One-Eyed Richmond Forum
Football => Richmond Rant => Topic started by: froars on June 22, 2004, 09:35:06 PM
Anyone ever follow the whereabouts of footballers who’ve played for the Tiges. A few go on to coaching, a la Knigher, Bondy etc, but I’d like to know what happens to the others. I rarely see ex players at Richmond games. Guys like Freeza – who you would think would still have a great interest - hardly ever. They may be there, and you just don’t see them, but you’d think you’d see a couple over the years – but I haven’t seen many.
And luv to know if they still play footy straight after they finish, or if the toll of AFL – injuries, discipline, fans etc – has turned them off the game.
I would luv to know how they feel about the clubs they played for 10 years after retirement. Do they luv the club, show mild interest in how they’re going, or nothing at all.
Tony Free is now coaching the Yarraville Tigers in the FDL (or whatever they call it these days). They have won 3 games so far this season.
Freezer was at the first Tommy Hafey Club luncheon celebrating "Captains Courageous" but unlike a lot of the old players that go to these functions he didn't stay on after it finished
Barry Young is a MMM commentator and Scotty Turner is coach at Warrnambool (dual premiership one at that). Daffy runs his pub/club business. Leon Cameron is assistant coach back at the Dogs. Of course Knighter coaches the Port Adelaide Magpies. Don't think any of them played again after they finished AFL.
I don't know but doubt Freezer would've played again anywhere. His knee was shot :'(.
There were a few 90s blokes at the game on Saturday night - Turner, Young, Daffy, Stuart Edwards, David Bourke (still a beanpole ;D), Robert Schaeffer? and a few others I've forgotten.
Hey Mightytiges, you forgot Chris Naish, he is working for the AFL. Good fella Naishy.
Tony Free was coaching Prahan in the Amatuers before he went to Yarraville.
I do beleive he got his self into a tiny bit of trouble yelling abuse from thre boundary.
Justin Pickering is coaching Old Melburnians in A- grade amatuers.
Jeff Hogg, Justin Paul and Allan McKellar played at St.Kilda City last year(southern league) I beleive Justin Paul is now coaching Bentleigh in the D-Grade Amatuers with Hoggy and Macca retired.
Trent Nichols went back to Tassie and now reads the sports reports on the news!
Is Jimmy Jess still playing?Did he kick a bag of goals recently or was i dreaming that i was back in the 80's?
I loved the Ghost!
Im still playing ametuer footy and the RFC ex players lve come across in the last few years are
Justin Paul CC of Bentleigh Tim Powell Coaching Monash Uni Old Boys Tony Free was coaching Prahran amatuers Stephen 'bomber James played for Bulleen-Templestowe in the mid-late 90s Nick Daffy Old Melburnians David 'Jughead' Bourke Vermont EDFL Aaron James Lalor DVFL Merv Keane Coach Old Caulfield Grammarians Ewan Thompson Melbourne High old boys Stephen Mount Collegians 12 years ago! John Manton Old Geelong until this year(Ive played on him 4 times over the years)
Well, I had Michael Pickering in the bar tonight. I told him he was my favourite player when the Tiges traded him to Melbourne :'(
Doesn't seem to be too interested in footy these days. He mentioned reading the paper a few days ago and saw where Richmond were on the ladder. :(
That's sad Gibby.
I wonder whether being associated with an era the club would care to forget would be the reason why they don't invite players of the mid to late '80 and onwards back to the club.
They celebrate a premiership anniversary on a whim - and so they should - but they've still got to acknowledge these guys in some way.
I agree froars and gibby that is sad. Especially as he won a B&F at his time at Richmond. Maybe the Club could organize decade reunions (90s, 80s, 70s, etc...) for these guys.
It was Adelaide's turn to host a legends game at the Adelaide Oval today between SA and Victoria.
Some former Tigers who turned out for the Big V were Naishy, Knighter, The Flea and to my pleasant surprise Jimmy Jess and the one and only Michael Pickering :).
As I sat in my recliner with my Ugg boots on trying to recover from my trip to the arctic ;D ;D
I am sure they said Jimmy Jess was the oldest bloke on the field today.
Michael Pickering looked so skinny , while that bloke from the Dogs - Kolyinuk (sp) looked like he could have beenthe star of that McDonalds movie "Up Size"
Michael Pickering looked so skinny , while that bloke from the Dogs - Kolyinuk (sp) looked like he could have beenthe star of that McDonalds movie "Up Size"
Yeah Wp, Pickers today would make David Bourke look fat.
How about the SA full forward Deitrich (sp?)! :o Supposedly had 2 meat pies with sauce at half time of every game he ever played. Great footy diet plan ;D.
Brodders and Sziller( bugger, cant remember how to spell that name..looks a bit odd) played for East Burwood EFL last year
Brodders is coach at East Burwood this year 2JD. Not sure if Sziller is still there but 3 other Richmond no names are, the 2 Slater boys (Adam kicked 11 last round) and Scott Homewood.
Just watched Andy Goodwin for a little while today running around for Mooroolbark. He was on his best behaviour because I think he has adjourned charges from last week still to be heard. His three quarter time address was just short of abusive and maniacal. Hate to see him when the team's not 15 goals up. ;D Still great entertainment value. Doesn't mind helping out the umpires with a bit of advice.
His three quarter time address was just short of abusive and maniacal. Hate to see him when the team's not 15 goals up. ;D
Andy was always good entertainment value when he was down at Punt Road :). Get him back down to Tigerland cause we haven't buried a side for 20 years :P.
East Perth have missed out on securing the services of former rugged Richmond midfielder Tim Fleming.
Fleming has signed with SANFL club, South Adelaide.
He had been in discussions with the Royals for several weeks, with the club flying him over to WA for a few days to have a look around.
Fleming had played 34 games for the Tigers since making his debut in 2003 before being de-listed by new coach Terry Wallace.
Isn't South Adelaide coached by Shaun Rehn?
If anyone else know the whereabouts of some of our de-listed blokes post it here ;D
Isn't South Adelaide coached by Shaun Rehn?
Shaun Rehn coaches West Adelaide where Tucky came from. Former Roo (?) Robert Pyman is South Adelaide's coach.
Clinton King plays for Souths as well. I think he won their B&F this year :o. Clay Sampson is their captain! No wonder they came second last ;D.
This is off the Tim Fleming topic a bit. I believe Duncan Kellaway, Matthew Rogers and Steven McKee will likely play for East Burwood next season where Paul Broderick is coach. Other ex Tigers there this year were Steven Sziller, Simon Hart, Scott Homewood and the two Slater boys. (Adam & I think Shaun)
I have heard that Billy Nicholls is going to play in the Geelong league for North Shore - he has taken on the role of assistant coach ;)
Depasquale is playing the SANFL i believe.
Depasquale is playing the SANFL i believe.
Yep hammer. He was Port Magpies' B&F this year.
Another B&F winner this year was Craig Ednie at Yarrawonga although he's now left there due to work commitments. He use to commute from Melbourne to up there to train and play.
Got a few mates still around at EB.
I think Brodders kicked 7 from the forward line in a game last year
Good luck to Fleming. He is a good bloke. Just preventing one of the youngsters getting a game as TW said..
I had SEN in the background this morning and I think according to their coach that Luke Weller has returned to his old club Northern Eagles in Brissy.
A couple of ex-Tigers joining and leaving the WAFL next year.
Garth Taylor (Nth Ballarat -> Swan Districts)
Marty McGrath (Nth Ballarat -> South Fremantle)
Royce Vardy (East Perth -> back to Victoria)
Marty McGrath (Nth Ballarat -> South Fremantle)
I really hope Marty gets himself together and plays some good footy and stops going walkabout ;).
Just on Luke Weller, hasnt Wayne Britain gone back to the club to coach ?
Or a club in the same league ?
Just on Luke Weller, hasnt Wayne Britain gone back to the club to coach ?
Or a club in the same league ?
That's right LGO, it's that club (Northern Eagles) now the Zillmere Eagles.
Another ex-Tiger looks like he is heading west. Andrew Mills is on the verge of going to play for East Perth.
This is the darn thread - i saw that posted on some WA footy site today and couldn't find this post to put it in.
Thanks MT.
I reckon East Perth are welcome to him.
He might struggle in Perth, nightclubs arent as good.
He is a big head, good ridance I say.
We dont need guys wacking blokes when they have there back turned either, goodbye
Blumfield's back at the bombers with Bendigo.
Saw this on nick's forum about McKee:
Report in this weeks Stonnington Leader that Steve McKee has signed with St Kevins OB to play in the VAFA 'A' Section this season. Report also states "that the club will need to manage McKee's build up to the season given that he had a struggle with osteitis pubis when he trained with Richmond before the preseason draft".
McKee OP ???
Had serious groin problems then back went.
As William Powell about crook backs, Ooouch !
:thumbsup T Fleming has signed with S Adelaide and M Rogers and D bourke have signed with E Burwood :lol
I think we should have a sticky thread of whatever happened 2. Me theres lots of players id like to find out about what theyre up to these days (please feel free to add in players from20 years ago and as a starter Ill start with
BRUCE TEMPANY: Anyone have any Ideas of What happened to him after the early 80's. Gotta say one of the unluckiest players never to get a premiership medallion. Deserved one in 80 but was out injured i think!
Is this the one you want, Ramps?
There were a couple of threads (thanks Moi) so I've merged them all together. Cheers MT.
BRUCE TEMPANY: Anyone have any Ideas of What happened to him after the early 80's. Gotta say one of the unluckiest players never to get a premiership medallion. Deserved one in 80 but was out injured i think!
I am pretty sure Temps is part of the new mentoring program at the club in 2005
Club corner interviewed John Pitura on Monday night.
- He said he wanted out of South Melbourne because they verbally agreed to pay him more then kept holding off putting the agreement in writing. South like all clubs at the time played hardball until they got Whale Roberts, Teasdale and Jackson.
- Chose Richmond because he wanted to come to a club that he thought would have more future success (beginning 1975). In hindsight unbeknown to him before he arrived our star players were getting old and we were beginning a transitional period. Looking back he said if he had chosen to go to North instead he would have got a transfer easily (in one day) and would have had a chance to win a premiership or two. Seemed he enjoyed his time at Tigerland though.
- He said he found it difficult fitting into our gameplan under Tommy and knowing where teammates ran to. Tommy also trained the players harder which was something he had to get use to.
- Feels what he went through has made it now easier for players to change clubs if they want to.
- Went up to Syndey due to job opportunities. Coached North Shore to a couple of premierships. Lived a period of time in NZ.
- Now living in Queensland IIRC and doesn't have any real interest in modern footy although he likes to reminisce and catch up with ex-teammates about the old days.
Ask a ruckman
Tony Hardy
The Age
June 4, 2005
David Honybun in the back of Brendon Gale's HQ Kingswood, where he'd lie down to help his back on the long drive to Geelong.
After two taxing careers, David Honybun ignores the glitterati, Tony Hardy writes.
David Honybun spilled a mark in front of Tom Hafey at NSW state training one night. The great coach hissed that "anyone over six foot three has no brains".
Sure enough, ex-former Carlton and Richmond ruckman Honybun is now an assistant commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office. His title of chief economist (international strategy and operations) needs two business cards and a spell check. No other ruckman could be more qualified to analyse the issues of the day.
"So, David," I asked, seated in his boardroom high above Spring Street, "what are your thoughts on the rumour that Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie actually hate each other?" Now I understand that two spoilt rich kids is an odd tack to take. But the question came late in the interview, after nearly two hours of his hypothe . . . hypotheseesi . . . of his really smart insights on everything from the future amalgamation of AFL clubs to the GDP of Guatemala.
His career has been one smart move after another. In 1986, his first night of pre-season training with North Melbourne was in 30-degree heat. It began at 5pm and at 7.30, there was a seven-kilometre race. For three hours, coach John Kennedy ruled that no player was allowed a sip of water. To prevent his death, halfway through the seven-kilometre time-trial, David stopped and jumped in the lake where he "paddled around".
"At Carlton, they watered their players" he smiled. He loved his previous three years at the Blues. He trained with legends such as Ashman, Southby, Doull, Buckley and Maclure. His locker was next to "Wow" Jones. "On our first weekend away, I was billeted with Jimmy Buckley. I looked up to Jimmy for reasons I'm not sure of. On the Saturday night, we were watching this country and western band when there was a big crash. Jimmy had thrown Ken Sheldon into a wall. Ken Sheldon was stuck in the wall."
"So anyway, David, Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie were friends but not any more. What do you think?"
David deflected the question. He mused about the difference between "implicit" and "complicit" and then we arrived at his years at Tigerland. It was where I first saw him play.
One afternoon at the MCG, he stopped and lay down for a rest along the half-forward line. He crossed his legs and put his hands behind his head. The footy bounced around him and 30,000 people watched. I was rapt. Other people liked it, too, because a few games later, I was hit in the head by a bun, tossed by a cult of Honybun supporters after he kicked a goal.
David's back collapsed on him at Richmond. His specialist said it was the worst back X-ray he'd ever seen on anybody of any age. For the drive to Kardinia Park, Allan Jeans made him lie in the back of Benny Gale's orange HQ Kingswood station wagon. "We got flogged, anyway. Bryan Leys' job to tag Gary Ablett was routinely unsuccessful. Ablett kicked 10 or 12, which was about his average against Richmond."
David described Richmond in the late '80s and early '90s as "like a country footy club". Things didn't work. They even had a boot sponsor that refused to send boots. "We bought our own boots, then had the bootmaker put the right stripes in," he said.
The chief economist of the ATO worries about the future of the game. "We've had an economic boom and clubs are making a loss. What happens at the next recession?"
"I think it was during the last recession that Nicole Ritchie's dad Lionel sang . . . Hello?" I countered.
"Soccer has finally got itself right," he continued. "I don't think it's half the game that Aussie Rules is, but long-term, footy hasn't the right system in place. What if there's no media rights and we're in a recession?"
I took his point. "Speaking of media rights, I only bring up Paris and Nicole because they were on the cover of a women's magazine."
And then, finally, Honybun agreed to point his ruckman's brain towards the issue of the day. "Oh, I don't follow that stuff at all," he said. "I'm not a glitterati person. Most of US television is a non-event, a complete waste of time."
Gee he's smart.
Marty McGrath is playing for Templestowe (EFL-Div 3).
Still loves taking hangers.
Marty McGrath is playing for Templestowe (EFL-Div 3).
Still loves taking hangers.
Edit for legal reasons please refer to
In part:
If you name someone and they are subsequently NOT CHARGED with an offence then you can be subject to a defamation case.
They said that a key point was that information contained on web-sites is considered published and in the public domain.
They had Nathan Bower on club corner last night.
Very average player except he own Peter Matera on a footy field. One of the mysteries of the universe :thumbsup. LOL mastermind Gieschen bringing him back into the seniors just for an Eagles game back in 98.
As part of my day off I also went to the Tommy Hafey Club Luncheon today.
The theme was "Fathers and Sons" who's played for the Tigers.
Some of the "Old" and not old tigers there were:
Michael, Sean & Joel Bowden
Alan & Matthew Richardson
Geoff & Andrew Raines
Michael & Tom Roach
Frank Bourke and grandson David (St Francis sent his apologises :thumbsup)
Max Oppy and his son Grant
Tony & Nick Jewell
John Pitura minus son Mark ;D
I think that's all of them
John Pitura minus son Mark ;D
And we still didn't make up for the worse trade in history with the F/S son :help.
Frank Bourke and grandson David (St Francis sent his apologises )
How was the great man??
He must be close to 85 i'd reckon.
What a player!!!
Frank Bourke and grandson David (St Francis sent his apologises )
How was the great man??
He must be close to 85 i'd reckon.
What a player!!!
Looked very frail Mopsy but he was quite funny with his anwers to the Rex Hunt questions. Rex would ask these long questions about the family's history with the Club and Frank would give one word answers - Rex then asked young David a question and after he answered he went back to Frank and said something like "want to add anything to your last answer Frank?" and Frank would say "No". Seems like a very shy and humble man
Bob Heard or Hird ?
Bob Heard or Hird ?
Was last seen selling wine to hotels, fact
Northey back in charge
18 November 2005
Herald Sun
Mark Robinson
JOHN Northey has put the coaching hat back on at age 62.
The former Sydney, Melbourne, Richmond and Brisbane coach has returned to country Victoria and will coach Ballarat in the Ballarat Football League. He was appointed this week.
Sadly, the proposal to coach Ballarat arose when Northey, who was living on the Gold Coast, returned to Ballarat for his father's funeral in early September.
"It was out of the blue," Northey said yesterday.
Northey will also manage the club's new $1.2 million licensed sports club. He had previously owned a bar and restaurant on the Gold Coast.
"They asked me about doing the job and I knocked them back . . . and then they came back with a proposal regarding their sports club," Northey said.
Now he's back at the helm and, he says, his passion has also returned.
"I suppose you mellow over the years of coaching," he said.
But has he mellowed? "We'll see . . . I'm sure I've still got that bit of venom I can throw out.
"Hopefully I can educate these kids well because they are a very young side, they haven't had any success for about 18 years, I believe."
A successful Victorian country coach, Northey coached four clubs in the AFL from 1985 to 1998 before coaching Broadbeach in Queensland and South Fremantle in Western Australia.,8033,17283120%255E19742,00.html
Ex-tigers Damien Ryan and Steve McKee played for St Kevins OB in the Ammos this year.
Brian Leys coaching in country SA from memory Claire area
Brian Leys coaching in country SA from memory Claire area
Cheers for that ATF and welcome to OER :cheers. Last I heard of him he was captain of Port Magpies a couple of years back.
He went to country SA to play for the cash in 2005, don't know what his up to for 2006!
Other past Richmond or listed players around the SANFL include:
Tim Fleming, Clinton King and Clay Sampson (Capt) - South Adelaide
Pat Steinfort (Retired), Ben Marsh (Retired), Marc Dragicevic - West Adelaide
Tim Fleming, Clinton King and Clay Sampson (Capt) - South Adelaide
Ben Haynes, Ben Hollands, Kyle Archibald, Marc Dragicevic - West Adelaide
Shane Morrison - Port Adelaide Magpies
Tim Fleming and Clinton King may not line up this year because there has been huge walkout at the Panthers
Oh i Forgot at my club Woodville-West Torrens Eagles Brent Frewen
Two other players for Port Adelaide Magpies in 2005 Kristan Depasquale (Hope spelling right) and Matthew King,
When I was over in Mornington in October there was a strong rumour going around that a Former Tiger and HAwk Mark Graham ws taking over the reins from Simon Goosey at Mornington.
Why has there been mass walkouts at South Adelaide?
From my unserstanding player not respecting and getting along with coach Robert Pyman. Also there is a shake up with there board.
Ben Haynes, Ben Hollands, Kyle Archibald, Marc Dragicevic - West Adelaide
Great to see Kyle's got a gig in one of the strongest competitions outside the AFL - quality young man Kyle Archibald :woohoo
From my unserstanding player not respecting and getting along with coach Robert Pyman. Also there is a shake up with there board.
Rob Pyman isnt a bad bloke either.
Might be a Senior AFL Coach one day
I do also believe that Rob Pyman is a good coach, and hopefully will became an AFL coach.
Is Kyle Archibald any good, what type of player is he, was there injuries that prevented him playing at an elite level.
I reckon he is a bit of a chump
William Powell rates him pretty good ;)
Needs to work alot harder :weights
I reckon he is a bit of a chump
William Powell rates him pretty good ;)
Needs to work alot harder :weights
I said he was a quality bloke. At least he had the courage to turn-up to the B&F after he was told he was gone unlike a couple of others
I reckon he did work hard while he was at the Tigers Jack - he was always working a lot harder than a few of his more "gifted" team-mates, trying to improve. Skill wise he was never going to as good as a number of others but his enthusiasm for trying to make it was great.
His kicking was his major weakness IMO
Is Kyle Archibald any good, what type of player is he, was there injuries that prevented him playing at an elite level.
ATF - Kyle had a very severe cash of OP in his first season basically didn't play at all - except for a couple of games at Coburg late in 2004.
Kyle will be a good player at state level once someone tells him that there is no such thing as a 194cm rover! ;)
[turns volume down ;) ]
I thought he filled in for a game or two but there you go :-[. I also thought at one stage he was playing assistant of sorts to former coach Steven Williams, brother of the Power's Mark.
Hilton finds joy of game at Euroa
11 March 2006
Herald Sun
David Hastie
DELISTED by Richmond at the end of 2005, utility Rory Hilton was understandably disenchanted with football.
Dogged by injury for much of his eight seasons at the top, Hilton confessed he never really enjoyed his time in the AFL.
"My AFL career, I didn't really enjoy it that much because I was always injured," Hilton said.
"Footy's a game and you have got to enjoy it and I suppose I haven't."
After he was told by Tigers coach Terry Wallace that his contract wouldn't be renewed, the talented 26-year-old felt an enormous weight lifted off his battered shoulders.
"When I found out off Terry, I wasn't upset, let me tell you," Hilton said. "It was probably more a feeling of relief than anything. I'd had enough of AFL probably about three seasons ago to be honest.
"But I just sort of hung in there for as long as I could."
Ready to turn his back on football altogether, Hilton had a change of heart, agreeing to play with country side Euroa in the Goulburn Valley Football League this season.
"Initially I wasn't sure if I was going to bother with footy because I had sort of had enough," he said.
"Footy isn't a priority any more. I'm doing it purely to play with some mates and enjoy it."
Hilton, who kicked 54 goals in 91 matches, will return to Euroa where he played as a junior. For the first time since being selected by the Brisbane Lions with their third selection in the 1996 national draft, Hilton is enjoying his football.
The refuge of country football is a welcome escape for Hilton from the AFL landscape.
"I certainly won't go and watch the footy," he said.
"I'll still support (the Tigers) from afar, but probably my mates more so than the actual club. But that's not to say I'm bitter or anything because I loved my time there.
"I loved all the staff and everyone there but I haven't been in touch with them, not at all."
Life after AFL has been kind to Hilton. He is working full-time and studying property part-time, a welcome change from lengthy spells on the sidelines because of injury.
"I'm pretty happy just to be playing footy on the weekend and working during the week and studying and doing all normal things," he said.
"I'm loving it, wish I had have done it about five years ago.",8033,18417536%255E19742,00.html
Tim Fleming and Clinton King may not line up this year because there has been huge walkout at the Panthers
Fleming and King aren't named on the South Adelaide playing list so it sound like they have gone elsewhere.
In the Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader newspaper there's a photo of Trent Nicholls who has joined Heatherton in the Southern Football League.
Ty Zantuck is meant to be lining up for Zillmere up this way.
Read in today's paper that Zantuck kicked 12 goals in the game on the weekend for Zillmere. Luke Weller is also playing for Zillmere. Zillmere were 170 to their opposition (can't remember who it was) 122.
Saw this on Y&B
Tigers champ Turner returns
Dean Lawson
Wimmera Mail Times
Friday, 2 June 2006
FORMER Richmond champion Scott Turner will return to his native club Ararat this weekend after a 15-year absence from Wimmera Football League.
