Vibe at the ground was good. I reckon mini-Maric will be alright. I dont care what anyone says, Tuck knows how to win footy. Just wish his disposal was a little better
I liked it how we never needed a quarter (or half) to warm up. Webberly was like a new man tonight. Looks like he really understands that games have to be earned this year.
Still throwing in dinky handballs, and my old man kept getting the poos that every time one or two talls went up in an over head contest we never had crumbers. Ellis shows some footy nouse and I liked his little things like bumping his man out of contests when the ball is being tied up and positioning himself on the running side of ball disputes in case there is a quick handball or spill.
We should of been 2 and zip, no thanks to the maggots in green. I like how buddy was getting pinged for doing 360s in tackles, but I still reckon we don't have an answer for someone like him. Freak footballer. Didn't help that Rance was off with the fairies tonight.
Also impressed with Miller and despite the one shank from King, I thought he was good when playing forward and added toughness as well as capitalising when given the opportunity. Turn overs in our forward line weren't speeding up the other end every time as we could keep the ball in our 50 more often. Graham is a flop. I saw him fall over near the ball, crawl forward in slo mo and get up only to put his hands on his hips. Not to mention stupid crap like going up for the same contested over head that Vickory was already going for. At least big Ivan has a dip which is 277171728383882 x better.
Batchelor is going to be my main man this year
That's my take anyway. Still plenty of room for improvement. especially down back, but we all know that.