If the club were smart there are various means to which intersectionality has been applicable in this whole ordeal.
- Critical race theory of First Nations peoples and their plight amongst the racist white elite.
- respect against woman is currently high on the political agenda. This situation is just another example of the way woman are objectified by an antediluvian patriarchal system.
- the growing need to highlight Black Lives Matter amongst First Nations peoples and the necessary examination of how the racist white media reports against them always associating drunkenness and generalising antisocial behaviour amongst people of colour in this country - club should name and shame every white journalist that makes a negative comment suggesting any wrongdoing.
- The only victims in this whole ordeal are typically First Nations peoples who were only doing their duty in respect of woman to “UNMUTE” themselves by standing up to any kind of abuse of against women. It again highlights the cultural systemic racist white dominated police department that should ultimately be defunded because many First Nations peoples have been killed in custody under this racist white man dominated Australian society.
The club should have the whole AFL dressed in pink bowing their knee before games and fist clenched high to the sounds of Bob Marley.