Turner's inclusion has bolstered the Rats for a crucial match against Horsham United on Sunday.
The experienced key-position defender told the Mail-Times yesterday he was looking forward to his Wimmera League return.
"I can't wait to be running around Alexandra Oval again. It's going to be different, I don't really know many of the guys, a lot of them are my mates' sons," he said. "I'm a bit excited. I'm looking forward to getting through the game, getting the four points
and having a cold beer in the clubrooms afterwards."
Turner, based in Warrnambool, will only play when available, a situation caused by a combination of work, travel, family commitments and injury management.
He is waiting on the sale of his Noodle Box business in Warrnambool before moving back to the Wimmera with wife Kerri and son Paddy, 6.
Turner has lived in Warrnambool for the past five years.
In that time he has coached Warrnambool to back-to-back Hampden League premierships. Last year he was assistant coach of the side and finished third in the club's best and fairest.
He has trained with South Warrnambool and Warrnambool this year and organised his own training regime during the past few weeks.
"I would have liked to play earlier in the season but it wasn't to be. I got one of the Ararat guys at the club to fax me through a draw and I circled the United game, I was pretty keen to play in that one. I want to play against our arch-rival Stawell next
week but I'm pencilled into play in a Richmond legends match, so we'll see what happens," he said.
"We've got Horsham in a few weeks too and I'd love to play them. I played against David Johns in a Richmond exhibition match against a Northern Territory representative side many years ago. It was good - two Wimmera blokes going at it."
Ararat coach David Law said Turner's return had created a positive buzz in the club but was careful to say his inclusion would not unbalance the side.
"It's fantastic news for the club, but we are not going to become one dimensional," he said. "If 16-year-old Tom Cashin is in the best spot to kick a goal we want him to kick it. We don't want him to pass it to Scott Turner.
"Turner is a significant part of our make-up and where we are going but our team will not revolve around him."
" I'm looking forward to getting through the game, getting the four points
and having a cold beer in the clubrooms afterwards."
How original..... ::)
Demons cast spell over Wimmera league
Paul Daffey
The Age
June 10, 2006
THE return of former Richmond defender Scott Turner to his home-town club has injected life into the Wimmera Football League. Before last week's round, in which Turner kicked six goals in his first game for Ararat in 15 years, Wimmera fans would have been forgiven for losing interest.
Former Richmond backman Scott Turner, 36, said before last weekend that he was especially looking forward to playing against Stawell. Such is the feeling engendered by a rivalry stretching back to the 1870s.
Full article:
Zantuck kicked another 12 goals for Zillmere on the weekend. Bet the Bombers wished they still had him.
Zantuck kicked another 12 goals for Zillmere on the weekend. Bet the Bombers wished they still had him.
Pity he seemed to be such a head case, I did like his couple of soccer goals a few years back.
Saw an article on Craig Ednie the other day, apologise if it's been mentioned, I don't even remember him.
Remember Athas Hyrsolakis?
Saw an article on Craig Ednie the other day, apologise if it's been mentioned, I don't even remember him.
Remember Athas Hyrsolakis?
Had a Greek mate at school who could rattle off every VFL and VFA player with a Greek name. Athos was one of his favourites even though he was another recycled dud we recruited during the 80s.
Ednie (early 00s) was a elevated rookie who was similar in size to Foley. Genetics (too small) was the reason he didn't make it rather than lack of ability or attitude. Played just 7 games.
How Duck pays the bills
01 July 2006 Herald-Sun
Mike Sheahan
WHEN Nick Daffy left Mt Gambier for Melbourne late in 1991, his future was based on nothing more substantial than a spot on the Richmond list and the optimism of youth.
He had no place to stay in the big city, no job outside of football.
He has often told mates he wondered where he was headed in a Mini Minor struggling to climb the West Gate Bridge on that drive to Melbourne.
Fifteen years on, the player nicknamed ``Duck'' is one of the outstanding examples of how a young man can turn a football career into a bridge to the business world, to success and financial security.
Not simply because he was a good footballer, more because he was a good player who also was a good listener, a young man with ambition and drive and an early realisation footballers can be finished before they're 30.
Daffy, 33, is one of three partners in After Dark management, which owns four cafe/club/lounge/bars in Melbourne. He also is a senior partner and driving force in a separate group of former and current footballers who own the Waterside Hotel in the CBD, freehold and all.
His business partners are former teammates Wayne Campbell, Brendon and Michael Gale, and Stuart Wigney, current players Nick Riewoldt, Nathan Brown, Matthew Richardson, Chris Tarrant and Dean Solomon, and Essendon premiership player Sean Wellman.
The Waterside, reportedly purchased for $3.4million a couple of years ago, will be valued in the order of $7million when current renovations are completed.
The old wharfie landmark now is the place where the corporates gather on weekdays and the young and socially mobile like to be seen at night.
Daffy has equity in the Blue Room, Lounge Room (Docklands), Waterside, Water Rat and the latest Docklands venture, The Fix, in which his partners are Tarrant and comedian Dave Hughes.
Richmond premiership player Peter Welsh, a club director during much of Daffy's time at Punt Rd Oval, alerted him to the need to use his football earnings and contacts.
``He sat myself and Wayne Campbell down a few years ago and said, `Get into commercial property as quick as you can','' Daffy said.
Daffy already had shown himself to be a self-starter, buying into a run-down pizza shop in Clarendon St, South Melbourne, a shop that became the Blue Room.
That was in 1998, when he was 25 and just six years into his career. He risked his house to take a part in the $300,000 enterprise. It was, he says, a ``fairly big risk''.
He had been a signwriter for four years then a full-time footballer for two, but he and teammate Campbell had plans and dreams, and both were aspiring developers.
``What helped me was I hung in the right group, I had a couple of good role models. I had Wayne and Brendon Gale, who were heading down the right track,'' Daffy said.
``Peter Welsh, too. He was a bit of a lad, but he had a business instinct ... yeah, a bit like myself. One thing he said was when you come out football, you have a thicker skin than a lot of other people and a lot more energy, and you're ready to take a risk because you're used to taking risks.''
Daffy is the ideas man, the one who sees the opportunities, plans the design and development, and then markets the finished product.
It all started when he became friends with Jimmy Derzekoz, who ran a sandwich bar opposite the Blue Room.
``At the time, all we did was train and play and go to coffee shops and restaurants, so I thought this would be a great thing to get involved in,'' Daffy said.
``Jimmy, myself and Vic Stroumos bought the Blue Room. Now we've got four places.''
Daffy is happy involving footballers in his ventures, so long as they come with the right motives.
``I always wanted to be involved with people who wanted to learn a bit about business rather than just piggy-back them,'' he said. ``If you get the right mix and everyone's got their own roles, it can work.''
Tarrant, for example, is expected to be the front man at functions for groups such as Collingwood corporates.
``Chris has been wanting to get into something for a couple of years and Paul Connors (his manager) is out there seeking opportunities for his players.''
Daffy says he learned many of his business principles from football.
``I used to watch the (Robert) Harveys and the (Matthew) Knights.
``I found out Harvey trained harder than anyone else, so I did the same thing. I always made sure I trained harder than anyone at Richmond.
``In business, I learned to just ask, ask, ask.
``There's a lot of down time in football, a lot of time to gather information, to learn.''
Daffy played 165 games for Richmond and one for Sydney from 1992-2002. He won Richmond's best-and-fairest in 1998.,8033,19642789%255E19742,00.html
Ex-players deserve more than a battered body
01 July 2006 Herald-Sun
Comment by Mike Sheahan
PETER Welsh says he played with and against many ``absolute champions'' who left football with little more than memories.
``In my era (1973-84), there were a lot of guys who were brilliant footballers, absolute champions, who came out the end with nothing.
``A lot of players look for benefactors to make them the money, but you've actually got to do it yourself.
``Nick (Daffy) has gone out and done it himself.''
Welsh, who owns Tanami Trading, a wholesale business dealing in sporting and outdoor goods, said he left it too long to address a future after football.
In an admission that will surprise no one who played with him at either Hawthorn or Richmond, he said: ``I should have got smarter when I was playing football, but my social interests probably occupied a little too much of my time.''
Daffy and several of his teammates were the beneficiaries of Welsh's belated maturity. ``I took a bit of shine to three or four of the boys, Nick, Wayne (Campbell), the Gale boys (Brendon and Michael) and Richo (Matthew Richardson).
``I remember having a lot of talks with Nick and Wayne about football being just football, that there's another life and you have to pursue it with the same energy.
``You have this abundance of energy, both physically and emotionally, when you're playing football.
``When you finish, suddenly you can put all that energy and emotion into other areas.
``I remember telling them property is the thing. As long as you can fund it, you'll come out a winner. These boys have made a great fist of it.''
Welsh said he merely replicated the role of another former Richmond player and director, the late John Robertson.
``Robbo was a great mentor of mine. We would meet at Don Camillo's (restaurant) weekly and chat about lots of things.
``Craig Stewart, Stephen Pirrie and Michael Thomson all were players and friends of mine who committed to doing well in business.
``Footballers today have got an unbelievable opportunity, but there's still players coming out with not a cracker.
``In the end, it comes back to the individual. You put all these guys in the melting pot (AFL) and they've got to decide who they want to be like.'',8033,19642528%255E19742,00.html
Matthew Greig (son of the bloke who stole KB's Brownlow) is blitzing for Vermont in EFL Div 1 playing at full-forward. Was at Richmond for 2 or 3 years but a permanent fixture in the reserves. 54 goals so far in 10 games.
Matty Knights has re-signed for 2 more years as coach of the Bendigo Bombers. So he won't be one of our new assistant coaches.
FORMER Richmond and Kangaroos utility David Bourke has stepped into the Myrtleford senior line-up to play Wodonga Raiders in the Ovens and Murray League today.
Bourke kicked four goals in the Myrtleford reserves last week after agreeing to join former Richmond teammate Steve McKee at the club mid-season.
"He played some good footy which is all we wanted to see really," Myrtleford coach Travis Hodgson said.
"We didn't want anything too special. We just wanted to see if his body was right after having so much time off.
"But he was great and the reserves boys had a good win. It was a good way for him to start."
Bourke comes into the team to help replace star duo Brad Murray and Andrew Carey, who were both injured against North Albury last round.,8033,19788610%255E19897,00.html
Neville Roberts anyone?
My mum took me to the Royal Melb Show when i was a little Ox, to meet him as he was stuck at some stand doing
personal appearances for the week.
So,what happened to him?
No-one except me came - LMAO
I was there for 3 hours just asking him stupid quesitions.
In the end the bastard started hitting on my mum - funny thing is,she took me back there the next day -LMAOOOO
funny thing is,she took me back there the next day -LMAOOOO
What a great supporter of the club your mum must be ;)
A mate kindly sent me this pic of former Tiger Matt Greig now starring as FF at Vermont in the Eastern Football League. Now that's a mark :gobdrop.
Jackstar has already mentioned about Stafford playing for newly relocated Balwyn in the EFL and Micky McGuane coaching. Tartar sauce says Blumfield will also be there along with Harford and Barker from Hawthorn. Mark Chaffey is going to play for Noble Park.
Luke Weller has gone to East Fremantle as has Coburg's Rob Young.
Dean Limbach signs for Seagulls
Former Richmond forward Dean Limbach has signed on to play for Williamstown in 2007. Dean is a mobile forward who should provide a strong marking target in the forward line next season.
Dean failed to play a game at AFL level in his two years at the Tigers after being drafted at #52 in the 2004 National Draft. However he showed promising signs as a Tall Forward at VFL level in 2006 booting 7 goals against Port Melbourne and 5 goals against Werribee. Dean kicked 30 goals from 15 games at Senior level and kicked 20 goals from 4 games at Reserves level for Coburg. Dean was also part of the 2004 Calder Cannons TAC Cup Premiership side.
Dean is a valuable acquisition to the Williamstown side to fill the void in the forward line after the departures of Galea and Lawry.
Rombotis is the new coach of Kangaroo Flat....
KANGAROO Flat yesterday ended its three-month search for a new senior coach by announcing former AFL player John Rombotis will lead the club in the All Seasons Bendigo Football League this year.
Rombotis played 48 games of AFL football with Fitzroy, Port Adelaide and Richmond.
Kangaroo Flat has won just five games in the past four seasons, but Rombotis, who has signed a two-year deal, says he isn't concerned by what the club has done in the past, he is focussed solely on the future.
'‘We're about developing a new side and a new beginning," Rombotis, who was non-committal on whether he will pull on the boots this year, said yesterday.
Since Rombotis' AFL career ended in 2000, he has coached Belgrave in the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League, won a premiership with amateur club St Kevin's and spent the past two years coaching Roxburgh Park in the second division of the Essendon District Football League.
‘‘This is a two-year coaching tenure with an option, but at the moment, I just want to focus on developing the side and I'm really looking forward to it."
‘‘John has a vast amount of experience, he has played with Fitzroy underneath Bernie Quinlan and Mick Nunan, Port Adelaide underneath John Cahill, and Richmond under Jeff Gieschen and Danny Frawley.
Local WIN TV News of Wednesday 10 January said that an agreement had been made with Tom Roach's management for him to play with North Ballarat Roosters this year.
Ashley Prescott is set to be appointed coach of the WA State side to face Victoria in May. - The Sunday Times.
Merv Keane, a former Richmond teammate of Sheedy, as well as a successful coach at TAC Cup and VFL level, looms as the Bombers' most likely new recruiting manager." - The Sunday Age
Shane Morrison has left Port Adelaide
Ben Haynes has left West Adelaide and returned to Victoria to join Silvan in the Yarra Valley Mountain District League
Kyle Archibald has left West Adelaide and gone to Yarrawonga
Jonathon Lee, son of the General, has joined Woodville-West Torrens
Brent Frewen has left Woodville-West Torrens
And this off bomberblitz:
Ty Zantuck most probably at Doutta stars or Balwyn, zantuck and stafford have been training with douttas, zantuck has said he's only been down at douttas cause he's seen careys face down there... edfl footy = source
what about Dean Limbach ???
Scroll up 5 posts, torch. ;) Might need to flick your switch on. :)
Merv Keane is now Senior Recruiting Coordinator at the Bombers.
Could of told you that.
Was reported in a post elsewhere 3 weeks ago One-eyed, you are slipping.
He has joined others over there at Windy Hill
Courtesy of bomberblitz:
Sounds like Spud deciding over Fiora and Pavlich :lol
Here's how the interview went:
Sheeds: So, if you had the first pick in the draft and there was this kid who looked like champion already: tough, good ball winner - a real safe bet. Then there's this other kid we've been hiding up in the Tiwi Islands - he's not played much football and he's about 50kgs. But he's got a lot of upside. I mean a lot of upside. Like, you wouldn't know it from the way he fumbles all the time and that's when he even gets the thing in the first place & the way he's spent by about quarter time. He's primarily played on the wing and last week he racked up a game high 8 possessions. As I said, HUGE upside.
Who do you draft?
Keane: Uhh, the second kid?
Sheedy: Excellent, you're in.
where is MATTHEW ROGERS ???
matty rogers remember that game he beat the bulldogs when the umps gave us the free kick at TD back in the early 00's
ah the memories
or am i mistaken?????
Wasn't that Bourke, Holf?
Or am I wrong lol
all i remember was that it was in the goal square n we ended up winning
cant memba the year
it could have been bourke but i htought it was rogers
correct if im wrong fellas
yeah ... the dogs were robbed that night i reckon ... i reckon that was a push in the back by rogers .. but ...
suffer western bulldogs, suffer ... they deserve it !
wallace had a go at us before the match ...
and welcome on board HOLFdog ...
you know HOLFDOG ... some bulldogs supporters still "CRY" over that match ...
:clapping hahah Torch i know ive got this mate that always says we were robbed
im like mate get over it
fact is dogs are rubbish no chance of winning flag
And thanks for the welcome Aboard mate
thanks holfdog ...
yeah ... i reckon the dogs are a better shot then us ...
and yeah tell your mate to get over it ...
Bruce Tempany works with my daughter in Box Hill, I sent my old autograph book to work with her and embarrassed the heck out of him lol
where is Matthew Rogers ???
and ex geelong and port adealide Paul Kour.....itis ???
where is Matthew Rogers ???
and ex geelong and port adealide Paul Kour.....itis ???
I can't remember who Matty Rogers is with but Paul Koulouriotis is with the Tassie Devils in the VFL this year.
I was at the Bowden Borther new cafe in Carlton this morning for a Good Friday Appeal Charity Breakfast (all money went to the appeal - bloody nice food too I might add :clapping :clapping)
Paul Broderick was there with his kids - I reckon Brodders could pull the boots on now and still shine for us - he looked in good "nick"........
Tony Free ???
Matthew Gale ???
Ty Zantuck and his brother have joined playing coach and another former Tiger John Rombotis at Kangaroo Flat in the Bendigo league.
Ben Haynes has joined a few ex-Bombers at Silvan in the YARRA Valley Mountain District league.
I don't know if it's been mentioned already by Dragga is now the captain at West Adelaide. That now makes two former Tigers who are captains in the SANFL with the other Clay Sampson at South Adelaide.
Also Jonathan Lee played in the SANFL seniors for Woodville-West Torrens last weekend.
Dean Limbach kicked another bag of 6 goals for Willy yesterday.
Tom Roach is a guest on this week's VFL internet tv show (
Craig Consindine ????????????
Brad Smith, who was a young ruckman on our list around 1996 before going to the Pies, has joined Micky McGuane at Balwyn in the EFL.
Limbach kicked another 4 today for Willy to make it 16 from 3 games.
Limbach kicked another 4 today for Willy to make it 16 from 3 games.
Seriously good luck to Dean - perhaps getting de-listed was the kick in the pants he needed
Actually in the local paper last week there was an interview with young Dean about being cut by Richmond and ending up at Williamswood sorry I meant Williamstown ;D - good to see the lad's not bitter - yeah right (WP says sarcastically) :help :whistle ::) ;D
Actually in the local paper last week there was an interview with young Dean about being cut by Richmond and ending up at Williamswood sorry I meant Williamstown ;D - good to see the lad's not bitter - yeah right (WP says sarcastically) :help :whistle ::) ;D
What did Dean say?
You need to be more than just a mark and kick forward now days.
What did Dean say?
You need to be more than just a mark and kick forward now days.
He said that he was promised after beng de-listed that he would be rookied by Richmond, that's why he continued to train with them, said he would be "looked after". Reckons he was then told 30 minutes before the rookie draft that he wasn't going to be selected. He was a bit ticked off to say the least
What did Dean say?
You need to be more than just a mark and kick forward now days.
He said that he was promised after beng de-listed that he would be rookied by Richmond, that's why he continued to train with them, said he would be "looked after". Reckons he was then told 30 minutes before the rookie draft that he wasn't going to be selected. He was a bit ticked off to say the least
It was rumoured for a long time last year that Dean was going to be dropped back to the rookie list with Howat promoted. Then both didn't happen and Kingsley was picked up in the PSD with King and Clingan as our 3rd and 4th rookies. Once the Club decided on Kingsley that was the end for Limbach at Punt Rd.
Andy Goodwin is still going strong at almost 44 years of age for Yarra Glen in the
second division of the Yarra Valley Mountain District league.
Goodwin was Yarra Glen's best player in its most recent match, a draw against Belgrave, 13.10 (88) apiece. Yarra Glen, which had a bye last week, is hosting the undefeated Yarra Junction today.
So what ever happened to Darren Gaspar?
I need some help with a name. Young aboriginal player, who played for Mt Evelyn last year and was with us a couple of years ago, really skinny legs lol. I'm going crazy trying to think of his name!
Marty McGrath?
yes julz! thats it!.thanks :thumbsup
Dean Limbach and Ezra Poyas have made the VFL state side to play WA in 2 weeks time.
whatever happened to ... "richmond's passion to just win matches???"
Shane Morrison was one the bests for Mt Gravatt on the weekend in their win over the Labrador Tigers in the QAFL.
In the Eastern Football League, Ex-listed Tiger Matthew Greig kicked 11 goals on the weekend for Vermont in their spanking of Donvale by 124 points.
Ex-Tigers Jeremy Humm, Ross Funcke and Craig Ednie have made the Victorian Country squad to play the Victorian Amateurs next month.
david bourke ???
Not sure what he's doing now but Roger Dean was surrounded by young ladies at the Cocktail Party. ;D
david bourke ???
Apparently playing for Myrtleford in the Ovens & Murray League
VCFL League Name Current VCFL Club
Alberton Royce Vardy DWWWW
Ballarat John Northey Ballarat*
Bendigo John Rombotis Kangaroo Flat
Bendigo Ty Zantuck Kangaroo Flat
Central Highlands Alan Lynch Beaufort*
Ellinbank & District Ty Esler Cora Lynn
Geelong Craig Biddiscombe South Barwon
Geelong Simon Fletcher St Mary’s
Geelong Jeremy Humm Newtown and Chilwell
Geelong Billy Nicholls North Shore
Goulburn Valley Rory Hilton Euroa
Mornington Brett Evans Narre Warren
Mornington Clinton King Keysborough
Mornington Haydn Robbins Beaconsfield*
Murray Lionel Proctor Cobram
North Central Ross Funcke Donald
Ovens & Murray David Bourke Myrtleford
Ovens & Murray Craig Ednie Yarrawonga
Ovens & Murray Steve McKee Myrtleford
* Coach
Not sure what he's doing now but Roger Dean was surrounded by young ladies at the Cocktail Party. ;D
Saw that. Rog has got better looking as he's aged
Always see him at games :thumbsup
Barry Rowlings broke his ribs and punctured a lung in a charity footy game on the weekend :(. All the best to Bazza in his convalescence.
Former Tiger Kevin Shinner
Legend still enjoying those days of glory
Dandenong Star
By Shaun Inguanzo
2nd August 2007 11:00:04 AM
DANDENONG’S own football legend Kevin Shinners was guest speaker at a special luncheon organised by Dandenong RSL secretary John Laughton last week.
The afternoon event took place at the RSL sub branch last Thursday and Mr Shinners was on hand to entertain guests with stories about his footballing days.
Mr Shinners not only played for Dandenong but also with the Richmond Tigers in 1967 and 1968.
The 62-year-old said that during the late 1950s there was no junior football league in Dandenong.
“I was playing with the Noble Park Under 17s when I was only 11 years old,” he said.
“I was not given a game each week but I trained all of the time.”
Mr Shinners then went to Dandenong where he played under 19s as a 16-year-old.
His finesse with the ball earned him a spot with the Richmond Tigers at the age of 22 where he wore the number 18 and played alongside Bombers coaching legend Kevin Sheedy.
Mr Shinners played 23 matches for Richmond between 1967 and 1968 and said he still kept in touch with former players, including Sheedy.
In fact, Mr Shinners revealed that he had spoken to Sheedy soon after the announcement he would not be staying on as Essendon coach.
“He’ll coach again, let’s put it that way,” Mr Shinners said when members of the audience began questioning him about his conversation with Sheedy.
