it will now be near impossible to fully stop but if they can at least cut back the number of boat arrivals that would be a good result.
The boats started coming in these numbers under the Howard Government in 1999. There was no asylum issue to deal with when Labor was in power for 13 years before Johnny aside from introducing mandatory detention in the early 90s when a few hundred Chinese asylum seekers arrived post-Tiananmen square massacre. So to blame Labor for why people are coming by boat in these numbers is ludicrous. Labor didn't cause a civil war in northern Sri Lanka or in Sudan, nor a ultra-conservative theocratic dictatorship in Iran with its fruitcake leader, nor rogue states and war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, etc. As Gigantor says, when people in these places have the required economic prosperity and individual freedoms then the boats will stop, be it when there's a Australian Labor or Liberal Government. The refugee problem is a global one. Most first world nations face increasing number of asylum seekers; not just Australia.
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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #302 on: September 29, 2013, 03:05:31 AM »
I would be putting the majority of the blame on the people smugglers who profit at the expense of people's lives.

Add to that the corruption and exploitation back home of their homeland's natural wealth and general population either by warring despots and their henchmen's lust for power or by foreign multinationals who only pay a pittance to the locals to work in unsafe working environments that we wouldn't tolerate in Australia. You sow what you seed. $2 a day wasn't it Gina!  ::)

And the longer this goes on the better the last government is going to look.
On this issue I wouldn't say that. This only shows all sides didn't/don't have a clue to handle such a global issue and the political race to the lowest common denominator pandering to worst in us has been found out.

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Offline Penelope

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #303 on: September 29, 2013, 08:55:41 AM »
I'm starting to think this problem cannot be solved by an individual country no matter what they do,it requires a global effort....which we will never get,not as long as my ass points to the ground
Again I'm talking pie in the sky stuff,but you will get no boats when people in those places have the required economic prosperity and where individual freedom and democracy is valued ,respected and followed

Yes and Yes.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

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Offline tiger101

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #304 on: September 29, 2013, 10:38:04 AM »

The boats started coming in these numbers under the Howard Government in 1999. There was no asylum issue to deal with when Labor was in power for 13 years before Johnny aside from introducing mandatory detention in the early 90s when a few hundred Chinese asylum seekers arrived post-Tiananmen square massacre. So to blame Labor for why people are coming by boat in these numbers is ludicrous. Labor didn't cause a civil war in northern Sri Lanka or in Sudan, nor a ultra-conservative theocratic dictatorship in Iran with its fruitcake leader, nor rogue states and war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, etc. As Gigantor says, when people in these places have the required economic prosperity and individual freedoms then the boats will stop, be it when there's a Australian Labor or Liberal Government. The refugee problem is a global one. Most first world nations face increasing number of asylum seekers; not just Australia.

We are sending Sri Lankan arrivals back to Sri Lanka as it is now safe they are coming here for economic reasons. I don't understand why you and 1965 believe these people are entitled to jump the cues of people in that have been waiting years in UN camps that apply for refugee status through the correct channels. There are closer UN signatory countries to Iran then Australia these people are middle class citizens that work and save up alot of money to travel via boat. also some do fly into Indonesia with the correct documentation they just destroy it before they get on the boat. The numbers don't lie the boat numbers increased by a huge number under labor after they changed the policy.

I don't think we'll ever agree on the boat arrival issue as we have different beliefs. I don't believe in rewarding people who pay and encourage the people smuggling business. I believe that its within our rights to control our immigration policy and not give it out on luck of who survives a risky boat journey.


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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #305 on: September 29, 2013, 10:46:02 AM »
I would even go further back than 1999.Post Vietnam war mid 70s and onwards we had the Vietnamese refugees fleeing communist rule.This happened initially in the dying months of the Whitlam Government and then under the Fraser government.As long as economic,political hardship reigns people will look to improve their lot in life,and I cant say I blame them I would do the same.
How we deal with this issue is up to us,but people will continue to flee hardship that's a given

Offline 1965

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #306 on: September 29, 2013, 01:06:38 PM »

We are sending Sri Lankan arrivals back to Sri Lanka as it is now safe they are coming here for economic reasons. I don't understand why you and 1965 believe these people are entitled to jump the cues of people in that have been waiting years in UN camps that apply for refugee status through the correct channels. There are closer UN signatory countries to Iran then Australia these people are middle class citizens that work and save up alot of money to travel via boat. also some do fly into Indonesia with the correct documentation they just destroy it before they get on the boat. The numbers don't lie the boat numbers increased by a huge number under labor after they changed the policy.

I don't think we'll ever agree on the boat arrival issue as we have different beliefs. I don't believe in rewarding people who pay and encourage the people smuggling business. I believe that its within our rights to control our immigration policy and not give it out on luck of who survives a risky boat journey.

Suggest that you actually read my posts before posting crap like this.

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....


