Author Topic: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]  (Read 617226 times)

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4035 on: August 09, 2023, 08:48:58 PM »
Rance gone

Cotch about to

Dusty has another couple of years probably

Not sure I'm ready to say bye to Jack. Have loved watching him play and he's exactly my age to the day, same birthday and all. Watching him retire would just make me feel old and sad I think lol

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4036 on: August 09, 2023, 09:10:13 PM »
As much as Dusty is the icon of the era I feel our success has surrounded so much of Jack's rise. I will really really miss seeing him play. Who would have thought that post Richo our next KP forward would transcends the great man, and that's coming from someone who would have ran through a brick wall for Richo.
Go Tigers!

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4037 on: August 09, 2023, 10:13:38 PM »
Hope he plays on for 1 more year. He deserves to see out his career as the third man up not the first.

Lets hope the club make the right call as coach, who will never let this happen again to a champ.

An absolute legend of our club.

If he was taking the spot off a kid id say retire.
If we had some depth in key fwds id say retire.

Sad truth is  thru mismanagement he continues to be a better option than any young KPF'S we have. not that there is any, only Bradtke and he was always going to take some time.
Even if Bradtke  does take a big step next year where is the depth.

Even if we draft a young kpf he too will take time so it seems he will be badly needed given we have no depth atm.

What is ironic is supporters calling for his head when there are no other options and any one we may get is unlikely to be better than JR.

Lynch aged what 31 there should have  been a young kpf in the system from the moment we traded for him. Jack aged 34 its the same thing. Even with Bradtke we still need a young genuine sized kpf and we so desperately need a proven mature kpf.
People think this problem will just magically fix itself with a bit of trading or some such crap. It could 5 years before we fix this if we cant get a good trade thru the door. Thing is we should not be forced to rely on trades to fix what should have been a simple list management thing thru the drafts.

exactly. I want him to play third man up with someone else pushing him out, but lets be really honest here. There isn't anyone capable. Laughable some calls for his axing.

i mean if you cant break into a side that has no forward line then they must either coached very poorly, or just be pretty average footballers. Samson Ryan is one where has he gone?

Jack will probably crack 35 goals which isn't bad for a lone man forward at the age of what 35.

I am all for the club being bigger than any player, but In jacks case i dont agree, and especially how he was treated this year. I think i recall Dimma saying this year once about Jack" he is playing injured but he knows i need him" Of course you do, because you have no one else.

The club needs to take a good hard luck at how they have managed our list the last few years as its been an absolute debacle. There were clear list needs and they just refused to accept this as they were aiming for one last dance. The club thought by adding a few guys to the mid would solve all our issues. Never mind the pressure game, defensive 50 transition, scores inside 50, Matters little. Hopper would solve all our issues.

If we recruited Bradtke say in 2020 i wouldn't be that disappointed, but we now have to start from scratch with these guys. Its going to be a very long road. Even longer that we sold our hopper picks, and especially if we dont find our way back in. My hope is we trade like GC/Cats did, and not by selling players because our list management cant do their job properly.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4038 on: August 09, 2023, 10:59:33 PM »
As much as Dusty is the icon of the era I feel our success has surrounded so much of Jack's rise. I will really really miss seeing him play. Who would have thought that post Richo our next KP forward would transcends the great man, and that's coming from someone who would have ran through a brick wall for Richo.

Oh how quickly they forget

Richo an entirely different level as a player .. not his fault his era was successful

Richo 2.84 goals per game to Jack 2.28
Richo 8.05 marks to Jack 5.28
Richo 14.05 disposals to Jack 11.86

Richo possibly the best contested mark of a football of all time

And without doubt Jack was lucky to spend a portion of his career in far more successful sides .. poor Richo played in some appalling sides

Nice use of the word transcend though

Online Andyy

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4039 on: August 10, 2023, 10:37:26 AM »
As much as Dusty is the icon of the era I feel our success has surrounded so much of Jack's rise. I will really really miss seeing him play. Who would have thought that post Richo our next KP forward would transcends the great man, and that's coming from someone who would have ran through a brick wall for Richo.