“I’d like to see him back at Richmond but not as a coach,” he said.
“The problem at Richmond is that there are not enough Richmond people.”
Mr Shinners said he believed that today’s footballers were overpaid and instead needed to revert back to the old VFL days where most had occupations on top of their football commitments.
Mr Shinners said football had played a big part of his life and was a great game for uniting people.
“You all go out on to the ground as equals,” he said.
“And the contacts you make (in football) are lifelong.”
Mr Shinners had a short but sweet closing line for the audience to take away.
“Enjoy the moment, bask in the memories,” he said.
In this town, A-list is AFL-list
Ian Gilbert | August 19, 2007 | The Age
Former Richmond captain Wayne Campbell, now on the Western Bulldogs' coaching staff, acknowledges that a footy figurehead does a business no harm. He owns The Swan pub in Richmond and (with football "names" Nick Riewoldt, Nathan Brown, Brendon Gale and Sean Wellman) the Waterside Hotel in the city.
"No doubt early on it helps to have a name, but the product is first, second and third in terms of importance. I think it makes it easier to advertise or to market because people think, the Waterside — Nick Riewoldt or Nathan Brown," he says.
Former Western Bulldog Paul Dimattina is a regular sight at Bourke Street restaurant Society, one of four restaurants owned by his family, along with Blue Train, Dimattina's and Il Gambero. His father Frank, a former Richmond and North Melbourne player, is also involved.
Some ex-Tigers in local finals action over the weekend:
In the Ammo's C-section second semi-final, Rory Hilton kicked 2.8 for the Old Camberwell in their comeback win over Rupertswood.
In the Kyabram District league second semi-final, Aaron James kicked nine goals in Stanhope's big win over Ardmona. In James' four games for the Lions, he's kicked 10, 10, eight and nine goals.
In the EFL, Vermont's Matt Greig went into the second semi-final against Noble Park with 95 goals for the season. He kicked two as Noble Park comfortably rolled the Eagles.
Matt Greig is still two short of his 100th goal for the year after kicking 1.7 in Vermont's win over East Ringwood in the EFL Preliminary Final. Vermont plays Noble Park in the grand final for the fifth consecutive year.
Ex-Tiger Daniel Donati plays for Noble Park. Thanks to the person who PMed me.
Bruce Monteath's sons are both playing in Grand Finals this weekend.
Donna Monteath, the wife of Richmond's 1980 premiership captain Bruce Monteath, writes that this weekend she has two sons playing in Grand Finals but in different states. Rhys is playing for Port Melbourne Reserves against Coburg Reserves in the VFL and his brother Kym is playing for East Fremantle Reserves against Subiaco Reserves in the WAFL. She states that her husband and herself will have to toss a coin to see who flies over to watch Rhys and who stays to watch Kym. As she said a very tough decision.
From The Pulse, Herald-Sun
Matt Greig kicked 5 first-half goals in Vermont's Grand Final win over Noble Park yesterday to bring up 100 goals for the EFL season.
Just on that game rather than an ex-player, a Noble Park player marked as the final siren went about 15m out. Had a shot after the siren to win the premiership and shanked it for a point. Vermont won by 4 points.
Matt Greig was fantastic in the first half.
Full-forward Aaron James kicked six goals to give him 43 from five games in Stanhope's thrashing of Ardmona in the Kyabram District league grand final before a crowd of 3000 at Mooroopna on Saturday.
ex-Rookie list player Adrian Burgiel kicked 5.3 in Maffra's upset win against Sale on Saturday.
Burgiel broke the previous finals goal kicking record by kicking 29 for the series.
Ex-Richmond and Geelong player Mark Neeld will join the Collingwood coaching panel, accepting the defensive coach position vacated by Gavin Brown.,8033,22605000%255E19742,00.html
ex-Rookie list player Adrian Burgiel kicked 5.3 in Maffra's upset win against Sale on Saturday.
Burgiel broke the previous finals goal kicking record by kicking 29 for the series.
Adrian & his brother have been playing top footy for Maffra for years winning & turning games off thier own boots
cant understand why the Tigers didnot prevail with Adrian his a top footballer but too lat now
Dragga came 2nd in West Adelaide's B&F. He'll be coached by Andy Collins next year. Clay Sampson came 3rd in South Adelaide's B&F.
Dragga came 2nd in West Adelaide's B&F. He'll be coached by Andy Collins next year. Clay Sampson came 3rd in South Adelaide's B&F.
Dragga hey?
Good on him.
Might have been an absolute gun had his knees stayed true. :(
Dragga came 2nd in West Adelaide's B&F. He'll be coached by Andy Collins next year. Clay Sampson came 3rd in South Adelaide's B&F.
Dragga hey?
Good on him.
Might have been an absolute gun had his knees stayed true. :(
His knees were fine until he was caught under a hospital pass from a teammate :(.
Alex Gilmour has signed with the Tassie Devils for 2008 after playing a couple of games at the end of this season when not coaching Brighton.
Justin Charles will be coaching Lilydale seniors in 2008
Former East Perth player Jeremy Humm looks set to rejoin his former club after leaving Geelong Football League club Newtown and Chilwell after just one season.
The 24-year-old former West Coast and Richmond midfielder was originally recruited to the Eagles in 2000 from the North Ballarat Under 18s and played 22 games in the west before playing one match for the Tigers in 2006.
The Geelong Advertiser reported on Thursday that Humm has already returned to Perth.
Former Richmond and Adelaide utility Jason Torney will line up for his original side, South Adelaide for the next two years after the 30-year-old was delisted by the Crows at the end of last season.
Torney, who played every game for the Crows in 2007, played 77 matches in five seasons for the South Australian club after 118 games in eight seasons for the Tigers.
It is believed Torney was offered several coaching roles at AFL clubs before electing to continue his playing career in the SANFL with positions at Essendon and Port Adelaide among the offerings.
Link. (
Torney, who played ... 118 games in eight seasons for the Tigers.
Good to see we have the Father Son option exclusively.
Ex Tiger may sign with Dollies
Frankston Standard Leader
Simon McEvoy
FORMER Richmond player Dean Limbach has popped up at Frankston Dolphins.
Limbach was with Williamstown this year and kicked some nice bags in the first half of the season, only to lose form and confidence.
If he signs with the Dollies he'll be a more-than-handy acquisition to the forward line.
Barry Rowlings (was just on SEN) is head football coach at Caulfield Grammar.
Rumour has it that Alex Gilmour will captain the Tassie devils this year.
A big turnaround for Gilly if that's true.
I met some fellas from my old 'hood while holidaying in Echuca who informed me that former Tiger Ty Zantuck and Rhys (son of Bruce) Monteith look set to play for Heidelberg in the DVFL (or Northern FL if you like) to join ex AFL players in Tim Lowther, Anthony Franchina and another ex tiger Justin Murphy at Warringal park.
Not sure if this has been mentioned already but Rory Hilton is playing with Camberwell in the Ammos.
Michael Gale is in the building trade and now prefers to be incognito.
One of the RFC trainers and a few ex-Tigers (Tommy Roach is one) are playing in a semi-final cricket match this weekend.
Simon Eastaugh is coaching Perth in the WAFL.
Yarrawonga favourite son and premiership player Craig Ednie takes the reins at the J.C. Lowe Oval. Ednie, who played seven games for Richmond, is just 26.
Anthony Banik was on SEN just now. He's into lawn bowls now. Came second in the national championships or something like that. He retired from playing footy 5 years ago and coached for a year before taking up lawn bowls.
Banik is now the inaugural president of Woodside and District Wildcats FC (which split from DWWWW) and joined the North Gippsland FL.
Four-wheel drives go off road
Adam McNicol | March 30, 2008
IN 1997, the merger of the Devon-Welshpool and Won Wron-Woodside Football Clubs created an entity that attracted a cult following among regular readers of the bush footy scores.
Listed each week in the Alberton league results as DWWWW, the club became colloquially known as the Four-Wheel-Drives, despite its official nickname being the Allies.
Initially, the bringing together of four tiny Gippsland communities, located near the rural service centre of Yarram, was a raging success. DWWWW won three senior premierships in its first seven seasons and produced plenty of talented juniors, including Royce Vardy, who went on to play for Richmond.
But a lack of on-field success last season resulted in declining player numbers and local support. Cracks emerged in what had seemed a solid foundation.
The people of Won-Wron and Woodside decided to go it alone. They created a new club, the Woodside and District Wildcats, and entered the North Gippsland league.
Surveying the scene with a smile was Anthony Banik, the inaugural Woodside Wildcats president. Best known as the No. 1 pick in the 1989 AFL national draft, Banik played 49 games for Richmond before returning home to Gippsland. He finally retired after coaching the Allies to a premiership in 2003.
Having been the Allies' president last year, Banik has clear reasons why the club could not go on the way it was.
"It had been a progression downwards slowly in numbers and it got to the point where we only had six guys at pre-season last year," he said, citing the long trips to Phillip Island (171 kilometres) and Wonthaggi (131 kilometres) as major problems.
Full article at:
Late 90s ex-Tiger Lionel Proctor is currently co-captain of the all-indigenous Fitzroy Stars in the Northern Football League.,26576,23494660-19742,00.html
Justin Charles is coaching Lilydale in Div 1 Eastern Football League.
Matthew Francis, former Richmond and Collingwood ruckman/forward, is coaching AFLQ club Redland.
Francis moved to Brisbane for business reasons four years ago, buying a Bevinco franchise which catapulted him into the world of auditing in the liquor and hospitality industry.
He has been assistant-coach at Morningside for the past three years and in 2005-06 served as a boundary rider for Triple M's AFL telecasts in Queensland.
Link. (§ionID=56342)
Patrick Bowden is playing for Balwyn in the EFL.
Royce Hart's son, Simon, has moved there (Sebastopol) and they've also picked up Joel Smith (Haw) and former demon Nicholas Smith (Box Hill).
David Bourke played for Lilydale ressies last Saturday. My source :thumbsup says he is still skinny an his coach should get him on the roids.
Justin Plapp is coaching Burnie in the NTFL. He's also trying to get Rory Hilton to go down there.
Naughty source. Bourkey's senior coach is Justin Charles. 8)
Just on the star-studded Balwyn side, Vermont beat them by a lazy 21 goals 7 behinds last Saturday. :o
Dragicevic calls it a day
WARREN PARTLAND | May 09, 2008 10:57am
EXPERIENCED West Adelaide midfielder Marc Dragicevic, runner-up in the past three club best-and-fairest awards, has announced his retirement.
Dragicevic, plagued by injury this season, told his team-mates of his decision at training on Wednesday night.
He will make his final appearance for the Bloods in the reserves against Sturt at Unley tomorrow.
Coach Andrew Collins said it is sad to see a player of that calibre retire with the mind still capable but the body not able to continue due to tendonitis of both knees and arthritis of the ankle.
"I've seen Marc dominate VFL/SANFL football and he is arguably one of the best clearance players," Collins said.
Dragicevic, 27, played 60 league games since being recruited from Richmond, where he fronted for 48 AFL matches.,26547,23669075-21546,00.html
:clapping Well done on a good career under duress, Marc.
One of my favourite youngsters at the Tiges. Was very disappointed when it became obvious it was not going to happen for him. A wasted talent, and a missed opportunity for us.
Robert McGhie is president of West Footscray FC. Sadly the club can't field either U14s or U16s teams this year.
Just on the star-studded Balwyn side, Vermont beat them by a lazy 21 goals 7 behinds last Saturday. :o
Vermont outdid themselves again last weekend. Won by 200 points over Donvale with Matthew Grieg kicking a lazy 15 :o. A record in the EFL.
Age article about Ty Zantuck (Heidelberg) going head to head with Jake King's brother Jarrod (North Heidelberg) in the Northern FL. Justin Murphy and Rhys Monteath, son of Bruce, also play for Heidelberg.
Also Aaron James playing for Kyabram has been reported twice for striking. First time was for striking a opponent which got him sent off. He was then reported again for striking a spectator who had been mouthing off at him from over the fence. It looks like he'll be deregistered as a result.
Venues change but warriors don't
Paul Daffey | May 21, 2008
FORMER AFL defender Ty Zantuck was suspended for four games after his final game for Kangaroo Flat last year.
Having switched to Heidelberg over summer, he chose an interesting place to make his debut for the Northern Football League club at the weekend when he lined up at the home of arch-enemy, North Heidelberg.
The easiest way to describe North Heidelberg is to say that Jake King comes from there. Bulldogs players are lippy. One of the worst at making an irritant of himself is Jake's brother Jarrod, who plays at half-back.
On Saturday, Jarrod King was among the North Heidelberg defenders who lined up to offer advice to Zantuck when the burly 26-year-old took his place in the Heidelberg goal square. Zantuck kept himself nice while kicking goals with his first two kicks. But after moving on to the ball in the second quarter, he let down his guard during a dust-up in the North goal square.
His transgression, though apparently minor, led to a free kick to North Heidelberg's Shane Harvey, brother of North Melbourne champ Brent. Harvey kicked a goal, putting the Bulldogs ahead of the premier.
Zantuck went on to have the last laugh by kicking five goals in the Tigers' five-goal win. Harvey kicked four for North Heidelberg.
Zantuck and Harvey were not the only players with AFL connections in the game. Justin Murphy and Anthony Franchina were among Heidelberg's best, while Dale and Danny Nolan, the sons of North Melbourne's "Galloping Gasometer", Mick Nolan, played top games in the Tigers' forward line.
It might not surprise Richmond followers to learn that Rhys Monteath started on the Heidelberg bench before coming on at half-forward and kicking a goal. Monteath is the son of Bruce Monteath, who started on the bench in the 1980 grand final and later that day hoisted the cup as the Tigers' premiership captain.
Still in the Northern league, former Carlton captain Lance Whitnall continued his slashing form for Lalor, kicking eight goals in the Bloods' win over Greensborough. The ball was like a cake of soap, but Whitnall regularly bustled aside three opponents to take one-grab marks.
Former AFL player Aaron James was also reported twice while playing for Kyabram and District league club Stanhope against Undera.
In the second quarter, James and his opponent Matt McMurtie had their numbers taken for striking each other, and were sent off. James was then reported for striking a spectator who had been mouthing off at him from over the fence.
James, 31, ended the match with four goals, bringing his tally to 61 from six games, as Stanhope maintained its unbeaten record. But his career is in jeopardy.
In 2006, when he was at Sunbury Kangaroos, James was suspended for 16 games for acting in a threatening manner towards an umpire. If suspended again, he will be deregistered in keeping with a rule that is enforced after players are suspended for more than 16 games.
Jamie Elliott (9 RFC games, 1994-95) is coach of Castlemaine in the Bendigo Football League this year.
Dragga hasn't retired fully from footy. He's joined St Albans in the Geelong football league.
Former Richmond player joins St Albans
Bradley Green
GEELONG Football League cellar dweller St Albans has received a boost with former Richmond midfielder Marc Dragicevic signing with the club.
Dragicevic has been cleared to the Supersaints by SANFL club West Adelaide and, while the club was last night remaining tight-lipped, he could line-up for his new club as early as tomorrow against Leopold.
The 27-year-old decided his body could no longer cope with playing at state league level in Adelaide and was keen to return home to Geelong.
St Albans coach Steve Clark said the club was delighted to secure his signature.
"We spoke to him in the pre-season when the rumour was going around that he was keen to come home," Clark said. "Like every club, we got in touch with him and we're lucky that he's kept in touch with Chris Chubb and Robbie Law."
Dragicevic, who started his career with North Geelong, was snapped up by Richmond in the 1998 draft from the Geelong Falcons.
He made his AFL debut in 1999 and played 48 games and kicked 25 goals for the Tigers in six seasons. His career was stalled when he injured his knee early in the 2001 season and required a knee reconstruction.
He missed the entire 2002 season after re-injuring the knee in the first game of the pre-season.
Dragicevic joined West Adelaide in 2005 and played 60 games with the Bloods
Former Richmond player Duncan Kellaway is also an old boy who still plays for the Caulfield Grammarians.
St Francis was on SEN about 30 mins ago. He said David Bourke has a job with Coca-Cola and as mentioned in this thread is also helping Justin Charles out at Lilydale FC.
Adam Houlihan plays for Old Scotch in the Ammos. He kicked 5 goals on the weekend.
Patrick Bowden kicked 13 goals for Balwyn in their demolition of Donvale today. Missed a few easy shots, too.
Anyone know where Matthew Rogers is playing or is he fully retired
last we heard was East Burwood
Kevin Morris is heavily into the Trots
Kevin putting On Ritz
Herald-Sun 18 Jul 2008, Page 095
By Adam Hamilton
TWO things happened to change Kevin Morris's life in 1973.
The first was his key role in the first of Richmond's back-to-back premiership wins.
The second, a chance foray into racehorse ownership, is just starting to realise its potential.
Midway through the stellar season with the Tigers, Morris went for a beer with a few mates at a petrol station in Richmond -- better known to insiders as an after-hours boozer -- with cash to buy two greyhounds.
Truth journalist Brian Hansen stopped by to grab some petrol on the way to Warragul trots that night.
"We got talking and the next thing I've spent the money I had to buy the dogs on a share in Brian's pacer, Smokey Raider,'' Morris recalled. "A couple of hours later I was at Warragul watching the horse run third.''
Morris, who played 110 games for Richmond and 71 for Collingwood, including two losing Grand Finals, had caught the harness racing bug.
One of his most memorable pacers from his playing days was Snuk On Sam, a winner of seven races.
"I owned him with a group of mates and they went behind my back and named him Snuk On Sam. The horse was by Sammy Karamea, but they claimed the name came from the fact I'd clocked Sam Kekovich from behind one day.''
When Morris's playing days were over he owned and worked in pubs, took on a variety of coaching roles, including a stint as an Essendon assistant, but the harness racing interest lingered. The chance to take the horses a step further came when Morris bought a 40-acre property at Coimadai, near Toolern Vale.
"My neighbour was into trotters. He raced a handy one called Hope Reins Supreme. I got to know him, then decided to try breeding a couple myself,'' he said.
Morris's first trotter was an accident. "He was a pacer called Knee Knocker, but the problem is he really did knock his knees when he paced so we tried him as a trotter and he won some races,'' he said.
"One of his wins carried a free service to the trotting sire Malhana Gindin, so I bred a mare called Mojati to him and that's when I had my first real break.''
The resultant foal was Djerriwarrh, who retired with 27 wins and $205,000 in prizemoney. Morris fondly remembers the day Djerriwarrh ran second in the 1999 Redwood Classic, Australia's most sought after two-year-old trotting race, at Maryborough.
Nine years later and Morris hopes to go one better in Sunday's Redwood with his latest star Trottn On The Ritz, winner of the Group 1 Vicbred final at Moonee Valley.
Morris still has footy ties in a recruiting role for North Melbourne, but the Kangaroos have given him Sunday off to head to Maryborough.
BALWYN grabbed top spot on the Eastern Football League ladder after a 72-point win against Blackburn on Saturday. Patrick Bowden booted five goals in the win.
Herald Sun, 21-07-2008, Pg: 057
Scotty Turner is still senior coach at Ararat FC
Young Rats at Tigers
Ararat Advertiser
25/07/2008 11:13:00 AM
ARARAT - Ararat Rats under 14s went to a training session of a different kind when they headed down to the Richmond Football Club.
John Malligan was the driving force behind the project and with help from former Richmond defender and now Ararat senior coach Scott Turner, the boys were treated to a morning at Punt Road.
The boys watched the Tigers train and were able to interact with the players, before being taken on a guided tour of the club by Dale Weightman, a former premiership player and the Richmond skills coach.
Weightman showed the players into the Richmond training rooms and spoke to them about the importance of personal fitness, skills, diet and dedication.
Paddy Bowden kicked another 6 goals for Balwyn in their 55 point win over Vermont in the EFL.
Ovens and Murray Football League cases highlight flaws in tribunal system
Herald-Sun | August 09, 2008
TWO high-profile cases in the Ovens and Murray Football League have highlighted flaws in the tribunal system across Victoria.
Tribunals no longer have the power to issue severe reprimands when players are found guilty of on-field indiscretions.
Yarrawonga coach Craig Ednie and Wodonga star Matthew Shir were both suspended for one match on striking charges arising from games last weekend despite appearing before the tribunal for the first time in their careers.
Ednie is a recent Morris Medal winner and Shir is one of the favourites for the award this season.
O & M tribunal chairman David Iverson has been frustrated by the inability to issue severe reprimands to players with unblemished records following relatively minor offences.
"It's just ridiculous we have to impose penalties on people who are more than entitled to an exercise of discretion in their favour," Iverson said.
"One was a coach who has never been reported before and the other who has played 100-plus games and never been reported and that entitles them to some sort of consideration in my point of view.
"The league says they have made representations repeatedly since they have changed the laws, but it's falling on deaf ears."
Ednie will miss tomorrow's clash with second-placed Corowa-Rutherglen, with Yarrawonga in contention for a double-chance finish.
Shir was appealing against his one-match suspension last night in a bid to play against premiership favourite Wangaratta today.
The former Adelaide draftee joined Wodonga in 2004 and along with Ednie is regarded as being among the competition's elite players.
Shir has also won two best and fairests at Wodonga.
Players can elect to take a set penalty when reported, but if they decide to contest the charge at the tribunal the minimum sanction they can receive if found guilty is one match.,26576,24148373-19742,00.html
Old Tiger in race row
Sunday Herald Sun, 10-08-2008
UGLY claims of racism have rocked the Essendon District Football League this week amid allegations former Richmond star and EDFL umpire Phil Egan abused a player during a game two weeks ago. ...........
the full article isn't on the net.
Old Tiger in race row
Sunday Herald Sun, 10-08-2008
UGLY claims of racism have rocked the Essendon District Football League this week amid allegations former Richmond star and EDFL umpire Phil Egan abused a player during a game two weeks ago. ...........
the full article isn't on the net.
other foot.
Patrick Bowden had a day out on the weekend kicking 17 goals for Balwyn against Norwood in the EFL. He is now on 99 goals for the year.
Failing to be ton-tied, there's now a ton of expectation
Paul Daffy | August 20, 2008
FEV and Buddy aren't the only footballers locked in a battle to reach 100 goals. In Melbourne's Eastern Football League, the full-forwards from the top two teams are putting the finishing touches on a thrilling duel to reach the ton.
That's not to say their duel has been neck-and-neck. Vermont's Matthew Greig, the son of dual Brownlow medallist Keith, started last weekend's round on 99 goals, while Balwyn spearhead Pat Bowden, the brother of Richmond's Joel, was on 82. The events of the next few hours were expected on one hand and out of the blue on the other.
Almost weekly, Greig launches his pale, skinny frame on to someone's head to take an unimaginable mark. His pyrotechnics have dragged spectators through the gate at Vermont for the past five seasons. Children go from end to end to watch him from behind the goals.