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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #307 on: September 29, 2013, 02:05:39 PM »
from what i understand this last boat was still in indonesian waters when it started to sink. the illegal boat people decided to ring Australian authorities to save them, but we dont have any rights in Indonesian waters. Indeed our entry in Indonesian waters would have caused a serious international incident. These wankers then got of the boat and made scandalous allegations that Australia didnt respond. Get stuffed homos, we dont need these dirty little liars in this country.


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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #308 on: September 29, 2013, 03:46:16 PM »
Ramps was a boat load of marauding homosexuals on that boat heading to our shores?

Offline Chuck17

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #309 on: September 29, 2013, 07:06:54 PM »
from what i understand this last boat was still in indonesian waters when it started to sink. the illegal boat people decided to ring Australian authorities to save them, but we dont have any rights in Indonesian waters. Indeed our entry in Indonesian waters would have caused a serious international incident. These wankers then got of the boat and made scandalous allegations that Australia didnt respond. Get stuffed homos, we dont need these dirty little liars in this country.

Exactly post of the year, it was in Indo waters, and while it was a tragedy it is not up to Australia to police Indo waters for their encouraged people smuggling operations

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #310 on: September 29, 2013, 08:12:03 PM »
One - end wasteful spending

Cutting 4.5 billion from foreign aid

Wasteful food and water for hungry thirsty people


Offline tiga

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #311 on: September 30, 2013, 10:05:06 AM »
from what i understand this last boat was still in indonesian waters when it started to sink. the illegal boat people decided to ring Australian authorities to save them, but we dont have any rights in Indonesian waters. Indeed our entry in Indonesian waters would have caused a serious international incident. These wankers then got of the boat and made scandalous allegations that Australia didnt respond. Get stuffed homos, we dont need these dirty little liars in this country.

100% correct Ramps.  :clapping They called Australia like they were calling a Taxi. It would have been far quicker for them to Call Indonesian Authorities for assistance.
I'm sick of the Media also beating the drum on this. Some even reported early on that we turned this Boat around just to get attention!!  :banghead

Now thinking outside the square, the only reason why Boat People are choosing Australia is plain and simple....Christmas Island. Why don't we flog off Christmas Island to Indonesia? Then their boat trip to Australia would change from 186 Nautical miles to about 1100 Nautical Miles. A distance that is near on impossible to take for any of the craft that the smugglers are currently using.
We've already sucked all the super-phosphate off the island and all that is really left there now are Asylum seekers and red crabs.

Offline 1965

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #312 on: September 30, 2013, 10:27:14 AM »

Now thinking outside the square, the only reason why Boat People are choosing Australia is plain and simple....Christmas Island. Why don't we flog off Christmas Island to Indonesia? Then their boat trip to Australia would change from 186 Nautical miles to about 1100 Nautical Miles. A distance that is near on impossible to take for any of the craft that the smugglers are currently using.
We've already sucked all the super-phosphate off the island and all that is really left there now are Asylum seekers and red crabs.

You are forgetting Ashmore reef as well.

And the problem is that us owning Christmas Island gives us control over a whole lot of ocean that we don't want to give up.

What we should do is evacuate Christmas island, make it unliveable but keep it as our territory.

An "accidental" nuclear explosion maybe?


Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline tiga

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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #313 on: September 30, 2013, 10:48:19 AM »

Now thinking outside the square, the only reason why Boat People are choosing Australia is plain and simple....Christmas Island. Why don't we flog off Christmas Island to Indonesia? Then their boat trip to Australia would change from 186 Nautical miles to about 1100 Nautical Miles. A distance that is near on impossible to take for any of the craft that the smugglers are currently using.
We've already sucked all the super-phosphate off the island and all that is really left there now are Asylum seekers and red crabs.

You are forgetting Ashmore reef as well.

And the problem is that us owning Christmas Island gives us control over a whole lot of ocean that we don't want to give up.

What we should do is evacuate Christmas island, make it unliveable but keep it as our territory.

An "accidental" nuclear explosion maybe?


Good point 65. I forgot about Ashmore Reef. A suggestion that does not involve a half life, We could turn both into free range Maximum Security Correctional facilities ala Papillon. These sorts of facilities would instantly make these islands "no go" areas.


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Re: Stopping the boats
« Reply #314 on: September 30, 2013, 12:46:04 PM »

Now thinking outside the square, the only reason why Boat People are choosing Australia is plain and simple....Christmas Island. Why don't we flog off Christmas Island to Indonesia? Then their boat trip to Australia would change from 186 Nautical miles to about 1100 Nautical Miles. A distance that is near on impossible to take for any of the craft that the smugglers are currently using.
We've already sucked all the super-phosphate off the island and all that is really left there now are Asylum seekers and red crabs.

You are forgetting Ashmore reef as well.

And the problem is that us owning Christmas Island gives us control over a whole lot of ocean that we don't want to give up.

What we should do is evacuate Christmas island, make it unliveable but keep it as our territory.

An "accidental" nuclear explosion maybe?


Or just have n0rf play some home games there.  ;D