Oh how quickly they forget

Richo an entirely different level as a player .. not his fault his era was successful

Richo 2.84 goals per game to Jack 2.28
Richo 8.05 marks to Jack 5.28
Richo 14.05 disposals to Jack 11.86

Richo possibly the best contested mark of a football of all time

And without doubt Jack was lucky to spend a portion of his career in far more successful sides .. poor Richo played in some appalling sides

Nice use of the word transcend though

Richo a more gifted athlete by miles.

Jack IMO the smarter player.

Also different eras of course but as a pure football brain I think Jack takes the cake.

Forwards are virtually never isolated 1:1 anymore, kick significantly less goals etc.

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4040 on: August 10, 2023, 01:44:05 PM »
I actually think the best f/f of the three and another Tasmanian was Michael Roach.

We have been well served by Tasmania when it comes to key forwards. Roach, Richo, Riewoldt, Hart. Personally i think our best fwd line of all time
has all 4 plus Titus and Bartlett.
By todays standards Royce would play as a medium hf Titus and Bartlett as small fwds Richo high fwd useing his athleticism a bit like Franklin  and Roach would play ff and Jack chf.

Online Damo

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4041 on: August 10, 2023, 01:44:43 PM »
Andy -
Being isolated less often makes it even better to be a contested marking king like Richo

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4042 on: August 10, 2023, 03:05:31 PM »
Andy -
Being isolated less often makes it even better to be a contested marking king like Richo

He was a better mark for sure, not that Jack hasn't been awesome.

Only suggesting that I think richo kicked more goals due to his era.

If Richo played in Jack's team he might have kicked 900+ because the team was so much better

Jack similarly would have kicked more in richos era because it was more suited to larger hauls of goals

Generally though I think Jack is smarter, more skilled by foot, a better team player and leader. All very high praise given how I adored richo

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4043 on: August 10, 2023, 04:39:28 PM »
Rance gone

Cotch about to

Dusty has another couple of years probably

Not sure I'm ready to say bye to Jack. Have loved watching him play and he's exactly my age to the day, same birthday and all. Watching him retire would just make me feel old and sad I think lol

I love this post  :bow
"The money might have been better. But, at the end of the day, Richmond showed faith in me. It's only fair that now we're 18th on the ladder, I show the faith back in the club and do everything I can to put them in front. In the end, I'm stoked I made the decision to stay. I f***ing love this club”

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4044 on: August 14, 2023, 05:01:59 AM »
Jack Riewoldt has grabbed 32 contested marks this season - the second-most at the club and his most since 2018.

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4045 on: August 14, 2023, 05:32:54 PM »
Tom Morris on SEN:


Jack Riewoldt
– And while I’m on veterans, it is looking less and less likely by the day that Jack Riewoldt will play on.

I don’t know whether this is his call or the club’s… but unless something changes I don’t expect him to be at the Tigers in 2024.

Online Andyy

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4046 on: August 15, 2023, 08:02:12 AM »
Mentioned today on ABC that Jack might announce his retirement today.

Wouldn't surprise me if he and Cotch both finish up after Roos game with a home game farewell.

Cotch already confirmed.

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4047 on: August 15, 2023, 08:04:59 AM »
if its his call then so be it, if its not then the club can go and get stuffed the way they rag dolled him this year.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4048 on: August 15, 2023, 08:11:53 AM »
Legend that bled yellow and black

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Re: Jack Riewoldt - Triple Coleman medallist [merged]
« Reply #4049 on: August 15, 2023, 11:37:00 AM »
He announced retirement!!!! 😢😢😢 I guess we all knew it was coming . Enjoy retirement Jack. I hope we see you coaching the tigers sooner rather than later