So it was with a touch of anti-climax on Saturday that the 30-year-old reached his third ton in three seasons. It was at cold and windy Lilydale. Greig kicked his first goal seven minutes into the match and all interest was lost. He had three goals by three-quarter-time, after which he sat on the bench to rest a wobbly knee.
Bowden was delisted by Richmond after last season. He considered playing amateur footy with University Blacks or Old Xaverians before signing to play under former Hawthorn midfielder Daniel Harford at Balwyn.
His opening five games with Balwyn were on a wing or at centre half-forward. But since kicking seven goals from full-forward against Blackburn, it's as if he's been channelling former Richmond birdman Michael Roach. No one in his AFL days would have suspected his penchant for big grabs.
Bowden had no expectations of notching the ton against Norwood on Saturday, but then he kicked his team's opening seven goals and the possibilities opened up. At half-time, he had nine. In the last quarter, with the milestone in sight, he got the wobbles.
With two goals to go, the 27-year-old missed a shot from 15 metres out straight in front. Two more shots ended up out on the full. When centre half-forward Nick Smith had a shot two metres out from goal rather than handballing to Bowden, the crowd booed.
It was around this time that Balwyn president Richard Wilson approached the coach's bench and demanded that Bowden be dragged. He wanted a week's build-up based on Bowden's imminent ton before the club's final home match the following week, against fourth-placed East Ringwood. The coaches told him to get back to the beer tent.
Bowden's final goal against Norwood, a kick after the siren, gave him a tally for the match of 17.5, with a few more shots that finished in the next suburb. It broke Matthew Greig's league record of 15 goals in a game. And it assured Balwyn of box-office booty this Saturday.
Tim Fleming is now captain of Old Xaverians in A-Grade Ammos. They've made the finals too.
Aaron James has somehow been re-registered after being deregistered earlier in the season.
Made his comeback for Stanhope on the weekend and kicked 11 goals. His total for the year is 72 goals from only 6 games.
Yep FF, James won his appeal for re-registration last week.
Stanhope full-forward Aaron James last night successfully appealed his deregistration from AFL Victoria and is expected to line up against Violet Town in the Kyabram District Football League this Saturday. James, who was a member of Gisborne’s 2002 BFL premiership, was earlier in the year suspended for three weeks after being found guilty on a misconduct charge during Stanhope’s 37-point win over Undera on May 17.
With the three-game suspension, and taking into account his past record, it tipped James over the 16-game suspension threshold allowed by AFL Victoria, and as a result, he was deregistered. Prior to his deregistration, James, who played 54 AFL games for Collingwood, Richmond and the Western Bulldogs, had kicked 61 goals in six games for the season, made up of hauls of 11, 9, 11, 19, 7 and 4.
‘‘We’ve already informed the league president and league secretary to implement plan A, which is immediate re-registration,’’ Stanhope president Gavan Poole said.
‘‘Aaron had to show the tribunal that he had taken steps to rehabilitate himself with respect to the issues that had caused his loss of temper, and he has certainly done that with professional help.
‘‘But while the tribunal upheld the appeal, it hastened to add that if he ever gets found guilty again, that means life.’’ Stanhope boasts the best winning streak in the VCFL with 26 consecutive victories.
He also earlier this year said that he enjoyed his time at Richmond the most during his AFL career.
Greg Stafford could be again playing for a ex-Pats China respresentative side in an Aussie Rules Asian Championship. Staff played for them last year.
Paddy Bowden kicked 8 of Balwyn's 10 goals in their loss to Vermont in the second semi-final.,26576,24309392-19895,00.html
Paddy Bowden kicked 5 goals in Balwyn's 70 point thrashing of Nobel Park in the EFL Preliminary Final. They play Vermont in the GF next week. Paddy now has 118 goals for the season.
Kirby starts favourite for CHFL rookie of the year
Ballarat Courier
16/09/2008 11:06:00 PM
THE Central Highlands Football League is bubbling with young talent eager to be named rookie of the year.
The award will be presented at the Mid City Motel tonight with former Richmond defender Andrew Kellaway the guest speaker.
Rookie Munari claims award
Ballarat Courier
Former Richmond footballer Andrew Kellaway was a guest speaker at the dinner.
Kellaway has recently taken the position as junior football manager with the Victorian Country Football League.
"It is good to see a night like this and be supporting local footy and juniors going into their senior footy," he said.
"Under-19 best and fairest at Sandringham, that was about the extent of my rookie type things."
Kellaway came through the supplementary list at Richmond before going on to play 172 games for the Tigers.
"The supplementary list was just before the rookie list and I came through the long way and developed a bit after turning 18," he said.
"These guys need to make sure they keep enjoying their footy and embrace the culture at their club and achieve the best they can at their club."
Paddy Bowden's Balwyn Tigers knocked off Matthew Greig's Vermont by 51 points today to win the EFL flag.
Vermont 2.10 5.12 7.16 7.18-60
Balwyn 1.3 6.6 11.8 16.15-111
Goal Kickers: M. Greig 4, T. Johnson, R. Mullett, T. Davidson
Best Players: G. McCarthy, M. Greig, D. Mendes, T. Johnson, A. Nummy, J. Rushton
Goal Kickers: S. Cranage 3, A. Murray 3, P. Bowden 3, N. Smith 3, R. Boyce, B. Wise, A. Morgan, C. Decorsey
Best Players: B. Smith, A. Murray, R. Boyce, L. Toull, D. Harford, S. Billings
Tom Roach's North Ballarat has won their way into the VFL Grand Final.
Two ex-Tigers have lost their job as senior coach.
Simon Eastaugh has been replaced by Andrew Jarman at Perth in the WAFL.
Justin Charles has been given the flick from Lilydale in the EFL according to a poster on bomberblitz.
Norwood is chasing after Tom Roach
Rye FC are chasing after Mark Chaffey.
Source: Mornington Peninsula Leader
He was only on our rookie list....
Smash, Crash & Bang
That's the sound of breaking records.
Adrian Burgiel has smashed Neville Marchesi's 42 year old "1st Grade high score" record with a 265* run onslaught against Bundalaguah. Coming in at the fall of the first wicket in the tenth over when the score was 25, his mammoth innings helped take the score to 402. He accounted for 70% of the 377 runs scored while he was at the crease.
Burgiel becomes the third 1st grade cricketer to score a first grade double century and the first to do so on turf. Neville Marchesi and Laurie Stephenson both made hard wicket double centuries in the 1960's.
The breakdown of Adrian's scoring shots is as follows ...
5 x 6s = 30
20 x 4s = 80
15 x 3s = 45
36 x 2s = 72
38 x 1s = 38
Total 265 not out
RYE’S recruiting spree has delivered a genuine star to Rowley Reserve - stout-hearted former Richmond dasher Mark Chaffey.
The 30-year-old signed with the Demons last month and has already thrown himself into pre-season training.
“He’s looking really fit,” Rye coach Steve Ryan said.
“He’s pretty keen.”
Chaffey was a much-loved Tiger, playing 166 games with Richmond between 1997 and 2006.
He was known as a hard-running defender, but Ryan said he may play in the midfield with Rye.
“He’ll play probably on ball or across half back,” Ryan said.
“We could play him anywhere really. I’ll just wait and see how our team shapes up.”
This isn't on the web so I typed it out...
Where are they now? - Brian "Whale" Roberts
By Rod Nicholson
Sunday Herald-Sun | 14 Dec 2008, Page S23
Rod Nicholson talks to former Richmond footballer, Brian "Whale" Roberts
During pre-season training in the 1970s, Roberts and teammate Robert McGhie dodged a run around the Botanic Gardens. Upon seeing coach Tommy Hafey approach, the Whale hid in bushes next to the duckpond and called out "quack, quack, quack".
"They were really tough days under Hafey. Blokes worked so hard they vomited. So every opportunity you got you beat the system," he said.
"There was only one light at Punt Rd Oval in those days (late 1960s and early 1970s), so I'd slide away and hide in the truck shed instead of doing laps.
"I've hitch-hiked a lift during a long run. I've hidden in bushes by the duck pond and joined in at the appropriate time when the boys came around for the second lap of running the tan.
"One day Hafey sent out (assistant coach) Col Saddington to force me to run hard the final mile. When he returned he told Tommy he couldn't find me. I was already back, pretending to be exhausted with tap water splashed over me to make it all look real. Hafey was furious. It didn't take him two seconds to work it out - that I had not passed Saddington but somehow had made it home!
"Summer training was brutal. We had December off but Tommy insisted we all return with three miles running in our legs every day. If Francis Bourke couldn't run one day, he'd do six miles the next. Everyone had to fill in a daily log book. When December 31 arrived, I hadn't run a yard. So I filled in the book: '100 miles, from Melbourne to Seymour and return - by car. Nice run it was too.' Boy, did I get punished for that!
"When I went to South Melbourne we were forced to lift bricks over our heads and do all sorts of ridiculous exercises with them. I found a couple of rubber bricks at my hotel and took them along. Everyone thought I was Mr Universe the way I did the exercises. I just put the rubber bricks back in my bag and took them back to the pub after each session."
"A footballer is in the prime of his life and you must balance everything. If you are not having a good time then, when will you? You feel indestructible at that age. So we went to the pub after training. Socialising knitted the team together, not training or all that stuff they go on with today," he said.
"You wouldn't get me bungy jumping or climbing mountains or parachuting and that sort of stuff. I would get dizzy standing on a match box.
"We bonded with a beer and we would die for each other on the field. There has to be laughter and fun around a club. I'm not sure being a sprinter, a jumper, a parachute champ or a rock climbing mountain goat makes you a better team man."
"I'm out of the pub game now, having left the Duke of Wellington in the city. I've had some great times in pubs. I remember the day Carlton's Val Perovic drank 37 cans on Mad Monday after the Blues won the 1981 Grand Final," he said.
"And yes, I used to drink more than 50 six-ounce glasses of beer a day, with a record of 97. It wasn't easy being in seven shouts at the same time!
"I went overseas (to Europe) last year and I'm planning to go back next year, hopefully to watch some of the Ashes action.
"Otherwise I walk my dog down the beach every day and catch up with mates."
Clay Sampson has officially taken over as coach of South Adelaide for 2009. He was caretaker coach this year after Souths sacked their coach midseason.
Garth Taylor was Swan Districts co-B&F winner.
BONBEACH has emerged as a chance to pick up former Richmond and Melbourne forward Ben Holland.
The Sharks spoke with the 31-year-old recently. "We had a chat to him but he didn't know what he was going to do,'' Bonbeach president Jacky McLean.
Where the 2008 delistees are heading to in 2009:
Tristian Cartledge - North Ballarat
Travis Casserly - Swan Districts
Clayton Collard - Peel Thunder
Cam Howat - Old Carey
Chris Hyde - Albury
Greg Tivendale - ROC
Aaron Fiora - East Ringwood ..... (a rare AFL signing this year for the EFL)
Ben Holland - undecided but linked to Bonbeach
Source: Inside Football
Tim Fleming is captain of the Ammos side playing the bushfire charity game against the EFL. Cam Howat is playing for the Ammos as well. Matt Greig will be playing for the EFL.
Fleming said he crossed the border and played for South Adelaide in 2005 after he was axed by the Tigers and then went OS in 2006. He's been playing with Old Xavs since 2007.
He's been following our fortunes and thinks we've got a good list now to make the finals. He used "we" whenever he mentioned Richmond too.
Mark Graham and Paul Dimittina have joined Andy Kellaway at Bentleigh FC in VAFA D3 grade.
Source: Moorabbin-Glen Eira Leader
Former Richmond player Nick Daffy in Geelong for family support
Danny Lannen
May 1st, 2009
CLAN: Nick Daffy has added to the Geelong clan by bringing wife Brodie and children Shilah and Archie. Photo: TONY KERRIGAN
FORMER AFL player Nick Daffy has new designs for Geelong.
The Richmond game-breaker has shifted to the city with his hometown bride Brodie and is revelling in new opportunities to pursue family and business life.
"I couldn't talk it up enough," he said.
Have your say on the feedback form below
Mt Gambier export Daffy, 35, married Geelong girl Brodie Skene-Haygarth and they have children Shilah, 1, and Archie, seven months.
Geelong is a meeting place for their clans.
"We needed a bit of support and family behind us so we decided to come up here," Daffy said.
"As a Mount Gambier boy it's nice to get back to, I guess, just a nice environment."
He will relish the proximity when he joins family celebrating the 100th birthday of his Geelong uncle Frank Daffy tomorrow.
Nick Daffy had prominent partnerships in a string of Melbourne hotels after his retirement from football but now has interest in only The Lounge in Docklands.
He is now mobilising his hospitality experience through his new business Venue Design Landscaping, which conceives, designs and executes makeovers for hotels and offices.
He said future schooling options for their children were a certain lure to Geelong and he sees so much going for the city including its location and property prices.
"And its beautiful bay, Corio Bay, is just sensational," he said.
Daffy was an ardent Geelong supporter before playing 165 games for Richmond and one for Sydney. He won the Tigers' best and fairest in 1998.
He said family had largely taken priority over football on weekends but he is helping out occasionally as an informal adviser with Geelong West, where his brother-in-law Hayden Skene plays, and he is following a mate playing with Newtown-Chilwell.
And old allegiances linger.
"I won't mind if Archie wants to barrack for Geelong," he said.
"I hope they do well. Well, they do anyway."
"I won't mind if Archie wants to barrack for Geelong," he said.
Says it all about him :banghead
"I won't mind if Archie wants to barrack for Geelong," he said.
If Archie becomes a F/S pick we'll have to re-convert him ;)
Kyle Archibald and Craig Ednie were among Yarrawonga's best on the weekend. They play Chris Hyde's Albury next week in the O&MFL
Paddy Bowden kicked 5 goals for Balwyn in their loss to Lilydale.
Aaron Fiora was a "matchwinner" for East Ringwood in the victory over Matthew Greig's Vermont in the EFL.
Krakouer let out to lead prison team
By Chris Leitch
Wooroloo's Andrew Krakouer tackles Jandakot's Shane Boyd.
Picture: Marie Nirme Wooroloo's Andrew Krakouer tackles Jandakot's Shane Boyd.
Picture: Marie Nirme
JAILED Richmond footballer Andrew Krakouer is let outside the razor wire as part of a Wooroloo prison team that is so good its average winning margin is 151 points - and it is all in the name of rehabilitation.
Krakouer, who played 102 games for the Tigers before being jailed for a minimum 16 months last year for a brutal assault outside a Fremantle nightclub in 2006, is proving to be the star of the team of inmates that is undefeated in the suburban Mercantile Football League.
The Wooroloo Bombers are so good, in fact, they are yet to score less than 151 points in a single game.
Prison recreation officer Dave Brown said there were several players who would “walk into WAFL football, they are that good”.
The Bombers is one of several prison sporting teams allowed out on weekends to compete in local competitions.
Inmates must satisfy stringent security checks and display exemplary behaviour before they can be considered to play football, basketball or soccer outside the prison gates.
Mr Brown said community sports competitions were playing a key role in rehabilitating criminals at the minimum-security prison.
Wooroloo holds about 270 inmates and about 40 players are registered with the football team.
Mr Brown said players knew they were under more scrutiny than anyone.
“Any prisoner at Wooroloo is eligible to play in the football side, but it comes down to their commitment and discipline,” Mr Brown said.
“If someone misbehaves in their workplace or in the community, they don’t get the opportunity to go out.”
All sports teams operated under a charter that spells out the conditions under which they are released to play.
Security guards supervise matches and no inmate had escaped while playing sport.
The prison team has its own form of discipline and a tribunal.
Prisoners take their football seriously, if their training regime and recent results are any indication.
“They must train three nights a week, and when I say train, they probably train harder than any community side that I’ve ever seen,” Mr Brown said.
“If they can show that same discipline and commitment when they get out, they will go a long way in the community.”
Anyone know what Matthew Rogers is doing this year ???
Tiger Tivendale is ready to ROC on
Adam McNicol | June 21, 2009
WHILE he was dashing along the wing for Richmond, Greg Tivendale always believed he would eventually return to the club of his youth. But even last season, when he often found himself running around with Coburg in the VFL, he was confident such a move was still some time away.
"I would like to think I could've played for another year, maybe two," Tivendale admitted last weekend. Unfortunately for the veteran of 188 AFL games, this was not how then-coach Terry Wallace saw it.
"We were on reasonable terms," Tivendale said. "I'd go in each week to see 'Plough' if I had a good game for Coburg and he'd tell me why I wasn't going to be playing. We spoke the whole way through and he took me aside with a couple of weeks to go and said I would be delisted.
"I got a farewell game at the end, which was good. You move on. I'm not bitter or anything. Looking at how they're travelling now, it probably wasn't such a bad time to get out."
Tivendale contemplated spending a year or two at a VFL club, before dismissing that option. "I just thought it's a comp with a lot of young guys on the way up, aspiring to play league footy. I was going the other way," he said.
The call of home was also strong. The Tivendale family has a long connection with the Rythdale-Officer-Cardinia Football Club, better known as ROC. Greg's parents remain heavily involved, while his sister, Amy, plays netball and his brother, Ben, captains the senior footy team. So, at the age of 29, Tivendale left behind the MCG and Punt Road Oval to continue his career at the more rustic surrounds of the Officer Recreation Reserve.
"I always wanted to come back here at some stage," he said. "It's become a big family day for us, so it's all good."
Tivendale is ROC's greatest export. He made his debut at Richmond during Jeff Gieschen's ill-fated reign, and in his early days often thrilled crowds with his pace and trademark long, running goals. He tasted finals action under Danny Frawley, but some years later, as the Tigers' expected revival under Wallace failed to materialise, many fans made him a scapegoat for the team's horrendous skill level.
"When you're playing a sport like AFL there's plenty of people out there who are going to have their opinions on everything about footy," Tivendale reflected. "Some people like the way you go about it and others don't. It's water off a duck's back really. That's just how it is."
Yet, he has mostly good memories of his time at Richmond.
"I'm pretty satisfied, especially when you consider I missed out in the draft and had to come through the rookie list. To survive for 11 years and play 180-odd games is something to look back on and be reasonably proud of I think."
Tivendale, who turned 30 in April, admits to being shocked that the Tigers have imploded again.
"I honestly thought they'd play finals and maybe push top four. There's plenty of talent on the list. I think that Carlton debacle really took the wind out of their sails."
But local footy is where Tivendale's focus now lies. While he was away, ROC went through its own share of upheaval. The Kangaroos won a West Gippsland league premiership in 2002, before deciding to change competitions in 2005.
Adjusting to life in the Casey-Cardinia league, which includes ROC's long-time rivals Beaconsfield and Pakenham, along with suburban powerhouses such as Narre Warren and Berwick, has been no easy feat. Last year the Roos won only three games.
"It's much more professional in this league and that's where ROC has struggled a bit," said Ben Tivendale. "One of the hardest changes is that we still have a bush footy club culture, but we've got to start thinking more like the metro clubs now. We haven't got a great ground or pavilion but it's coming. We'll have much better facilities in the next couple of years."
However, the mood of the club lifted immeasurably when Greg announced he was coming home late last year. "There was genuine excitement," said senior coach Kris Fletcher, who had only just joined the Roos, after a distinguished career at Beaconsfield. "The whole place was buzzing."
By round one, the supporters were itching to see their local hero in action, and they turned out in record numbers for ROC's opening match of the season against Hampton Park. A five-goal win meant the social rooms were jumping after the game.
Since then, the Kangaroos have come back to earth thanks to a couple of thumpings from top sides Doveton and Pakenham, although their 12-goal final-quarter onslaught against Keysborough three weeks ago showed they were not done.
"We have a lot of young kids playing at the moment," said Ben Tivendale. "So we know what the bigger picture is. We're on the right track."
Like the team, Tivendale's form has been up and down, as he adjusts to the slower pace of grass-roots footy.
After slipping under the radar during much of his AFL career, he has to deal with taggers on a weekly basis. Eight days ago against Cranbourne he was scragged every time he went near the ball, but received little aid from the umpires, much to the dismay of the many ROC followers watching.
Occasionally he lashed out in frustration and a few scuffles ensued, during which he was always backed up by Ben. "Just for the two of us, we're really enjoying playing alongside each other," Greg said. "We look out for each other."
Cranbourne kicked away in the last quarter to win easily, but Tivendale finished with two goals and was named ROC's best player.
A series of crucial matches over the next month will determine if he can lead ROC on a late charge towards the finals. Even if that doesn't happen, the former Tiger is making plenty of friends. "He's good but he's not arrogant at all," said Fletcher. "If you didn't follow his career you wouldn't know he'd played nearly 200 AFL games. He's so easy-going and he's happy to talk to anyone, whether it's the best player in the side or the bloke missing out in the twos. He's just a genuinely nice bloke really."
ON Saturday, Peninsula Old Boys made what is the biggest trek required in the Ammos this season when they played Old Westbourne..... In the seniors match, the Peninsula Pirates scored a strong victory to maintain their spot on top, with the president's sons Jim and Will Coghlan among the best players. John Rombotis, the 32-year-old former Fitzroy, Port Adelaide and Richmond player, kicked three goals and was also among the Pirates' best.
From the Herald-Sun
Jewell coup
THE Jewells, Tiger premiership coach Tony, model wife Margaret and Bushranger cricket star Nick, combined as a team to take the $1000 cash raffle prize at the Sorrento Sharks celebrity luncheon. With the Ashes at stake in England, Nick was guest speaker, Margie became the barrel girl and Tiger legend Tony, back from cruising the canals of France, watched her pick his number out of the hat. The win was as timely as being at Punt Rd for Richmond's last flag.
I hear Brendan Gale might have a new job. :lol
I hear Brendan Gale might have a new job. :lol
oh ::) your 2 hrs late did your just get out of bed ;D
I hear Brendan Gale might have a new job. :lol
oh ::) your 2 hrs late did your just get out of bed ;D
An attempt at levity, sorry.
FORMER Collingwood, Richmond and Western Bulldogs utility Aaron James, who now takes up most of the goal square with North Bendigo, last month became the first player in Victorian local footy to kick the ton.
Good on Arron James his kicked alot of goals since leaving the AFL
Anyone know what Matthew Rogers is doing this year ???
works for a golfing supplier in Melbourne, top fella
Anyone know what Matthew Rogers is doing this year ???
works for a golfing supplier in Melbourne, top fella
Thanks Y&B
Allan Murray has stepped into the Balwyn goal square since former Richmond and Bulldogs player Patrick Bowden went down with a badly broken leg mid-season.
Chris Hyde was on SEN this arvo. He studied park management at Deakin while he was still playing with us and now is game manager in NSW (as well as playing for the Albury Tigers).
Ricky McLean's horse Broadway's Best is running this weekend in harness racing's Australasian Breeders Crown 3YO Fillies Final at Tabcorp Park, Melton.
20 August 2009
Entering the Tabcorp Australasian Breeders Crown semi finals, bookies would have been knocked off their stands had they offered black and white figures about Broadways Best to win the 3YO Fillies Final.
She'd already won Victoria's two richest races for her age group - the Victoria Oaks and Vicbred Super Series Final - and had her task made easier when the likes of Lauraella, For Dear Life and Sheer Royalty didn't make it to the heats.
