The issue here is finding objectivity when assessing FJ's job.
Jack, Cotch, Rance, Dusty (wasn't a straight forward pick, look at what the Dees did), Ellis, Vlas will all be good players.
I'm starting to think big Ty has unlocked the secret to his game - playing angry. He might get suspended a few times but that edge to his game has improved his attack on the pill.
I'd say let's see how he goes in 2015. I'm now starting to wonder now well he has been coached given that a number of his teammates have stated he plays better when more aggressive.
I know Conca has his share of haters but I'm prepared to wait until he is fully fit before making a call.
Jake Batchelor has started to emerge in the past few weeks and has a specific role which is helping his focus on the field.
We don't know about the string beaner yet but he seems to show a bit.
So I'm not hating FJ, there is enough to work with - in fact I'd argue the issues are more in player development and the list manager who insisted on recruiting mature aged players ahead of kids.