Gee WP really doesn't have much of a clue here.
Amazing. We need a sour grapes emoji.
When one does a good job, a fair person would acknowledge that.
Others may have done a better job in some areas, but the Don has delivered in many others, notably against ISIS, which was at its prime under Obama, and some say was created on behalf of his actions. Who the stuff talks about those clowns anymore?
So are you now saying he lied in his SOTU address?
You quoted him, now you are saying others may have done better than Trump but that's OK he's done good on other areas.
Make up your mind Frankie? You either back what he says; Which you did originally (actually you basically quoted it as gospel) or you don't?
He has done one great thing in his 3 short years and that is he has divided a country. He's managed to do something no other President has managed in a such short time samewith than less than 45% of the vote. So we'll done Donnie.
Scary thing is and you will love this is come Novemeber he is likely to be re-elected, not because he is great President but because outside of his fear mongering the Democrats are a basket case and their leading candidate at the minute Sanders, is a bigger look that Donald