But after being run down by Make Mine Cullen in her semi and coming up with a back-row draw for the $170,000 Group 1 final, punters can get $2.60 about the daughter of Village Jasper who is friendless with TAB Sportsbet.
Gisborne trainer Shannon McLean conceded things haven't gone to plan the last couple of weeks, but hasn't given up on his stable star.
Full article here:
Barking Dog owner Greg Dodds recently teamed up with Richmond Tigers star, turned designer Nick Daffy to revamp his Geelong West pub.
''It's an investment that has to be made to keep it in vogue,'' Mr Dodds said.
''Nick has brought a touch of the Docklands and an inner-city feel to the place.
''We cater for people who don't want to go into the city where there is a lack of taxis and the inability to get home.
''I don't mind spending money on a place. Build it and they will come.''
TIGER LANDS: Barking Dog owner Greg Dodds teamed up with former Richmond player Nick Daffy to redesign the Pakington St favourite. Photo: REG RYAN
Redlands QAFL coach and former Collingwood and Richmond player Matthew Francis has applied for an Brisbane assistant coaching role under Voss.
Chris Hyde came equal second in the O&M league's B&F count. His team Albury is playing in the GF on Sunday.
In the Ovens and Murray league's Morris Medal count on Monday, former Port Adelaide and North Melbourne midfielder Michael Stevens, the 28-year-old brother of former Roos champ Anthony, scored three votes in the final game to steal victory by two votes. Corowa-Rutherglen's Sam Carpenter, the one-armed player originally from Frankston, Albury's Chris Hyde, the former Richmond player, and Wangaratta's Matt Kelly were equal second. Yarrawonga and Albury are expected to attract upwards of 15,000 to the O&M grand final at Lavington on Sunday.
Hyde seeks and finds everything he wanted
21/09/2009 10:53:00 AM
CHRIS Hyde had two reasons for signing with Albury at the start of the season.
Firstly, he craved the opportunity to play under coach Paul Spargo after spending time with him at Richmond and, secondly, he believed the Tigers were a genuine shot at winning the Ovens and Murray premiership.
The second part of the deal was sealed at Lavington Panthers Oval yesterday when the unbeaten Tigers trounced Yarrawonga by 77 points to stamp themselves as one of the great O and M teams.
Hyde received the unexpected bonus of picking up the Did Simpson medal along the way.
“I have played at the top level, but it was fairly lean pickings,” Hyde said.
“I never really dreamt of a premiership in my first year back in the country and this is
“I’m over the moon.
“I’m pretty short of words actually.
“It’s been fantastic right through from the club to the boys and to go through undefeated is something I would never have dreamt of.
“To come away with a premiership medallion is an unbelievable feeling.
“The medal is great, but the premiership was what we really wanted.”
Hyde, who was delisted by Richmond at the end of last season and soon became swamped by offers from O and M and interstate clubs, capped off a stellar season with 22 touches including nine in the second term as Albury swamped its opponents with a brilliant display of running football.
While many at the ground were shocked that teammate Joel Mackie was overlooked for the Did Simpson medal, the silky left-footer was outstanding despite being tagged by Dean Bigger.
Hyde said Albury’s wealth of options was a decisive factor in the victory with Shaun Daly, Mackie, Jayden Kotzur, Ben Fixter, Jason Sheather, Andrew Carey and Charles Gaylard being rotated heavily through the centre square.
Hyde said he was likely to return next season despite working at Tumut as a ranger.
“There are a lot of quality players and quality blokes at this club and I’m rapt to be a part of it,” he said.
“I think people actually think Tumut is a bit further away than it really is.
“It’s only two hours.
“Blokes who travel from Melbourne travel a lot further and the highway has been opened up which helps.
“I’ve loved every minute of it.
“This caps it off.”
Brian Leys has just been appointed CEO of WAFL club Perth Demons, that has one A. Jarman esq as senior coach.
Good soldier is Leys :thumbsup
From Richmond to Royalty
ARARAT - Ararat's favourite sporting son Scott Turner will trade football boots for a crown this month when he takes on the role of King of the Ararat Advertiser Golden Gateway Festival.
Born and bred in Ararat, the former Richmond footballer has become an active member of the community since moving home with his young family three years ago.
Turner is best known locally as the coach of the Ararat Football Club, and occasionally still pulls on the boots himself.
A supporter of junior football, Turner is actively involved in son Paddy's football team, Warriors, and co-ordinated Ararat's Auskick program for two years.
Turner has plenty of experience as a role model to young people, both in a sporting capacity and in his role with Best Community Development.
A keen sportsman, Turner is also a member of the Chalambar Golf Club, enjoys playing basketball with the Ararat Association and part-owns a horse with local trainer Michael Bellman.
Although this is Turner's first year of being involved in the festival, he has some idea of what to expect.
''When I first lived in Ararat I was brought up with the children's day on the Friday and billy cart races,'' he said.
''It was always a lot of fun and really good for the children.''
Turner was surprised to receive the call from the Mayor, Cr Gwenda Allgood, offering him the opportunity to be this year's Golden Gateway Festival King.
''Gwenda rang me up and asked me if I'd like to be King, and I just couldn't say no.
''I've seen plenty of Golden Gateway festivals over the years and I'm just really looking forward to meeting people that I haven't seen for a long time and also all the regular faces.''
Last year's King Brian Collins will hand over the crown to Turner during next Friday's Festival launch at the Ararat Performing Arts Centre.
Turner's first duty as King will be to declare the release of balloons to mark the opening of the festival. The event is open to the entire community and school and kindergarten children will be on hand to release the balloons.
The 2009 Festival Queen will be announced later that evening at the Coronation Ball.
''It's going to be a couple of good weeks,'' Turner said.
''I'm sure it will be a lot of fun just helping around the town and seeing everyone enjoy themselves.''
Steve McKee has joined Yarrawonga who is coach by Craig Ednie...
Steve McKee to play for Yarrawonga
YARRAWONGA has finally found the ruckman it has craved, signing former AFL star and Myrtleford bigman Steve McKee for 2010.
McKee, 31, was drafted to Richmond from Myrtleford with pick No.55 in the 1996 national draft and played 84 games for the Tigers and Collingwood between 1998 and 2004, including the Magpies’ 2002 grand final loss to the Brisbane Lions.
Ben Hollands has re-signed as assistant coach with South Adelaide for two more years
Brian Leys has just been appointed CEO of WAFL club Perth Demons, that has one A. Jarman esq as senior coach.
Brian Leys, now that brings back a memory.
Princess Park V Fitzroy, first time Hoggy fronted up against the Tiges from memory. Richmond has possession between half forward and the wing. Forward structure working ok and there is nice space left for a forward to lead into around CHF. Brian Leys ambles down and stands right in the hole, dragging his man with him. I thought this was pretty stupid and said as much.
A lady in front of me turns around and tells me he is trying his best. Leys was a tryer, and I admitted as much, but stuck by that being a stupid piece of football and tried to explain why. She then proceeded to tell me that he was only following the coaches instructions. As I'm trying to tell her that Northey is not so stupid to give such instructions the siren sounds the end of the quarter and off she storms.
The lady sitting beside her turns around and says, "dont worry about it, thats Brian Leys Mother".
He did nothing else wrong in my eyes either for the rest of the game ::)
Gee, I'd forgotten all about that untill I read his name here. I did wonder if she ever said anything to him about it..
From Richmond to Royalty
ARARAT - Ararat's favourite sporting son Scott Turner will trade football boots for a crown this month when he takes on the role of King of the Ararat Advertiser Golden Gateway Festival.
Born and bred in Ararat, the former Richmond footballer has become an active member of the community since moving home with his young family three years ago.
Turner is best known locally as the coach of the Ararat Football Club, and occasionally still pulls on the boots himself.
A supporter of junior football, Turner is actively involved in son Paddy's football team, Warriors, and co-ordinated Ararat's Auskick program for two years.
Turner has plenty of experience as a role model to young people, both in a sporting capacity and in his role with Best Community Development.
A keen sportsman, Turner is also a member of the Chalambar Golf Club, enjoys playing basketball with the Ararat Association and part-owns a horse with local trainer Michael Bellman.
Although this is Turner's first year of being involved in the festival, he has some idea of what to expect.
''When I first lived in Ararat I was brought up with the children's day on the Friday and billy cart races,'' he said.
''It was always a lot of fun and really good for the children.''
Turner was surprised to receive the call from the Mayor, Cr Gwenda Allgood, offering him the opportunity to be this year's Golden Gateway Festival King.
''Gwenda rang me up and asked me if I'd like to be King, and I just couldn't say no.
''I've seen plenty of Golden Gateway festivals over the years and I'm just really looking forward to meeting people that I haven't seen for a long time and also all the regular faces.''
Last year's King Brian Collins will hand over the crown to Turner during next Friday's Festival launch at the Ararat Performing Arts Centre.
Turner's first duty as King will be to declare the release of balloons to mark the opening of the festival. The event is open to the entire community and school and kindergarten children will be on hand to release the balloons.
The 2009 Festival Queen will be announced later that evening at the Coronation Ball.
''It's going to be a couple of good weeks,'' Turner said.
''I'm sure it will be a lot of fun just helping around the town and seeing everyone enjoy themselves.''
My mail is that Scott was jogging his pacer last week in trackwork, when the horse reared up, dumping Scotty on the ground with the horse running through a few fences and finding its way back to the stables of Michael Bellman,. Scotty was abit bruised but ego abit battered, LOL
Brian Leys has just been appointed CEO of WAFL club Perth Demons, that has one A. Jarman esq as senior coach.
Brian Leys, now that brings back a memory.
Princess Park V Fitzroy, first time Hoggy fronted up against the Tiges from memory. Richmond has possession between half forward and the wing. Forward structure working ok and there is nice space left for a forward to lead into around CHF. Brian Leys ambles down and stands right in the hole, dragging his man with him. I thought this was pretty stupid and said as much.
A lady in front of me turns around and tells me he is trying his best. Leys was a tryer, and I admitted as much, but stuck by that being a stupid piece of football and tried to explain why. She then proceeded to tell me that he was only following the coaches instructions. As I'm trying to tell her that Northey is not so stupid to give such instructions the siren sounds the end of the quarter and off she storms.
The lady sitting beside her turns around and says, "dont worry about it, thats Brian Leys Mother".
He did nothing else wrong in my eyes either for the rest of the game ::)
Gee, I'd forgotten all about that untill I read his name here. I did wonder if she ever said anything to him about it..
I actually had a run in with the same lady, lets dont mention his sister either :shh :banghead
Great friend Leys, l played many of games against him & the many beers.
great clubman & loyal to where he came from
every mother sticks up for thier child at footy :lol my wife she lets the fists fly, you hate to be with her at the footy sometimes seriously ;D
& she refused to shake hands with Leys ;D cause he played for the Tigers & that was after a Grand Final ;D
Justin Plapp is the frontrunner to coach the Williamstown 2nds
Scott Homewood is the new senior coach of the Mitcham Tigers in the EFL
Former Prez Clinton Casey has sold his Hawthorn mansion 'Avon Court', which has 12 toilets :o, six kitchens, two swimming pools, a ballroom and separate staff and guest quarters.
Dean Limbach has left Frankston to go to play for Keilor FC in the EDFL apparently.
Paddy Steinfort is the new midfield and ruck coach at the Western Jets
The Jets moved quick though to keep their pre-season preparations flowing smoothly with Sexton revealing former Richmond player Pat Steinfort has signed on to fill Liberatore’s role.
“He will be our midfield coach and he has been a ruckman so he will combine both those roles. He is a young fellow, played league footy himself. Came through the TAC cup system himself, has been involved in leadership work.”
A former Oakleigh Chargers player, Steinfort was Richmond’s first round pick (number 16) in the 1996 national draft but did not crack it for a senior game despite spending five seasons on the Tigers list.
The Albury Tigers recruiting focus will now centre on delisted Richmond player Kayne Pettifer who was overlooked in yesterday’s AFL pre-season and rookie drafts.
Pettifer, 27, was picked up with the No.9 selection in the 2000 draft and played 113 matches and kicked 132 goals for the AFL club before being shown the door.
Albury and Yarrawonga are vying for his signature with home club Kyabram believed to be a long shot.
The classy half-forward is expected to make a decision within the next week.
The Doutta Stars Football Club is pleased to announce the appointment of former Richmond superstar Kane Johnson as under 16 assistant coach. Kane will be assistant to Peter Wright who landed the job last week. Richmonds Troy Simmonds will also be taking the boys for specialist skills training.
Tom Roach has left North Ballarat and gone to play with Swan Districts in the WAFL
The Doutta Stars Football Club is pleased to announce the appointment of former Richmond superstar Kane Johnson as under 16 assistant coach. Kane will be assistant to Peter Wright who landed the job last week. Richmonds Troy Simmonds will also be taking the boys for specialist skills training.
Douttas are about 400 metres from my place
also seems that "one certain player "" according to todays paper is in a bit of strife
also seems that "one certain player "" according to todays paper is in a bit of strife
If it's in the paper you can tell us FFS.
also seems that "one certain player "" according to todays paper is in a bit of strife
If it's in the paper you can tell us FFS.
in the paper but doesn't name the player, ex flag winner so isn't a tiger :P
No, it isnt a tiger.
Someome who you woudnt guess of actually
No, it isnt a tiger.
Someome who you woudnt guess of actually
I don't have access to papers atm, so just tell me what the paper said.
No, it isnt a tiger.
Someome who you woudnt guess of actually
I don't have access to papers atm, so just tell me what the paper said.
Search Herald Sun website , main story. and most viewed story.
I have PM you anyway
Search Herald Sun website , main story. and most viewed story.
I have PM you anyway
Care Factor = 0
Another pathetic example of "muck raking" journalism by Jnr Sheahan and his cohorts at the Sunday HUN.
It was a waste of a page with the whole point being what exactly?
It was a nothing story; POINTLESS
Search Herald Sun website , main story. and most viewed story.
I have PM you anyway
Care Factor = 0
Another pathetic example of "muck raking" journalism by Jnr Sheahan and his cohorts at the Sunday HUN.
It was a waste of a page with the whole point being what exactly?
It was a nothing story; POINTLESS
Very serious story actually. will come out in the wash
The Doutta Stars Football Club is pleased to announce the appointment of former Richmond superstar Kane Johnson as under 16 assistant coach. Kane will be assistant to Peter Wright who landed the job last week. Richmonds Troy Simmonds will also be taking the boys for specialist skills training.
Douttas are about 400 metres from my place
Small world Jack - I did a couple of years high school at Buckley Park, just down the road.
The Doutta Stars Football Club is pleased to announce the appointment of former Richmond superstar Kane Johnson as under 16 assistant coach. Kane will be assistant to Peter Wright who landed the job last week. Richmonds Troy Simmonds will also be taking the boys for specialist skills training.
Douttas are about 400 metres from my place
Small world Jack - I did a couple of years high school at Buckley Park, just down the road.
Very small , I went to school there, Clinton Casey was in my year
Small world Jack - I did a couple of years high school at Buckley Park, just down the road.
Very small , I went to school there, Clinton Casey was in my year
I was there for my final 2 years - Form 5 and 6 in those days - 1974/75. When were you there?
mmmm My last year there in Form 5-year 11 Level was 1976.
mmmm My last year there in Form 5-year Level was 1976.
surely you 2 know each other?
mmmm My last year there in Form 5-year Level was 1976.
surely you 2 know each other?
No, we didn't mix much with the 'junior' (I mean that in a very polite way) school - there was a definite cultural divide between Form 4 and Form 5 in those days. I didn't know Jack or Clinton Casey for that matter. I do know that Simon Madden went to a local private school (maybe Essendon Grammar but I can't be sure) and caught the same bus home as me on occasions - he seemed huge to us then as he was starting out on his VFL career. Bloody small world all the same!
mmmm My last year there in Form 5-year Level was 1976.
surely you 2 know each other?
No, we didn't mix much with the 'junior' (I mean that in a very polite way) school - there was a definite cultural divide between Form 4 and Form 5 in those days. I didn't know Jack or Clinton Casey for that matter. I do know that Simon Madden went to a local private school (maybe Essendon Grammar but I can't be sure) and caught the same bus home as me on occasions - he seemed huge to us then as he was starting out on his VFL career. Bloody small world all the same!
Both Simon and Justin went to Primary School at St .Christophers in Airport West, dont know where they went for Secondary but would think St.Bernards ?? As they were a Catholic family
Played against Justin in local footy Under 15, he was ruckman (LOL ) at approx 6ft 7ins then, I played ruck at barely 6ft, got flogged,LOL
Also played against Tim Watson as he went to Essendon High at the time.
Also Wayne Harmes played local footy for Oak Park at the time as well, ( Under 17,s )
Harmes was a freak at that level.
Both Simon and Justin went to Primary School at St .Christophers in Airport West, dont know where they went for Secondary but would think St.Bernards ?? As they were a Catholic family
Played against Justin in local footy Under 15, he was ruckman (LOL ) at approx 6ft 7ins then, I played ruck at barely 6ft, got flogged,LOL
Also played against Tim Watson as he went to Essendon High at the time.
Also Wayne Harmes played local footy for Oak Park at the time as well, ( Under 17,s )
Harmes was a freak at that level.
Yes Jack, it was St. Bernards - I knew when I posted that it wasn't Essendon Grammar but I couldn't remember the name of the other 'main' private school that many locals went to. Definitely St. Bernards.
Also played against Tim Watson as he went to Essendon High at the time.
He debuted at Essendon in 1977 as a 15 year old so he must have been only 13 or 14 when you played against him.
Simon Fletcher plucked from St Mary's for Gold Coast role
Bradley Green
December 28th, 2009
THE Geelong connection with the new Gold Coast AFL club continues to grow with Simon Fletcher appointed its player development manager.
The 31-year-old will shift north to take up the position next year ahead of the GC 17's introduction to the VFL ahead of its expected entry into the AFL in 2011.
A Gold Coast Football Club spokesman said the former Carlton and Richmond midfielder's work with Leading Teams Australia as a leadership and development facilitator played a major role behind its decision to appoint him to the position.
The Gold Coast's gain is St Mary's loss with Fletcher leaving the GFL club next year.
He was a member of the Saints' 2008 premiership team after returning to Geelong when he was delisted by the Tigers at the end of 2004.
A former Geelong Falcon and Geelong rookie-list player, Fletcher played 90 games with Carlton and Richmond between 1999 and 2004. He kicked 30 goals and was the Blues' best first year player in 1999 and also won their reserves best and fairest that same season.
Anyone see Timmy Powell on the tele last weekend. He was on a TV show (can't remember the name of it) where Ernie dingo took him on a holiday with his family somewhere because his boss at the brewery called in and said he had something like 25 weeks holidays owing and he needed to take a break.
Anyone see Timmy Powell on the tele last weekend. He was on a TV show (can't remember the name of it) where Ernie dingo took him on a holiday with his family somewhere because his boss at the brewery called in and said he had something like 25 weeks holidays owing and he needed to take a break.
Yeah I saw the start of it; it's called "No Life, No Leave"
They said something like "Former AFL Star Tim Powell" :rollin :rollin
Petts has gone home and signed with Kyabram
Pettifer snubs Albury, Yarrawonga
Brett Kohlhagen
13 Jan, 2010
OVENS and Murray heavyweights Albury and Yarrawonga have missed out on the prized signature of delisted Richmond player Kayne Pettifer.
After months of speculation about his playing future, Pettifer earlier this week signed with Goulburn Valley club Kyabram where his family is heavily involved.
The news is a blow for Albury and Yarrawonga which have been in regular contact with the classy forward since the end of last season due to ties developed at Richmond through Paul Spargo and Chris Hyde and Pigeon coach Craig Ednie.
Kyabram president Peter Croxford said yesterday the Bombers were thrilled to sign Pettifer considering the approaches he had received from Ovens and Murray and Melbourne clubs.
“It’s fantastic that Kayne has decided to come back to Ky,” Croxford said.
“Obviously he attracted a fair bit of interest from other clubs, but his two sisters play netball for us and his mum is also involved so we always thought we were a good chance.
“I was quietly confident that family ties and mates would see Kayne play at Kyabram, but you never know.
“He’ll be fantastic for us.”
Pettifer, who kicked 132 goals in 113 matches for Richmond before being cut at the end of last season, recently became involved in a business in Melbourne which may also have played a part in his decision.
Kyabram lost to Mansfield in last year’s GV grand final and has bolstered its playing stocks by signing Redan’s Brett Dickinson, Cairns forward Heath Barnett and Craigieburn’s Paul O’Neil.
Scott Homewood who had a brief stint with Richmond 10 years ago is the new coach of Mitcham in 3rd division EFL.
Anyone see Timmy Powell on the tele last weekend. He was on a TV show (can't remember the name of it) where Ernie dingo took him on a holiday with his family somewhere because his boss at the brewery called in and said he had something like 25 weeks holidays owing and he needed to take a break.
Yeah I saw the start of it; it's called "No Life, No Leave"
They said something like "Former AFL Star Tim Powell" :rollin :rollin
Good bloke Tim Powell.
Seen him on a golf trip at Yarrawonga a few years back.
Works for CUB, :cheers
Played for the Filth after he left us and was a member of their 1993 losing grand final side.
Steve McKee is playing under Craig Ednie at Yarrawonga. So there's a few ex-Tigers now playing in the Ovens and Murray league.
Former Richmond AFL player Joel Bowden plays football with one of the local kids of Areyonga.
Red Dust Role Model program in Areyonga, south of Alice Springs, will be on their way to Melbourne for the Grand Prix. Picture: Alex Coppel
ex-Tiger and Hawk Billy Nicholls has joined South Warrnambool
He returned to North Shore for three seasons after his AFL career and has been at Geelong and District Football League club Corio the past two years.
Isn't South Warnanbool is where Jonathon Brown came from?
ex-Tiger and Hawk Billy Nicholls has joined South Warrnambool
He returned to North Shore for three seasons after his AFL career and has been at Geelong and District Football League club Corio the past two years.
WP will be happy with that. :thumbsup
Billy looks like he has got a bit of ""cous"' about him with the tatts, LOL
from today's Herald-Sun
A FORMER Richmond footballer, Assistant Commissioner Emmett Dunne, a 1980 premiership player with the Tigers, will be the new head of the Victoria Police ethical standards department.
Cleve Hughes kicked 4 goals for Southport last weekend
I see that Patto got named for the Saints this week
Brodders to play with Camperdown......
Thanks Pies: Broderick back where it all started
09 Apr, 2010 01:20 PM
FORMER AFL star Paul Broderick will kick-start Camperdown's 2010 season by playing tomorrow against Cobden in a thank you gesture to the club where his career began.
Broderick will make his first appearance in Magpies colours since the 1987 Hampden league grand final when he runs out with Camperdown's reserves side at Leura Oval.
Now 40, the former Fitzroy and Richmond onballer yesterday revealed he had agreed to play ahead of his guest speaking role at the opening of the club's new social rooms tomorrow night.
