Author Topic: Richmond president Peggy O’Neal says Tigers united behind coach Hardwick (H-Sun)  (Read 20694 times)

Offline WilliamPowell

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Peggy Sue has never met a Richmond supporter. Her dad didnt take her to the footy. She didnt play kick to kick in the street wearing a Richmond jumper. Her entire relationship and understanding of what a Richmond supporter is comes from sitting in a board room surrounded by the kind of idiots that have made the same bad decisions for 35 years

She's never met a Richmond Supporter? So people like me, Jack and other members she has spoken to at VFL games, Family days etc are not actually supporters? We are what just make believe?

My Dad never took me to the footy so does that mean I not really a supporter or alternatively clueless when it comes to matters relating to the RFC? Because that seems to be what you are saying

The fact that she was a member and player sponsor long before she joined the board means nothing as well?

I have no problem with people handing out whacks but your generalisation/reasoning are not realistic because you are making sweeping statements that would appear to be factually incorrect. In this case not only towards the current president but I would suggest to fair number of members/supporters as well
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 10:32:11 PM by WilliamPowell »
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Perrgy smergy pfft y'all

Offline Phil Mrakov

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Ill start to like her when she has the balls the call for Dimma's head
hhhaaarrgghhh hhhhaaarrggghhh hhhhaaaarrrggghh

Offline tdy

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I thought the term "full support" meant people were sharpening the knives. What has happened to footy double speak?

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My Dad never took me to the footy so does that mean I not really a supporter or alternatively clueless when it comes to matters realising to the RFC?

Sorry, darling but yes, that's exactly what it means. :snidegrin
Caracella and Balmey.

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Peggy Sue has never met a Richmond supporter. Her dad didnt take her to the footy. She didnt play kick to kick in the street wearing a Richmond jumper. Her entire relationship and understanding of what a Richmond supporter is comes from sitting in a board room surrounded by the kind of idiots that have made the same bad decisions for 35 years

She's never met a Richmond Supporter? So people like me, Jack and other members she has spoken to at VFL games, Family days etc are not actually supporters? We are what just make believe?

My Dad never took me to the footy so does that mean I not really a supporter or alternatively clueless when it comes to matters realising to the RFC? Because that seems to be what you are saying

The fact that she was a member and player sponsor long before she joined the board means nothing as well?

I have no problem with people handing out whacks but your generalisation/reasoning are not realistic because you are making sweeping statements that would appear to be factually incorrect. In this case not only towards the current president but I would suggest to fair number of members/supporters as well

My wack was more specific than that. She wouldnt have a clue what makes up the Richmond supporter base nor what constitues her definition of a noisy minority. She meets supporters at family days and she sponsored a player before she was on the board? And that qualifies her to understand what being a Richmond supporter is and what constitues the noisy minority? Spare me please.

I wasnt aware that family days are traditionally the venue Richmond supporters voice concerns. I dont know where you sit at the footy, but where I sit, the vast majority of supporters dont say the same things during the game they would repeat in front of their families at family day. In fact if Peggy sat with us, she would see first hand what the vast majority of Richmond supporters think about how the club is travelling. And that would not be any different to sitting anywhere else around the ground.

Did you go to the footy as a kid? Doesnt matter whether your dad took you or not, you would have experienced the highs and lows of being a Richmond supporter from seeing a premiership to wooden spoons and you will understand what makes a Richmond supporter more rabid and starved for success over anyone else. Are you saying that "sponsoring a player" is in the same category as watching Gary Ablett kick 14 goals against us and making you turn into a homicidal maniac? The vast majority of Richmond supporters have seen enough of these low points in our history to know that Damian Hardwick is not up to the job. Peggy clearly hasnt. 

And on the subject of dishing out wacks, we have somewhat of a broke record syndrome. You were a hard advocate of Clinton Casey and Greg Miller and didnt approve of anyone serving them wacks. Maybe in your next family day conversation with Peggy you would like to share with her how the "noisy minority" lost patience with those two enforcers of stability. 

Offline bojangles17

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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o
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Offline DCrane

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Are you saying that "sponsoring a player" is in the same category as watching Gary Ablett kick 14 goals against us and making you turn into a homicidal maniac?
Lucky you weren't at VFL park when Dunstall kicked 17, it would have been carnage!