He said he wanted to play alongside the club's emerging youngsters and encourage their development - something the club had done for him when he was rising through the ranks.
"It's been a helluva long time since I played with Camperdown," he told The Standard.
"With my commitments down here (in Melbourne) I haven't been able to give that sort of support back to the club and it would be nice to finish that way. That's where it all started, within the Camperdown environment, and there are a lot of people who supported me and it would be nice to go back and say thanks."
He said he was looking forward to the experience.
"They have struggled to get numbers consistently and if I can play with some of the young guys coming through and get them to enjoy their football and help them stay engaged, then that would be good."
Broderick, who played with the Marcellan Bald Eagles in the over 35 veterans competition in Melbourne last year, said he had been running a couple of times a week and was in reasonable shape "but not anything like I used to be".
He said he had enjoyed the veterans competition which was only played every second week so participants could recover to play the next game.
"Don't expect too much out of me," he said.
"I will get more heckling from the Camperdown crowd than the Cobden crowd." He said with his children's sporting commitments increasing, his days of playing were just about over.
He grew up in Camperdown and still returns for family celebrations.
He played in Camperdown's 1986 and 1987 grand final sides which were beaten by the mighty Grant Thomas-coached Warrnambool teams which strung four premierships together in that era.
"We had some good sides and just couldn't get over the line against them."
He was recruited by Fitzroy for the 1988 season and played 93 games with the Lions until he was traded to Richmond for forward Jeff Hogg for the 1994 season. He had a stellar career with the Tigers, playing 169 games and kicked 90 goals until he retired at the end of 2001. He won the Tigers' best and fairest in 1996 and figured prominently in most seasons.
Camperdown public relations officer Peter Conheady was delighed Broderick would once again don the black and white.
"He's capable of playing in the seniors but he didn't want to upset the team balance," he said.
"It's terrific for the young fellas in the twos to have someone of his calibre playing with them.
"It's just a one-off and his way of giving a little bit back to the club."
Posted on BF courtesy of the Canberra Times:
Ray Hall is lining up for Eastlake in the ACTAFL this weekend in his first game since finishing up with Richmond. He has been named on the bench for Sundays clash against Queanbeyan Tigers, after spending 18 months in PNG as an Australian Youth Ambassador and mentoring the PNG under 16 and under 18 teams.
Tom Roach is close to getting state game for WA.
Roach in frame for a second State jumper
The West Australian April 30, 2010
Framed at the home of Swan Districts midfielder Tom Roach is a jumper bearing the iconic symbol of one of WA's greatest rivals.
The 24-year-old's one and only appearance for Victoria came two years ago in a game South Australia won by 65 points, but the experience made enough impact on Roach for him to permanently frame the Big V.
The one-time Richmond player now has his sights set on earning a companion jumper bearing the black swan in a nod to the new home that has breathed fresh life into his football career.
Roach is one of four Swans players in the initial WA squad that will attempt to defeat Victoria for the first time in two decades at Medibank Stadium on May 22.
He will be in elite company if selected for the final team, joining the likes of WA football greats Graham "Polly" Farmer, Barry Cable and Graham Moss as footballers to play for both States.
"I don't think many people would have done that, so it'd be a great honour," Roach said.
The onballer has the football pedigree for his name to sit comfortably amongst those legends, with his father, Michael, finishing his 200-game career with Richmond as a premiership player and a two-time Coleman medallist with 607 goals to his name.
Roach's time with the Tigers was more short-lived, playing 11 matches across three seasons before being de-listed at the end of 2006.
He was first approached by Swans in 2008, but held off until the end of last year after winning his second premiership with VFL side North Ballarat.
"I've won two grand finals and played some good footy there and just thought it'd be time to set some new challenges and have a crack in a different league," Roach said.
"I'd always wanted to play WAFL footy because of the big grounds and the open spaces, which suits my game. I thought the time was right."
A bout of plantar fasciitis - inflammation of the tendon along the sole of the foot - limited Roach's pre-season and delayed his WAFL debut until round three.
He has progressively improved in his four league appearances this year, collecting 29 and 31 disposals in his past two matches.
Roach said he had enjoyed being back in the company of forward Andrew Krakouer, a teammate during his time at Richmond.
Krakouer, who joined gutsy midfielder Josh Roberts and defender Tallan Ames as the other Swans players picked for the WA squad, has averaged 26 disposals a game this year and booted six goals in a stunning return after serving an 18-month prison sentence.
Roach is relishing the idea of taking on Victorian coach Gerald Fitzgerald, his coach during his time with North Ballarat, and claimed WA would have an advantage playing at home.
"The major difference is the (WAFL) competition's a lot quicker," he said. "The ball moves faster, the skills are probably a little bit higher, but there's a lot less contact and a lot less stoppages so it is very much a different competition in terms of the way the footy is played."
from inside football...
FORMER Springvale champion and Richmond forward Brett “Birdman” Evans refuses to defer to age. At 38 he remains the cornerstone of the Narre Warren forward line, averaging more than four goals a game this season in the Casey Cardinia league.
Best recruits bar none
A MONTH is a long time in football. Especially if a couple of former AFL stars arrive at your club.
Just three weeks ago Montrose was second bottom in the Eastern Football League. Then former Richmond ruckman Troy Simmonds decided to join his father's old club.
Three wins later and Montrose is knocking on the top four, and another old Tiger has joined in - Kane Johnson, recently retired Richmond captain and dual premiership player with Adelaide.
The Tigers pair share an apartment. Sporting Life hears that Johnson was tired of hearing what a good time his flatmate was having, and decided to pull on the boots.
Johnson was presented with his jumper at training last night, and will make his debut this weekend at home against Wantirna South.
Great news for Montrose. In just four home matches this year they have surpassed last season's entire bar takings. Another bumper crowd is expected.
In just four home matches this year they have surpassed last season's entire bar takings.
Nice of Connors to go and support Simmo
In just four home matches this year they have surpassed last season's entire bar takings.
Nice of Connors to go and support Simmo
Wouldn't be hard to overtake because they didn't have a bar last season. ;)
They played at Kilsyth while their ground was being redeveloped and the demolished rooms/stand were being built
In just four home matches this year they have surpassed last season's entire bar takings.
Nice of Connors to go and support Simmo
Vintage Comedy and some very nice work from jake right there.
Kane still able
The Age
July 6, 2010
COMEBACKS are often fraught, as former Richmond skipper and dual premiership player Kane Johnson discovered after turning out for for Montrose Football Club.
Johnson played his first match for Montrose on the weekend, joining former Tigers ruckman and flatmate Troy Simmonds at the club.
''Kane played midfield for most of the day and in the dying minutes of the game slid across the wet surface and into a Carpet Court fence sign,'' a witness told Sporting Life. ''He sliced his leg open to the bone and ended up in hospital requiring 11 stitches.''
Johnson has shown he is made from pretty stern stuff - he plans to be back on the field in two weeks.
The day was much better for Simmonds, who booted six goals in a best-on-ground performance.
Local article about Troy Simmonds and Kane Johnson at Montrose FC in Div.2 of the EFL
MONTROSE coach Mark Garthwaite is looking at the long-term benefits of high-profile recruits Troy Simmonds and Kane Johnson signing-on at the club.
Although the star pair’s signings have enhanced the Demons’ EFL Division 2 finals prospects this season, Garthwaite said he’d rather the club’s youngsters learn as much as they can from the former-AFL players.
“As a coach you want to develop the young players at the football club,” Garthwaite said.
“I think with Kane and Troy, with where they’ve played and the knowledge they’ve got through their careers, they can help fast-track our younger players and learn from these guys that have played at a higher level. I’ve said to my players to ask these guys (Kane and Troy) for as much information as possible because they’re more than willing to help.”
A couple of much-maligned ex-Tigers had big games in the WAFL over the weekend.....
Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls (East Perth)
Played his best game of the season since returning to WA to play with East Perth after four years with Richmond. The Eagles rookie-listed player booted six goals from 23 possessions and nine marks as East Perth hammered Perth by 117 points at EFTel Oval.
Andrew Krakouer (Swan Districts)
Outstanding game from the Sandover Medal favourite as he collected 27 disposals, took seven marks, laid six tackles and kicked four goals for Swan Districts in the draw with the ladder-leading Claremont.
FORMER Richmond forward Andrew Krakouer has set his sights on a remarkable return to the AFL in 2011, with a standout WAFL season for Swan Districts reigniting his ambition to play at the top level.
Krakouer, who was released from prison last November after serving more than a year behind bars for serious assault, is widely tipped to win this year's Sandover Medal as the WAFL's fairest and best player.
The 27-year-old has averaged more than 25 possessions in his 18 games this season, kicking 32 goals as one of the state competition's most damaging players.
Now, with opportunities almost certain to present at this year's NAB AFL Draft, Krakouer is aiming to add to the 102 AFL games he played with the Tigers between 2001 and 2007.
There were no such excuses on Saturday. Montmorency simply outplayed the Tigers, kicking six unanswered goals in the opening quarter and maintaining its lead from there. Pat Fitzgerald and Dean Limbach, the former Essendon and Richmond player, kicked seven and six goals respectively. The final margin was 19 points.
I believe Cleve Hughes won the goal kicking for the QAFL this year
You reckon Clever could of done with a season under Hardwicks guidance? Hardwick mentioned there was one or two that got the arse he would of liked to of held onto and perhaps some that were lucky to stay in his eyes. I wondered if Cleve was one of em.
I reakon any young footballer would benefit from a year under hardwick. I never saw enough of Hughes to call whether Hardwick would have made a footballer out him or not.
Yeah I'd love to know who that was.
Andy Krakouer racked up 51 possessions against Peel on the weekend.
You reckon Clever could of done with a season under Hardwicks guidance? Hardwick mentioned there was one or two that got the behind he would of liked to of held onto and perhaps some that were lucky to stay in his eyes. I wondered if Cleve was one of em.
couldnot pick the ball off the ground below his knees
Ezra Poyas who now plays for St Kilda City in the Southern Football League will be playing in the SFL Division 1 Grand Final next weekend.
Hyde a highlight in Tigers' gutsy victory
Chris Mitchell
21 Sep, 2010 09:51 PM
ALBURY midfielder Chris Hyde has written a new chapter in his stunning Tigers career, starring in the grand final win against Yarrawonga at Lavington Oval.
Hyde, who played 93 AFL games for Richmond, has enjoyed unprecedented success since arriving at the Tigers last season, winning the Did Simpson Medal as best-on-ground in last year's winning grand final, and going close yesterday.
Originally from Barooga, Hyde now has his eyes set on a third consecutive flag with Albury.
"I tell you what, it doesn't get much better than this," he said.
"The twos got up, the B-graders got up, makes for the best night ever. If you bottled this you'd be a millionaire."
Despite just nine kicks, six handballs and a goal, Hyde's composure and attack at the contest were instrumental in the win.
The 28-year-old paid tribute to the club's professionalism, and coach Paul Spargo for a demanding preseason.
"The professionalism and how hard these boys train, it's taken me by surprise," Hyde said.
"The work these guys put in, and it's driven by Spargs because he's a fitness man and he loves that sort of stuff, is unbelievable.
"We train hard, we play hard and we enjoy the good times."
WARATAHS have made the first big signing of the 2010-11 NTFL season with former Richmond, Carlton, Geelong and Essendon midfielder Justin Murphy joining the club.
NTFL club Wanderers has landed some prized recruits on the eve of the 2010-11 premiership season.
Nightcliff trio Damien Roe and the Motlop cousins, Thomas and Aaron, are back in the Eagles' nest on season permits.
And quicksilver forward Relton Roberts is back after a brief stint at AFL club Richmond.
CHRIS Hyde’s Albury fairytale has continued after the star midfielder was rewarded for an outstanding season with the club’s best-and-fairest award.
Jeff Dunne who is more known as a Saints player but did spend one year (1984) at Richmond and played one game for us is the new coach of North Launceston in the TSL.
Paddy Steinfort will coach Mazenod in the VAFA Premier C competition next year.
The former-Richmond AFL footballer, and Coburg VFL captain, has taken the reins from David Murray.
A qualified physiotherapist, Steinfort worked with elite athletes in South Australia before taking over as lead facilitator for Leading Teams in New Zealand.
In his role he tailored leadership and cultural programs for the national cricket, soccer and basketball teams as well as two Rugby Super 14 sides.
Steinfort worked with the Nodders last season, building club programs, and his leadership qualities caught the eye of club officials.
Pettifer joins Royalty
By Kim Hagdorn
23 November 2010 07:02PM EST
FORMER Richmond utility Kayne Pettifer will continue a journeyman’s football ride after switching to Western Australian club East Perth.
East Perth has also emerged as the leading candidate to win the services of recently departed Richmond big man Graham Polak.
Polak, 26, is weighing up playing and employment offers from East Perth as well as his original WAFL club East Fremantle.
Pettifer, 28, heads west after playing the 2010 season with his home town club Kyabram in Victorian country in the Goulburn Valley.
He was de-listed by the Tigers at the end of 2009 after playing 113 games in nine seasons since his AFL debut in 2001.
Pettifer was somewhat of a star in the strong Goulburn league where he booted 83 goals as a key forward.
where does royalty come into this?
where does royalty come into this?
East Perth are the Royals.
Stupid nickname.
was to do with the blue in their club colours
where does royalty come into this?
East Perth are the Royals.
Stupid nickname.
Here's one of them in the club colours.
where does royalty come into this?
East Perth are the Royals.
Stupid nickname.
Polak ace in pack for Royals
The West Australian
November 25, 2010
East Perth pulled off a pre-season recruiting coup yesterday when they signed former Fremantle and Richmond player Graham Polak.
Polak's decision is a huge boost for the Royals and the final piece in the club's recruiting jigsaw after they had signed other former AFL players Kayne Pettifer and Josh Smith earlier in the week.
East Perth beat Polak's original WAFL club East Fremantle and at least two others in the scramble for Polak, who bowed out of the AFL in August after 111 games.
The Royals can accommodate Polak, Smith and Pettifer in their salary cap and under the WAFL's player points system after the retirements of David Wirrpanda and Luke Webster, and departure of Andrew Lovett back to Melbourne and Jason Roe to the Northern Territory Football League.
East Perth football manager Mark Winnett said the trio would make a difference in 2011.
"We had these three players as our key recruiting targets this year and are rapt to secure them all," Winnett said.
"We are confident Polly, Josh and Kayne will play a lot of footy for us."
East Fremantle chief executive Adam Kelly said his club offered Polak a three-year deal and was disappointed not to secure the talented player but understood why the Royals had been successful.
"It was because of the career path that East Perth had put forward and we knew that was the major issue for Graham in coming back to WA," Kelly said.
"We also understand Graham's family connection as well, having had both his father and grand- father play at East Perth, as well as his uncle."
The trio have all signed two-year deals. Pettifer, 28, played 113 games and kicked 132 goals for Richmond between 2001 and 2009, claiming the club champion award in 2006. Smith, 24, played 11 games for North Melbourne from 2008 to 2010.
He was a member of VFL premiership teams with North Ballarat in 2008, 2009 and 2010, said that hat-trick of flags made missing out on a regular game with the Kangaroos easier to deal with.
"If you are not playing ones it makes it a bit easier when you go back and are winning premierships at VFL level," said Smith, originally from West Perth.
"Hopefully in the next couple of years I can add a WAFL premiership and that's what I'm hoping for.
"West Perth are a great club but footy has many different twists and turns and hopefully I can have a bit of success with the Royals."
FORMER Richmond high-flyer Kayne Pettifer will line up for NTFL club the Waratahs on Saturday night. The 28-year-old will fill a key forward spot against the second-placed Eagles at TIO Stadium.
Source: NT News
From today's Herald-Sun (not on online)
Busy Brown not keen to kick on
By Chris de Kretser and Daryl Timms
Sat 11 Dec 2010, Page 72
FORMER Western Bulldog and Richmond forward Nathan Brown has itchy feet after being out of the game for a season.
He has been approached to join ex-Tiger teammates Troy Simmonds and Kane Johnson at Eastern Football League club Montrose.
While Brown said he would love to have a kick, his media commitments will stop him from pulling the boots on again.
He has gigs with Triple M and Channel 9's Sunday Footy Show.
Polak ace in pack for Royals
The West Australian
November 25, 2010
East Perth pulled off a pre-season recruiting coup yesterday when they signed former Fremantle and Richmond player Graham Polak.
Polak's decision is a huge boost for the Royals and the final piece in the club's recruiting jigsaw after they had signed other former AFL players Kayne Pettifer and Josh Smith earlier in the week.
East Perth beat Polak's original WAFL club East Fremantle and at least two others in the scramble for Polak, who bowed out of the AFL in August after 111 games.
The Royals can accommodate Polak, Smith and Pettifer in their salary cap and under the WAFL's player points system after the retirements of David Wirrpanda and Luke Webster, and departure of Andrew Lovett back to Melbourne and Jason Roe to the Northern Territory Football League.
East Perth football manager Mark Winnett said the trio would make a difference in 2011.
"We had these three players as our key recruiting targets this year and are rapt to secure them all," Winnett said.
"We are confident Polly, Josh and Kayne will play a lot of footy for us."
East Fremantle chief executive Adam Kelly said his club offered Polak a three-year deal and was disappointed not to secure the talented player but understood why the Royals had been successful.
"It was because of the career path that East Perth had put forward and we knew that was the major issue for Graham in coming back to WA," Kelly said.
"We also understand Graham's family connection as well, having had both his father and grand- father play at East Perth, as well as his uncle."
The trio have all signed two-year deals. Pettifer, 28, played 113 games and kicked 132 goals for Richmond between 2001 and 2009, claiming the club champion award in 2006. Smith, 24, played 11 games for North Melbourne from 2008 to 2010.
He was a member of VFL premiership teams with North Ballarat in 2008, 2009 and 2010, said that hat-trick of flags made missing out on a regular game with the Kangaroos easier to deal with.
"If you are not playing ones it makes it a bit easier when you go back and are winning premierships at VFL level," said Smith, originally from West Perth.
"Hopefully in the next couple of years I can add a WAFL premiership and that's what I'm hoping for.
"West Perth are a great club but footy has many different twists and turns and hopefully I can have a bit of success with the Royals."
did i miss something whats that about Pettifer claiming the club champion award in 2006 ::)
Pettifer, 28, played 113 games and kicked 132 goals for Richmond between 2001 and 2009, claiming the club champion award in 2006.
did i miss something whats that about Pettifer claiming the club champion award in 2006 ::)
LOL well spotted BJ. Petts actually came 5th in the B&F in 2006
1 - Kane Johnson (226)
2 - Andrew Raines (223)
3 - Troy Simmonds (215)
4 - Joel Bowden (204)
5 - Kayne Pettifer (186)
6 - Greg Tivendale (172)
7 - Matthew Richardson (164)
8 - Patrick Bowden (160)
9 - Dean Polo (152)
10 - Shane Tuck (151)
It says it all btw that only one of that top 10 is still around just 4 years later :-\.
Think they were referring to the goal kicking club champion
Richo with 45 goals was our leading goalkicker in 2006. I think Petts was second.
where is chris hyde now ?
where is chris hyde now ?
Albury Tigers.
They've won back-to-back flags 2009-10 since Hydey's been there. He's starring averaging 2 goals per game as a mid.
Adam Thomson has returned to his old club Sturt to play in the SANFL.
They've won back-to-back flags 2009-10 since Hydey's been there. He's starring averaging 2 goals per game as a mid.
Hydey was a good player. Obviously thriving at that level.
What's Rory Hilton doing these days? Could have been something special if it wasn't for his injuries
What's Rory Hilton doing these days? Could have been something special if it wasn't for his injuries
At Barooga with Justin Plapp
What's Rory Hilton doing these days? Could have been something special if it wasn't for his injuries
work with a bloke who went through Vic juniors with Rory was listed with Dogs et al...he reckons Hilts was best junior player he ever saw, toughness, impact on the game, had it all
I was always a big fan. Was stoked when we got him off Brisbane...injuries stuffed him up badly. :(
Some SEN caller said tonight that Cambo is playing for Mill Park and I think he said Gary Frangalas has joined John Northey (at Ballarat).
Jordan McMahon eyes September glory at Glenelg this year in the SANFL
Pettifer primed, say Royals
Shayne Hope
The West Australian
March 3, 2011
East Perth have rubbished rumours star recruit Kayne Pettifer had left the club without playing a game, declaring the versatile former Richmond player a likely starter in Saturday's pre-season clash with Peel.
East Perth football manager Mark Winnett said Pettifer had been playing in the Northern Territory Football League and completed the required amount of training to play with Royals.
The official NTFL website credits Pettifer with two games with the Waratah club this season, both of which were in December.
"There's no dramas with Kayne at all. He'll probably play this weekend and there's no issues with him," Winnett said.
"He's been playing a little bit in the NT. He's been over (there) training while he's just been finalising his house (in Perth) and all that sort of stuff.
"He's done more than enough at this stage and, like I say, he'll probably play this weekend. I wouldn't read too much into anything that's going round the traps."
Winnett said Pettifer had been in good form during his cameo appearance with Waratah and would play a crucial role for the Royals this season.
Pettifer, 29, was one of several big-name recruits lured to East Perth over the off-season. Former Richmond and Fremantle tall Graham Polak, former Hawthorn midfielder Gary Moss and delisted Kangaroos big man Josh Smith have also joined the club.
"(Pettifer) was up there (NT) for four or five weeks training and kicked 10 goals, eight in one game and two in the other," Winnett said.
"He's been training and he's been doing everything we've asked of him, so we don't have any concerns with him at all."
The East Perth-Peel game at Medibank Stadium is one of three WAFL pre-season fixtures scheduled to start at 2.15pm on Saturday.
Predicted high temperatures have caused concern among WAFL clubs, though extended squads and shortened quarters will ease the burden on players.
Royce Vardy is the new assistant coach at the Morwell Tigers in the Gippsland Football League...
MFNC is proud to announce that former Richmond player Royce Vardy will join the club this year as playing assistant coach. Vardy was drafted by Richmond at pick 21 in the 1999 National Draft went on to play 34 games in the yellow & black. Joining the boys for training this week for the first time we are sure his height and jumping ability will be a big addition for our forward line this year.
Alroy Gilligan kicked four goals for Claremont in their WAFL final practice game against South Fremantle.
Graham Polak also kicked four goals as East Perth snatched a 10.9 (69) to 9.9 (63) victory over Medibank Stadium co-tenants Subiaco on Friday night.
Kayne Pettifer was among the best for East Perth.
Anyone know what these boys are upto.
1. Craig Ednie.
2. Lionel Proctor
3. Ben Hollands
4. Adam Slater
5. Cam Howat
Polak kicked 4 goals and Pettifer 3 in East Perth's round 1 upset win over reigning premiers Swan Districts.
Chris Hyde at the Albury Tigers is now considered the best player in the O&M league.
Ben Hollands is listed at 40 playing playing with the Wodonga Bulldogs.