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On the topic of whether the President gets the message from us scumbags in the outer.
Is she in touch with the fans. Of course not. You can't have your lobster at the footy and eat it too. It's not hard to work out what the great unwashed want-wins. Guess what, presidents want them too because it's the best way to get bums on seats.
I don't like celebrity presidents, but the role has changed a lot in AFL. I think you need a pres that can successfully lobby for changes that will benefit your club in areas such as the fixture or draft concessions. Sure the legal and business acumen may help but footy nous has got to be there.
We got a pretty soft draw this year for a top 8 side so maybe there is something going on behind the scenes. Not boasting about it is smart play.

Offline WilliamPowell

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I wasnt aware that family days are traditionally the venue Richmond supporters voice concerns. I dont know where you sit at the footy, but where I sit, the vast majority of supporters dont say the same things during the game they would repeat in front of their families at family day. In fact if Peggy sat with us, she would see first hand what the vast majority of Richmond supporters think about how the club is travelling. And that would not be any different to sitting anywhere else around the ground.

I would think that any time any member or supporter has an opportunity to voice an opinion to those in change you'd take it.

Not quite sure why you wouldn't be prepared to voice any concerns in front of your family unless of course you sole purpose is to be abusive. End of the day you have the opportunity you take it. You have the right as they are answerable to you as a member.

Did you go to the footy as a kid? Doesnt matter whether your dad took you or not, you would have experienced the highs and lows of being a Richmond supporter from seeing a premiership to wooden spoons and you will understand what makes a Richmond supporter more rabid and starved for success over anyone else. Are you saying that "sponsoring a player" is in the same category as watching Gary Ablett kick 14 goals against us and making you turn into a homicidal maniac? The vast majority of Richmond supporters have seen enough of these low points in our history to know that Damian Hardwick is not up to the job. Peggy clearly hasnt. 

Yeah I did go to the footy as a kid just didn't with my Dad. You're the one who made an issue out of the fact she didn't go to the footy with her Dad. What's the relevance? None. But now you add conditions to that statement. You also said that the only her "only understanding of what a Richmond supporter is comes from sitting in the boardroom". Facts are she has been a member like you and me long before she joined the board. As for sponsoring a player, fact is she did that before joining the board as well.

 I was only pointing out that she has had an involvement with the Club at a number of levels before joining the board. You are saying she hasn't. You are also implying that just because for whatever reason she hasn't been a Richmond supporter all her life that she has no understanding of anything to with the club's history, its past and its fans.


And on the subject of dishing out wacks, we have somewhat of a broke record syndrome. You were a hard advocate of Clinton Casey and Greg Miller and didnt approve of anyone serving them wacks. Maybe in your next family day conversation with Peggy you would like to share with her how the "noisy minority" lost patience with those two enforcers of stability.

Yes I backed the Casey re-election back on 2004 because back then based on the options we had, his ticket was a far better option. But I had no problem then like I don't one now with people handing out whacks.

BTW if you haven't worked out by now who the "noisy minority" are then you will never know.

FWIW I've done a fair amount of whacking myself over the last 12 months over the state of this Club. I've whacked every area of the club. So reckon I can say I have no problem with people whacking

Do I think she and her board are doing a good job, this jury is out. Do I have a problem with what she said on Sunday - no. Why? Because talks cheap and the words are just that words. It's actions that matter now.
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline Phil Mrakov

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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o
Hawthons president did not grow up an rfc supporter. He is Hawthorn through and through. Where are ya getting your info from  ::)
hhhaaarrgghhh hhhhaaarrggghhh hhhhaaaarrrggghh

Offline bojangles17

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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o
Hawthons president did not grow up an rfc supporter. He is Hawthorn through and through. Where are ya getting your info from  ::)
Google it buddy boy, I've heard him interviewed and said as much ...both he and Colles debunk that nonsense you need to grow up on the terraces to be a good president ,  ::)
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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o
Hawthons president did not grow up an rfc supporter. He is Hawthorn through and through. Where are ya getting your info from  ::)

He was indeed a Richmond supporter who changed I think in his teenage years to hawthorn.

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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o
Hawthons president did not grow up an rfc supporter. He is Hawthorn through and through. Where are ya getting your info from  ::)

He was indeed a Richmond supporter who changed I think in his teenage years to hawthorn.
Obviously more intelligent than the rest of us.

Offline bojangles17

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RFC 1885, Often Imitated, Never Equalled