Anyone know what these boys are upto.
1. Craig Ednie.
2. Lionel Proctor
3. Ben Hollands
4. Adam Slater
5. Cam Howat
Craig Ednie coaching yarrawonga. (
Anyone know what these boys are upto.
1. Craig Ednie.
2. Lionel Proctor
3. Ben Hollands
4. Adam Slater
5. Cam Howat
I believe Adam Slater was at East Burwood in the EFL
Anyone know what these boys are upto.
1. Craig Ednie.
2. Lionel Proctor
3. Ben Hollands
4. Adam Slater
5. Cam Howat
Lionel proctor playing for fitzroy stars in the NFL
Anyone know what these boys are upto.
1. Craig Ednie.
2. Lionel Proctor
3. Ben Hollands
4. Adam Slater
5. Cam Howat
cam howat playing for old Carey grammarians.
Anyone know what these boys are upto.
1. Craig Ednie.
2. Lionel Proctor
3. Ben Hollands
4. Adam Slater
5. Cam Howat
Craig Ednie coaching yarrawonga. (
Pretty sure Ednie is overseas and not coaching yarra anymore!Yarra's coach is Chris Kennedy, Ednie may return later in season!
Mark Chaffey is back playing for Rye after having a year off
Scott Turner...Row D seat...whatever...richmond V Freo with his son :gotigers
Scott Turner...Row D seat...whatever...richmond V Freo with his son :gotigers
He goes to most games when he can
apparently there is an add that has troy simmonds using a leaf blower as a hair dryer?
apparently there is an add that has troy simmonds using a leaf blower as a hair dryer?
Nah I don't think it is Simmo. It's that most powerful tradie ad for the Nissan Navara.
cheers MT. I havn't seen the ad myself.
Ex-Tiger Trevor Larkins is assistant coach with the Sunshine Coast Power which is one of the main junior development sides in Queensland.
Craig Smith has a son whose made the U16 NSW/ACT side. Craig is now working with the Swans.
JACKSON Pola-Smith has been blessed with sporting genes most youngsters can only dream about.
His old man, Craig, made a name for himself in the 1980s as a tough, uncompromising utility with the Richmond Tigers in the old Victorian Football League.
Now the youngster from St Augustine’s College has the chance to excel with a Sherrin in hand, following his selection in the under-16 NSW/ACT Rams squad contesting the AFL national championships later this month and in July.
Jackson, who plays for the Manly Bombers and Manly Wolves each weekend, grew up in footy-mad Melbourne before relocating to the peninsula after his dad landed a job with the Sydney Swans.
Craig only played 72 games for us so if the kid is any good we can't get him via father son :(
Craig only played 72 games for us so if the kid is any good we can't get him via father son :(
Yep we can't grab him via F/S. One thing though is he is playing for NSW/ACT where virtually all high picks don't come from being a 2nd division state at U18 level. So if he is any good we'll probably be able to draft him anyway with a mid-late range pick.
His dad was a very good junior footballer. A star at U19 level. He didn't come on at senior level to the level he was as a junior. From memory he was fairly injury-prone.
lol i remember him (
Ex-Richmond assistant coach Paul Spargo is quitting the Albury Tigers as senior coach and Chris Hyde is one of the ones in line to take over.
Despite signing a clearance with Rennie in February before going away, Craig Ednie will stay and play with Yarrawonga this season when he returns from an overseas holiday.
Mid-80s Tiger Chris Burton is involved in Cricket at Werribee...
... former Footscray and Richmond VFL/AFL player Chris Burton, who also represented Australia’s under-19 cricket team and has been heavily involved in Werribee’s junior cricket club, is taking fitness session over pre-season.
Rye's Steve Ryan was handed a six-week prescribed suspension for headbutting in Saturday’s MPNFL Nepean League match of the day against Sorrento.
The former Richmond and Collingwood player, who has played more than 400 games of senior football, got into a “push and shove” with Sorrento’s Dion Phillips in the opening term.
Rye chairman of selectors Scott Beel said there was “very little” in the incident and players “clashed heads” in the scuffle.
“It was very low impact and there was no intent so we believe we have a case to take to the tribunal this week,” Beel said.
Mark Chaffey is also playing at Rye
Craig only played 72 games for us so if the kid is any good we can't get him via father son :(
Yep we can't grab him via F/S. One thing though is he is playing for NSW/ACT where virtually all high picks don't come from being a 2nd division state at U18 level. So if he is any good we'll probably be able to draft him anyway with a mid-late range pick.
His dad was a very good junior footballer. A star at U19 level. He didn't come on at senior level to the level he was as a junior. From memory he was fairly injury-prone.
spot on, he was one of those highly rated juniors that looked every bit a good player but never really strung it together...I think injuries put his career out of its misery in the end...i alaways held high hopes for the No 17...would be ironic to nab his son
Mid-80s Tiger Chris Burton is involved in Cricket at Werribee...
... former Footscray and Richmond VFL/AFL player Chris Burton, who also represented Australia’s under-19 cricket team and has been heavily involved in Werribee’s junior cricket club, is taking fitness session over pre-season.
Reckon this article is incorrect.
There is another "Chris Burton "" who played A-Grade district cricket at Footscray some 10 years ago.
I believe he is the one coaching at Werribee and not the footballer
Denis Collins who played 17 games with Richmond in 1980 and was an emergency for the 1980 Grand Final has passed away at just 58.
He played 147 VFL games all up with us, Footscray and Carlton.
Kristian DePasquale, who was on our rookie list in 2002 from memory and played at Coburg for a few years in the early 00s, has announced his retirement after 8 years with the Port Adelaide Magpies.
Kristian DePasquale, who was on our rookie list in 2002 from memory and played at Coburg for a few years in the early 00s, has announced his retirement after 8 years with the Port Adelaide Magpies.
was a good little player, injured his knee a week before he was to debut from memory
Anyone know the story behind 2 players that we drafted - I think they didnt ever play for us 1) Richard Anderson from Norwood in the SANFL. From memory he was a really early pick and 2) James White. From what I know they were both really talented footballers but for whatever reason never made it to Richmond.
Brad Miller (not the current one) who was a Richmond rookie in 2002 is playing for South Warrnambool against Warrnambool in the HFNL Grand Final.
Miller said in his younger days he hadn’t been too keen on training.
“I just liked playing footy, I wasn’t the most dedicated footballer going around. I just enjoyed playing with my mates.”
He won TAC Cup side Western Jets’ best and fairest in 2001 and nominated for the national draft. He was rookie listed by Richmond and played with Coburg Tigers, losing the preliminary final by less than a kick.
“I had the option of going back (home) or doing another pre-season with Richmond and I just decided to go home and play footy with my mates.
“Looking back it probably would have been good to have a crack at it but I just liked to get out there and play. I didn’t like training a lot.”
Ron's back
By Scott Palmer
Sunday Herald-Sun
25 September, 2011
FORMER Richmond captain Ron Branton is back after many years living on the Gold Coast, and like many of his era, has been in rehab after a hip reconstruction.
Branton, 77, remains one of the Tigers' most admired players, a rover or back pocket of exceptional bravery. He led the side in 1962-63, was three times best and fairest and equal Brownlow runner-up with Kevin Murray and Ken Fraser to Geelong's Alistair Lord in 1962.
Branton's reappearance has caused some excitement among former clubmates at Punt Rd, who are delighted the little champ can again walk without pain.
Relton Roberst :burgereater Was best afield for the Arnhem crows in their grand final win in the Big Rivers Football League.
Alroy Gilligan kicked 3 goals and had 17 possies, 2 marks, 6 tackles and 7 inside 50s in Claremont's premiership win over Subiaco in the WAFL Grand Final today. The media said Alroy was 2nd best on ground behind Beau Wilkes.
If anyone's looking for Ty Esler just head down to The Burvale Hotel in East Burwood. He's easy to find. He's the biggest , loudest and blindest bloke there. Total p!sshead these days
Former Richmond and West Adelaide ruckman Paddy Steinfort has been appointed to the new position of Leadership Development Manager at Adelaide.
Ezra Poyas, playing this year with St Kilda City, won the Southern Football League's Division One Best & Fairest award last Friday night. He also won St Kilda City's B&F.
Scott Turner is back coaching the Ararat Rats next year. Going to play for them as well
Scott Turner is back coaching the Ararat Rats next year. Going to play for them as well
Beware the shirtfront ;D.
Justin Plapp is the new coach at the Sandringham Dragons in the TAC Cup.
Bruce Lennon (28 games, 1992-93) is now an assistant coach at Sturt in the SANFL.
Pettifer had a run with waratahs along side fev yesterday and kicked 7 to go with fevs 9.
Pettifer had a run with waratahs along side fev yesterday and kicked 7 to go with fevs 9.
Petts' not helping Fev's chances of being redrafted and making an AFL comeback lol.
At least Tom Hislop wont be rookie a Punt Road in 2012
Signed up at Aberfeldie in the EDFL for good bucks $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
At least Tom Hislop wont be rookie a Punt Road in 2012
Signed up at Aberfeldie in the EDFL for good bucks $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Massive $$$ in some of those surburban comps
EDFL always throwing huge $$$ around
He is playing with Courtney Johns , Mal Michael, D.Peverill and co
Marc Dragicevic is still going around. He's just joined the Tuggeranong Hawks...
Around is right, getting very around.
That ACL injury early in 2001 totally stuffed up a promising AFL career for Dragga. All thanks to a hospital pass from a high profile teammate which meant Dragga landed on a straighten leg.
Wow! Looking at that picture of Draga...there's still hope that Aaron Fiora could bulk up one day!!!
I marked Draga's fist goal kicked against Sydney in i think 99 at the G...Ponsford end. I of course have no way of proving this!
Saw a recent picture of Andrew Kellaway in yesterdays Sun, as a firefighter.
Former Richmond defender Darren Gaspar is a surprise elevation to the board of WAFL club East Fremantle, after a members vote!/Sportsnewsfirst
Nick Westhoff has joined West Adelaide in the SANFL
Kayne Pettifer kicked 5 goals for the Waratahs in the NTFL last night against St Marys. They lost by 25 pts though.
Thursfield Takes Leongatha Reins
Even though Will Thursfield was a required player for Richmond's 2012 season, a growing landscaping business and the lure of life out of the goldfish bowl that is AFL football at a big Melbourne club had the 6 foot 4 25 year old wanting to retire.
The club is thrilled to have Will on board for the 2012 season. Joining him as assistant will be former tiger team mate Tas Clingan. Tas came off Richmond's rookie list three years ago and has spent the last two seasons playing with Wangaratta Rovers in the Ovens and Murray Football league. That taste of country football experience will be invaluable as the pair plots for success for the upcoming season.
everyone's favourite waddler , mitch farmer has signed with romsey.
or not.
Ben Nason is back at Central District. Coburg's Jamie Lawton has joined him.
Article here:
The Departed: where are they now - Richmond
Mitch Farmer - Romsey (Riddell District Football League)
Ben Nason - Central District (SANFL)
Will Thursfield - Leongatha (Gippsland Football League)
Nick Westhoff - West Adelaide (SANFL)
Nick Jewell will be playing-coach for Heatherton FC for the next two years.
not necessarily a footballer but certainly an OER regular
Whats happened to fish finger? miss his wit and astute comments
He got lost.
Pettifer got married last night.
Kayne Pettifer twitter:- "Had the greatest night of his life. Married his sweet heart and celebrated with great friends and family #lovinglife"
Hyde and seek
By Adam McNicol
Sat 10 Mar, 2012
Former Tiger Chris Hyde in action for the Albury Tigers - photo by Matthew Smithwick, The Border Mail
IN THE seven seasons that Chris Hyde spent on Richmond's list, the club did not qualify for the finals.
A couple of ninth-placed finishes, in 2006 and 2008, were the best results that the Tigers managed during Hyde's time at Punt Road.
More often than not they were far closer to the bottom of the ladder, taking home the wooden spoon in his third season and again in his sixth.
Delisted by Richmond at the end of the '08 campaign, Hyde still plays for a team known as the Tigers.
But his latest club is far different to the success-starved AFL outfit he left behind.
The Albury Tigers are a powerhouse in the Ovens and Murray Football League, a competition that includes clubs based in north-east Victoria and southern New South Wales.
And since Hyde joined them for the 2009 season, the Tigers have won the premiership each year.
"It's been pretty good up here, there's no doubt about that," said the 29-year-old, who was a key contributor in the midfield in all three Grand Finals, each of which was against Yarrawonga.
"We've lost only three games in three years, and in 2009 we went through undefeated."
Hyde grew up 140kms further down the Murray River at Barooga. He began playing football for the local club, then graduated to the Murray Bushrangers in his mid-teens.
His pace and evasive skills (Matthew Richardson later called him the best baulker he'd ever played with) caught the eye of Richmond, which selected him with pick 68 in the 2001 NAB AFL Draft.
In 2004 and 2006 he played in all of the Tigers' 22 matches, but he was in and out of the team in his other five seasons.
Upon leaving Richmond, Hyde moved to Tumut in the New South Wales high country to take up a job as a game manager for Game Council of NSW.
"I was like a fishing inspector, but I worked with the hunters," Hyde explained.
"The sort of game that people hunt up in the mountains are deer, rabbits and foxes. We would check that they had a NSW game licence.
"We would also do inspections of forests and provide advice to other organisations about the suitability of certain forests for hunting.
"I really like the outdoors. I like my fishing and hunting. My grandparents lived on a farm and I think that's where I picked those things up from."
Tumut is 200kms from Albury, but Hyde decided to play football for the Tigers after getting in contact with their coach Paul Spargo.
Spargo, who played 81 games for North Melbourne during the 1980s and early '90s, spent a brief period as an assistant coach at Richmond while Hyde was there.
These days Hyde lives in Albury and works as a return-to-work co-ordinator for the Joss Group, a construction and distribution company that has offices throughout New South Wales.
On the footy field, he has been a very consistent performer no matter where he's been living, twice finishing runner-up in the OMFL best and fairest, the Morris Medal.
These days, renowned as a midfielder with an ability to hit the scoreboard, he kicked 46 goals in 20 games last year.
"I try and average about three goals per game, which I think is about right for a midfielder/half-forward," Hyde said.
"It didn't end up being that high last year, but I definitely enjoy kicking a goal."
The Albury football community will be out in force on Saturday afternoon when the AFL comes to town.
Although the clash between Greater Western Sydney and Gold Coast might seem an odd one to be held at the Lavington Sports Ground on Albury's northern fringe, the region is part of the Giants' recruiting zone.
As happened last year, when GWS played North Melbourne before a crowd of around 6,000 in Lavington, a number of kids from southern New South Wales are likely to be running around.
Anthony Miles (North Albury), Sam Schultz (Culcairn) and Tim Segrave (Corowa-Rutherglen) are among the local boys on the Giants' list.
Once the AFL circus has moved out of town, the OMFL will again become the focus of local footy fans.
"They love their footy up here," Hyde said. "And the local footy is definitely of a very good standard.
"The professionalism on and off the field is pretty high these days. We train three nights a week and I don't see many other clubs doing much different."
Many people with their ear to the ground are tipping Yarrawonga to end their run of Grand Final losses, thanks to the addition of star recruit Brendan Fevola.
But the Tigers are confident they have the talent and desire to make it four on the trot.
"We've lost two from our Grand Final side," Hyde said. "One guy is travelling overseas and another has gone to the Northern Territory to be a cowboy.
"But we've gained a few guys, so we'll be in a good position again."
VIDEO: Where are they now? We catch up with Andrew Kellaway ...
Thursfield Takes Leongatha Reins
Even though Will Thursfield was a required player for Richmond's 2012 season, a growing landscaping business and the lure of life out of the goldfish bowl that is AFL football at a big Melbourne club had the 6 foot 4 25 year old wanting to retire.
The club is thrilled to have Will on board for the 2012 season. Joining him as assistant will be former tiger team mate Tas Clingan. Tas came off Richmond's rookie list three years ago and has spent the last two seasons playing with Wangaratta Rovers in the Ovens and Murray Football league. That taste of country football experience will be invaluable as the pair plots for success for the upcoming season.
Dave Gourdis is also playing for Leongatha.
I popped down on Saturday with the young fella and watched 15 minutes of the game. Saw Will in the number 12 guernsey but didn't notice Gourdis or Clingan.
Relton Roberts has joined Troy Taylor at Walla in the Hume Football League...
The Welcome Wanderer
Brett Kohlhagen
The Border Mail
01 May, 2012
WALLA has signed its second former AFL player in five weeks with Northern Territory excitement machine Relton Roberts joining the Hume league club.
Roberts, who played two matches for Richmond in 2010, arrived on the Border on Sunday and will play alongside fellow big-name recruit Troy Taylor against CDHBU at Coreen on Saturday.
Roberts, 26, played with Taylor at Wanderers in Darwin several years ago and is looking forward to reacquainting himself with his former teammate.
“My uncle (Martin White senior) is an assistant-coach at Walla and got me down here,” he said.
“I don’t know much about the football, but I’ll soon see.
“It will be good playing with Troy again.”
Roberts played for Northern Territory club Southern Districts this season and has previously spent time with Euroa, Arnhem Crows, Wanderers and NT Thunder.
He was picked up by Richmond in the third round of the 2010 rookie draft and made his debut in round 1 against Carlton before homesickness and disciplinary problems abruptly ended his AFL career.
White said he believed Roberts and Taylor had plenty to offer Walla as it tried climb back up the ladder.
“The younger local guys will learn a lot about football from Relton and Troy,” he said.
“Relton is a very skilful player who will play in the midfield.”
Walla has started the season impressively, after failing to win a match last year.
It has wins against Rand-Walbundrie and Murray Magpies in the first three rounds.
Taylor has been one of the major reasons for the Hoppers’ improved form with the enigmatic forward kicking four and 10 goals in their two wins.
:lol poor old relton in the midfield? i couldnt see him moving out of the centre square, and he'll occupy a fair percentage of it too.
big boy now is relton
He gets paid in burgers
very well paid too
My team played against Walla yesterday. Roberts was good, easily a class above. I think he kicked six goals and he passed alot off. He came out of the square and has obviously been in a good paddock. Troy Taylor was quieter but he he is the most impressive of the two. Taylor has been kicking a few goals up here and still has a great set of hands. The walla boys say that they have fitted in well.
On a bad note, Taylor has brought a mate or two down from darwin to play. One of them is a loose pizzle. he ran into the crowd and swung a couple of cut lunches at a spectator who had had a crack at him about his rats tail. He then chased another supporter into the social rooms where kids were playing and threw a couple in there. He is just out of jail apparently. Taylor brought him down to help pull his head in but it doesnt seem to be working.
geez talk about the blind leading the blind.
geez talk about the blind leading the blind.
Yes, but from all reports he has pulled his head in a little.
I reckon they' ll leave when the first frost arrives.
Kent Kingsley has joined Kyneton in the Bendigo Football League along with former Roo Adam Simpson.
Nathan Brown is likely to run out with Caulfield Grammarians this Saturday at Neerim Rd.
Was reading a week old Coburg Leader in a waiting room today. I noticed that Tom Hislop kicked a couple of goals for Aberfeldie what would've been a week and a half ago, 2 other Hislops were amongst the goals too, obviously playing with family.
not necessarily a footballer but certainly an OER regular
Whats happened to fish finger? miss his wit and astute comments
That post was a tasty little nugget, who would've thought?
I miss the cucumber chewing old bugger as well.
Was reading a week old Coburg Leader in a waiting room today. I noticed that Tom Hislop kicked a couple of goals for Aberfeldie what would've been a week and a half ago, 2 other Hislops were amongst the goals too, obviously playing with family.
not necessarily a footballer but certainly an OER regular
Whats happened to fish finger? miss his wit and astute comments
That post was a tasty little nugget, who would've thought?
I miss the cucumber chewing old bugger as well.
Yeah Tom's brothers are over there. One of them was playing state 18s for Tassie last year.
Fish Finger is a mod on another site.
Thanks for the update Davey :thumbsup
I saw the last quarter and a half of the Chelsea Heights vs Heatherton game on Saturday, and to my surprise noticed Greg Stafford lining up at FF for Heatherton.
In the last quarter right in front of me, and in true classic Stafford style, he got himself into a scuffle and with his left hand was fending off one opponent who wanted a piece of him, and without even looking, he (allegedly) swung his right elbow with impeccable timing towards another opponent who was coming in from his right hand side. He got him fair on the scone. IMO it was self defence Stafford style- with the end of his pointy elbow. The guy was coming in from the side while Staff was preoccupied, the big fella was just protecting himself!
He got reported though and would be looking at 2 weeks I'd imagine.
used to know the heatherton boys.
Staff is a beauty.
Never expected he would end up there
Reckon we could get him back as back up to Maric? Loved Stafford. Underrated by a lot of people.
used to know the heatherton boys.
Staff is a beauty.
Never expected he would end up there
They aren't going too well Ox. They only kicked 3 goals for the day, 2 in junk time, but tbh I don't know much about the SFL.
He gets paid in burgers
i heard it was a cow and a mincer
Tom Hislop kicked 6 last week for Aberfeldie
An article on Relton from The Border Mail in Albury
Anyone know what happened to a guy we drafted with an early 1st Round pick but he never left South Australia - Richard Anderson, from memory I think he played for Norwood and was actually considered a really good player. What a shame he never came over to play footy with us.
Anyone know what happened to a guy we drafted with an early 1st Round pick but he never left South Australia - Richard Anderson, from memory I think he played for Norwood and was actually considered a really good player. What a shame he never came over to play footy with us.
Emma Quayle wrote a piece about Anderson a few years ago Ramps ...
Pick 4 RICHARD ANDERSON (Richmond)
Then a 24-year-old shooting star, recently plucked from his Adelaide University side to join Norwood.
What happened? Didn’t go to Richmond. Played country footy and won Norwood’s 1988 best and fairest.
Now director of students at St John’s Grammar in the Adelaide Hills, and father to Meg, 8, Ella, 6 and Jessie, 2.
RICHARD Anderson still has the No. 53 guernsey the Tigers sent when they drafted him. Back then, it was difficult to look at.
Anderson was 24 when Collingwood, St Kilda, Footscray and the Tigers wanted him to come play for them. But football was something he had only just started taking seriously, and their attention was too much.
He felt intimidated, and unsure, so he took a teaching job in Port Pirie and headed off, not even inclined to keep an eye on how Richmond was going.
"I didn’t want to think about it. I really did try to avoid it, because I’d worry and worry," said Anderson.
"I guess I tended instinctively not to follow the club, or absorb myself in it, because it all felt a bit odd. "It was all going too fast. I remember feeling like I had no control, and that was very unnerving. A lot of people thought I was mad, that I had this fantastic opportunity and here I was, running away from it. "It was flattering, but I didn’t understand it. It all felt very intimidating."
Anderson went back to Norwood in 1988, where he won a best-and-fairest, and made the state side. He had secret intentions to get to Punt Road at some stage, but felt under-prepared and kept telling himself: one more year.
Then came a back injury, and then a drop in form.
A teacher for 20 years now, Anderson was at Pembroke School in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs when Barnaby French and Angus Monfries came through, harbouring more focused big-league dreams than he had. "They’re so well prepared now," he said. "They grow up wanting it, and knowing how it works."
If he had his time over, Anderson would pack his bags, and not stop to worry. "I wish I could say I had played VFL. I really do, and I live with that regret."
The club should get Richmond Official to give him a call and do an interview for the club website. It would be a really interesting story I reckon. The man still has his Richmond jumper ... I wonder if he has had the same psychological issues most of us have had over the last 25 years watching the Tigers in action. :lol
Alroy Gilligan stars in Tigers win over Thunder
Dale Miller
The West Australian
August 13, 2012
It took just one league appearance for Alroy Gilligan to remind Claremont selectors of what he can bring to their finals campaign.
Gilligan didn't waste time making an impression at Claremont Oval on Saturday in his return to the league leaders' line-up.
The 22-year-old booted three goals from 20 disposals as the hosts shrugged off a sluggish first term to dispose of Peel Thunder by 81 points, 20.12 (132) to 7.9 (51).
The performance effectively ended a two-month exile for Gilligan.
The former Richmond rookie and WAFL premiership player was dumped to the amateurs in June as punishment after failing to turn up to a Claremont reserves game.
He has concentrated on building his fitness and showed against Peel the X-factor he can bring to a side in genuine premiership mode.
Tigers football manager Dean Horsington said Gilligan had slotted seamlessly back into the line-up.
"He's definitely got genuine leg speed," Horsington said. "Not that we don't have that, but he is a massive asset with the way he can break the lines with his speed and use of the football."
Horsington said the lively forward had well and truly moved on from his indiscretion.
It came after he was dropped following the club's one-point loss to East Perth in round 12.
"He knew he'd made a mistake," Horsington said. "No one's going to hang him on it. He's done the hard work since.
"He's really worked on his fitness as well to be able to play league footy.
"He's shown some really good discipline since that little hiccup."
Decent grab, especially in the conditions.
Ground looked in good nick. :lol
Emmett Dunn guest speaker for MDFL night on 10 sepember 12
Apologies that should read Dunne not Dunn
Royce Hart's son and ex-Tiger rookie from the 2000 draft Simon Hart kicked 5 goals in East Malvern's SFL Division 2 premiership win over Oakleigh District last weekend.
Alroy Gilligan is expected to pull on the boots for Southern Districts in the AFLNT this season
Daniel Connors @Danconnors19 twitter:
"Heading 2 Adelaide 2moz 2 speak with North Adelaide still want to turn around this career of mine!year in a state league hopefuly the start "
One year in a state league and then back to some crappy bush club in victoria. don't kick anyone....
Adelaide has added three new faces to its football staff, including former Richmond utility Duncan Kellaway.
Kellaway played 108 games for the Tigers between 1993 and 2004. The 39-year-old has spent the past six years working as physiotherapist at Geelong.
He joins the Crows as a physiotherapist specialising in player rehabilitation.
Timmy Flemming still having a kick? Loved him.
Timmy Flemming still having a kick? Loved him.
I think he's now retired. He use play for Old Xavs in the Ammos up until a couple of years ago. He was an assistant coach for the VAFA this year in representative games against the EFL and AFL Sydney.
Cheers o-e. :thumbsup
Timmy Flemming still having a kick? Loved him.
Remember his elbow on Nick Riewoldts chin? Headline in the Sun "Roo cops bolt from ex blue"
Brad Miller is going to play with Heidelberg in the NFL next year.
Piva Wright has joined the Redland Bombers up in Queensland in the NEAFL.[year]=2012&tx_ttnews[month]=11&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1141&cHash=bc32836303697182d1d41941a54fd724
Brad Miller is going to play with Heidelberg in the NFL next year.
Hopefully not as a punter hahaha
Gee, get to the bush to play when retired.
Dean Polo reportedly knocked back 60k from Bairnsdale to sign with Albury Tigers in the ovens and Murray for 50k plus 60k job at Joss Construction.
That's ridiculous money for bush footy. Any idea what that leagues salary cap is? Not that it's hard to bust out the brown paper bags....which can then turn into big black garbage bags for some clubs ;D
That's ridiculous money for bush footy. Any idea what that leagues salary cap is? Not that it's hard to bust out the brown paper bags....which can then turn into big black garbage bags for some clubs ;D
Your'e right Coach it is ridiculus. There is no salary cap in the o and m. Albury have some very strong sponsers such as Joss and offer jobs. Hyde works at Joss too. Thats what gets them over the line. Paul Spargo owns a car yard and tips in quite a bit too.
Fev at Yarrawonga reportedly played to wipe off a gambling debt but having said that Yarra were reported to have paid close to 500k in player payments.
Those are some crazy payments. Fair play to them though. If you're in a league with no salary cap then it's fair game I guess.
Nice ground Albury too
Marc Dragicevic will coach Sydney Hills Eagles in the NEAFL next year.
Michael Pickering is coaching Fitzroy in the VAFA.
Daniel Connors - Aberfeldie
Andrew Browne - Keilor
Brad Miller - Heidelberg
Jayden Post - Altona Vikings
Jeromey Webberley was considering heading over to play in the SANFL with either North or West Adelaide but decided to go back home to Tassie and play with Clarence.
Paddy Steinfort is the Crows leadership development manager.
In his Richmond listed days:
Where's my namesake Johnny Mrakov these days?
Where's my namesake Johnny Mrakov these days?
No idea. I could be completely wrong but I think he may have played in the Goulburn Valley Football League after his AFL career finished. He'll be long retired from footy these days.
Where's my namesake Johnny Mrakov these days?
No idea. I could be completely wrong but I think he may have played in the Goulburn Valley Football League after his AFL career finished. He'll be long retired from footy these days.
Addam Maric and Robbie Hicks have joined Werribee this year while Pat Contin has left Coburg to join Sandringham.
Where are they now? Ben Harrison
Emmett Dunne was just on the 7:30 report re bullying in the police force.
Billy Nicholls arrested on gun charges
Was a shining light in the 15 games he played for us.
Billy Nicholls arrested on gun charges
Was a shining light in the 15 games he played for us.
Played a ripper for us against Hawthorn in 2003 when we came back from 51 points down. ;D
Ex-AFL footballer Billy Nicholls charged over shootings
Mark Buttler
From: Herald Sun
April 26, 2013 7:17PM
A FORMER AFL footballer is behind bars over two shootings in Geelong.
Billy Nicholls, 32, has been charged with two counts of intentionally causing serious injury and related offences.
He appeared in Geelong Magistrates' Court where he was remanded in custody until May 2.
One of the charges related to an incident in Myrtle Grove, North Shore, in which a man aged in his 40s suffered serious injuries on January 8 this year.
The other was in connection with a shooting in which a Coburg man, aged in his 20s, was injured.
He received gunshot injuries to the legs after a confrontation in Springfield Court, Corio, on June 18 last year.
Those offences and others were the target of a special police taskforce called Griffin.
It is made up of detectives from the armed crime taskforce and investigators from Geelong.
Nicholls played 16 games with the Hawks and Tigers in an injury-plagued career between 2001-04.
Gifted footballer Billy Nicholls now a fallen star
Mark Buttler
Herald Sun
May 03, 2013 5:59PM
THERE are those who would tell you Billy Nicholls should be in the twilight of a successful AFL career.
A gifted junior footballer, he starred on debut, aged 15, against hardened men in a tough Geelong competition. Five years later, in 2001, Nicholls kicked three goals on debut for Hawthorn, and played a final that year.
But fast-forward 12 years, and Nicholls, 32, is in a cell on remand, looking at the possibility of serious jail time over two separate shootings in his home city in the past 11 months.
Those who knew the young Nicholls say he was always a bit of a scallywag, but what made him different was a tremendous footballing talent that, if harnessed, might have set him up for life.
The Geelong Football League is a high-standard competition played in a highly physical fashion at senior level. Nicholls was a major factor in a successful era for the North Shore club.
He had seven scoring shots in booting two of his team's nine goals in just his second game, the 1996 grand final.
"He was dominant. He mixed it really well with the big boys," an observer told the Herald Sun.
"He could have been anything in footy. It's a bit of a shame."
Nicholls was invited to the elite Geelong Falcons TAC Cup team. He was drafted to Hawthorn, but after 16 games with the Hawks and Richmond between 2001 and 2004, he headed back to Geelong and played with Corio.
"He's a likable larrikin and very loyal bloke. Part of where he's at today might be because of that," one former associate said.
Nicholls's fondness for a big night out was well known around Geelong and that, combined with injuries, is seen as a factor in his truncated career in top-level footy.
By 2010 Nicholls was badly out of shape when he resumed his career with South Warrnambool in the Hampden Football League. The father of three got a job at a local power station, lost 15kg and booted six goals in a semi-final.
"When it came to footy, he was absolutely switched on . . . dedicated to the cause," one ex-player said. "If he commits himself to something, he's great at it."
Early this year Nicholls was still toying with the idea of getting back into football. The Geelong Advertiser reported he was considering running out with Corio.
But about this time, police were putting in their own hard yards on the two shootings.
The first was in June last year, when a 25-year-old Coburg man was shot in the leg after arriving at the Springfield Court home Nicholls was sharing with his partner.
There were rumours the victim had been reluctant to help police, but it became clear in March that this had not deterred investigators when they raided the home looking for more evidence.
It was then announced that a special police taskforce called Griffin, headed by Detective Inspector Adrian Dalzotto, had been investigating the shootings for months.
The second shooting, at North Shore on January 8, left a 46-year-old man in hospital with a leg injury.
CCTV footage released to the media showed two men, one of whom appeared to be holding a handgun, entering the Myrtle Grove property.
Officers from the Special Operations Group - which specialises in high-risk arrests - pounced near the Corio shopping centre on April 26.
Amateur footage shows the former footballer and a mate walking along a street before the SOG officers pile from a white van, guns trained on the pair.
The mate is shoved aside and Nicholls calmly complies with an order to lie face down on the footpath. It is all over in seconds.
The courts will now decide the next chapter of the Billy Nicholls story.
Read more:
Where are they now? Chris Naish
Where are they now? Matthew Rogers
For anyone following the Billy Nicholls saga
Where are they now? Kane Johnson
Love the headline for the grand final featuring DMac & Tarkyn Lockyer. l been waiting for this for many years ;D
According to Cotch and Titch on twitter, Cleve Hughes is in a Subway commercial.
Trent Cotchin @tcotchin9 - "Can't believe I haven't seen or heard about cleve hughes since being a tiger and bang there he is on a #subway add, thoughts @S_Edwards10"
Shane Edwards @S_Edwards10 - "Blew my mind also!! Hahaha"
:clapping Clean Knees
Paul Amy @PaulAmy375 twitter:
"Borough also talking to ex-Tiger Dan Connors. #PJVFL"
Richard Tambling's first thought after being delisted from AFL club Adelaide last month was to come home to Southern Districts and rediscover his love for the game.
The 27-year-old will play his first NTFL match in Crocodile colours in 10 years today against Central Australia while he continues to fight for another shot at the elite level.
Based on the way he played yesterday he has a fair bit of work to do. 2 ex-Tigers were much much better than him - Troy Taylor and Gibson Turner. Gee, I wish Taylor had applied himself to the task of succeeding as an AFL footballer, he is seriously good at the current level and it's a shame Turner couldn't stand up to the rigours at that level because he is very very good. Tambling was the worst of the 3 and played exactly like we are all used to seeing - getting a bit of the ball but butchering some simple delivery.
Ex-Tiger rookie Piva Wright will be playing for Noble Park in the EFL.
Ex-Tiger Dan Connors also at Port Melbourne.
Ex-Tiger Matthew Francis has been appointed by Brisbane as a development coach.
Guess he won't be MC'ing any more RFC Qld Supporters Group functions in the near future then.
GLENELG Football Club has signed former Essendon and Richmond midfielder Sam Lonergan.
Tambling retires!
Came across this. Someone has put together a list of "Where are they now? Richmond Players 1908 - 2013"
Shane Tuck - has joined SA amateur club Goodwood Saints, largely to play alongside boyhood mate Luke Donaldson.
Andrew Collins - will start his coaching career at age 25 with Bridgewater in the Loddon Valley League. Collins is returning to his roots, living on his parents' farm in the district and coaching his brother Alex.
Will Thursfield - will join Collins at Bridgewater after two years as playing coach of Leongatha.
Sam Lonergan - has signed as a playing midfield coach at Glenelg in the SANFL.
Richard Tambling - will continue to play for Sturt in the SANFL.
Dan Connors - will play for Port Melbourne in the VFL.
Hopefully Mcbean collects Connors in the vfl
gee, got a reminder of just what could have been with richie tambling on sunday.
on a day of constant monsoonal rain, his ball handling was just a class above anyone else, including a number of other ex afl players in the game.
Aaron Fiora is playing with the Doncaster Sharks in the EFL.
Andrew Krakouer has quit playing footy in the WAFL to work in the mining industry.
But Wesley-Curtain, which boasts ex-Richmond midfielder Mark Coughlan among its players, is where Spalding's loyalties lie right now. He is preparing for his fifth season as senior coach, and winning a third straight flag is his aim. (
Gee there are some real what could of been players in that lot... :'(
He rose to the challenges on the football field and now Ararat sporting identity Scott Turner is trying his hand at politics.
Victorian Deputy Premier and Leader of The Nationals, Peter Ryan visited Ararat yesterday to announce Mr Turner as the The Nationals' candidate for Ripon in the 2014 State election.
While he retired from AFL football after 144 games in 1999, Mr Turner is still involved with the sport, this year coaching the Ararat Football Club's under-17 team.
Thursfield headed to LVFL premiers to reunite with former Tiger teammate Andrew Collins
DEFENDING Loddon Valley Football League premiers Bridgewater will have two ex-AFL players on its list next year, with Will Thursfield joining new Mean Machine coach Andrew Collins at the club.
Thursfield and Collins are former team-mates at AFL club Richmond.
Thursfield played 77 AFL games for Richmond between 2005 and 2011.
The 27-year-old coached Leongatha in the Gippsland Football League this year, but will join good mate Collins at Bridgewater in what is another recruiting coup for not only the Mean Machine, but the LVFL.
"Will is going to play for us, so that's very exciting," Collins said on Wednesday.
"He's a quality player and a quality person and will be a massive asset for us.
"He can play in a variety of different roles and wants to come up and have a bit of fun.
"We've been great mates since 2007 when I first joined the Tigers and he already knows quite a few of the Bridgewater boys, so he will fit in really well.
"With his experience, Will knows football very well. He has coached, so not only his playing ability, but his knowledge of the game will be fantastic.
"But we're also just as excited about all the other players we've got coming as well."
I'm not sure if this is relevant to this thread, but I just had an amazing conversation with a guy I was doing a quote for...he went on to say he played for the Richmond football club, so I asked when and who he was...turns out it was Ron Branton. I had never heard of him (although I never said that to him in those words) and asked him to tell me more of his playing days...he was very modest when telling me about his accomplishments that consisted of Club Captain for 3 yrs, Club B&F winner 3 yrs in a row, runner up in the Brownlow, leading club goal kicker 2 yrs and RFC Hall of Fame Member...He was such a humble man when talking about his playing days, I could've talked to him for hours! I felt almost embarrassed that a life long Tiges Supporter as myself had never heard of this man, who is obviously a living legend of his time.
Ron was a guest speaker last year at half time at the 3121 function at the G
Very modest .gave great insight about his playing days and the Punt Road days
Branton was captain and B&F winner from 1960-62. Sadly for good players in eras where we were poor on-field, future generations don't know about them as people focus on successful eras and premiership teams and players. In 20-30 years time, most younger Tiger supporters won't know about Campbell and Knights especially if our current crop goes onto to greatness and wins a flag :pray. Even Richo may be known more for being a footy commentator by then than his deeds on the field such as the record multiple club goalkicking awards and 800 goals at the 'G.
Richo known for being a commentator :lol
He is a legendary footballer. Absolute champ who will be remembered for his efforts on the field
Richo known for being a commentator :lol
He is a legendary footballer. Absolute champ who will be remembered for his efforts on the field
By our generation of supporters that saw him play - yes definitely. But future gens? Maybe but there's just as much as a chance that he won't be by most future gens, given the period he played in was a long forgettable one team-wise. If this current group wins a flag then most younger and future gen supporters' minds won't be looking further back to the poor mid-late-80s/90s/00s to find their Tiger heroes and legends.
Most people who follow the game rather just barrack for their team know who blokes like bob skilton, robbie flower and trevor barker were without them having any real team success
Former Tiger Scott Turner puts hands up for state seat of Ripon
March 30, 2014
Darren Gray
It has been 15 years since he last played for Richmond, he admits that his knees are no longer what they used to be and soon he will celebrate his 44th birthday.
Yet Scott Turner, a former Richmond defender who lined up in the 1990s against some of the best players in AFL history - including Gary Ablett (senior), Tony Lockett and Jason Dunstall - has been recruited again.
The father of two, now the HR manager at a large manufacturing company in Ararat, will run for parliament in this year's state election for the Nationals in the seat of Ripon.
Mr Turner, who was born and raised in Ararat and returned a few years ago with his family, is running for a country seat that could be crucial to the election outcome. Labor's Joe Helper has held the seat for 15 years, but is retiring at the election and the Coalition hopes to seize it. Ripon is the most rural seat held by Labor in Victoria, and has been held for long stints by Labor and the conservative parties.
Given the Coalition has only a one-seat majority in Parliament, seats such as Ripon with relatively tight margins will be key battlegrounds. The Liberals have preselected Louise Staley, while Labor has preselected Daniel McGlone.
Perhaps not surprisingly it was another former footballer who made the bid to draft Mr Turner for the Nationals. Former Sport and Veterans Affairs minister Hugh Delahunty, a 46-game Essendon player in the 1970s, invited Mr Turner for a catch-up at a restaurant in Ararat.
Mr Turner says Mr Delahunty's recruiting drive ''came out of the blue'', but after thinking about it for a couple of weeks he decided to run. ''He said they'd spoken about me and done their homework on me and they think that I'm the right person for the role,'' he says.
Read more:
Paul Amy @PaulAmy375 twitter:
The new president of Mordialloc FC knows his way around a footy ground: it's John Pitura, the former South Melbourne and Richmond star.
Cleve Hughes playing for Redlands in the NEAFL.
Most people who follow the game rather just barrack for their team know who blokes like bob skilton, robbie flower and trevor barker were without them having any real team success
Agree Al, I know it's biased but I reckon Richo ended up being the equal to any contested mark of his generation.
He's kicked 800 goals and been pretty stuffing courageous as well.
Good thing is we get to see so much of it as there is extensive TV coverage.
I reckon his legacy will be well preserved. :thumbsup
Cleve Hughes playing for Redlands in the NEAFL.
They had the best guersney when they were the Sharks. What a shame.
Gee, get to the bush to play when retired.
Dean Polo reportedly knocked back 60k from Bairnsdale to sign with Albury Tigers in the ovens and Murray for 50k plus 60k job at Joss Construction.
Bairnsdale ;D 60k ;D :lol :lol :lol
Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls back on national (pay) tv last night kicking a goal for East Perth in the Foxtel Cup.
Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls back on national (pay) tv last night kicking a goal for East Perth in the Foxtel Cup.
l watched that & never noticed him :lol
VAFA @VAFA_HQ twitter:
"@VAFA_HQ best player was Tom Roach. @OldCareyFC #vafa "
Jayden Post is over in Brazil watching the Socceroos.
Brendon Gale @brendongale25 twitter:
"Wouldn't mind having this former Tiger warrior going around tonight."
Brendon Gale @brendongale25 twitter:
"Wouldn't mind having this former Tiger warrior going around tonight."
Does anyone know if former Richmond captain Roger Dean is still with us?
Does anyone know if former Richmond captain Roger Dean is still with us?
Saw him a few weeks back at the last Tommy Hafey Club function
Thanx WP
JOEL Bowden’s lifetime involvement in Australian Football turned full circle yesterday when he was appointed to the new role of AFLNT stakeholder manager.
Former Richmond forward Aaron Edwards has asked for jumper number 27 after signing with Peninsula league club Pines on Wednesday night.
Probably going to depend on if one of their senior players want it first.
These days Kane Johnson runs a business called Chi Lab, which specialises in helping a broad range of people, from athletes to business people and mine workers, improve their lifestyles.
He advises them how to improve themselves through nutrition, exercise and flexibility and meditation. He also introduces some of them to the basics of Qigong, a Chinese practice centred on meditation and rhythmic breathing (the word Qigong literally means 'life energy cultivation').
Tucky won the SAAFL premiership with the Goodwood Saints.
They've came along way!
I played two seasons with the Goodwood Saints about 8 years ago.
We were in division 7 and struggling to field a team.
Kym Kosta was the marquee player and he'd drive 4 hours from Port Agusta on game day just to play.
We won about 5 games in those two seasons!
Good on e'm🍻🍻
Gee I miss Tucky
Ben Darrou has signed to play with South Adelaide in the SANFL next year.
Wayne Campbell ran the New York marathon.
Nick Daffy will coach St Albans in the Geelong Football League. He's on a three-year deal.
Dean MacDonald will play in the VFL in 2015 with Coburg. He joined Coburg after playing in two premierships at Morwell in the Gippsland Football League.
Source: Inside Football.
Delisted Richmond forward Brett O’Hanlon is going home — and will line-up with Edithvale-Aspendale in 2015.
Dan Connors owns a charcoal chicken shop in Norfcote
Mail around that former Richmond man Thomas Roach has signed at @footyefl power Balwyn. Played at Old Carey in the VAFA this year.
Mail around that former Richmond man Thomas Roach has signed at @footyefl power Balwyn. Played at Old Carey in the VAFA this year.
surely he's good enough for the RFC 2's
Patrick Bowden is the new coach of Ringwood in the EFL for the next two years:
FORMER Richmond and Adelaide utility Richard Tambling has quit SANFL club Sturt to be closer with friends and family in the Northern Territory.
The Double Blues vice-captain first knocked back an opportunity to play with NT Thunder in 2014 to remain in Adelaide.
But the 28-year-old wants his children to experience his family's culture in the Top End.
Tambling - who worked as the SANFL’s Diversity Programs Co-ordinator this year – has also secured employment with AFLNT in a similar role.
The 124-game AFL player told the SANFL website there were many reasons for wanting to move back home, in particular spending more time with his grandmother Barbara, who played a significant role in his upbringing.
"I have enjoyed my time here and the opportunities given to me by the Sturt Football Club and the SANFL," he said.
"But the lure of going home has been there for quite some time. Having young kids and not having too many other family members around has been difficult.
"We are looking at taking our kids home to spend some time with the family to learn a bit about their cultural heritage in the bush."
"She (Barbara) has got a lot of information in her brain about her cultural past which has to pass down to generations. My kids just haven’t spent enough time with her and she is in and out of hospital at the moment so getting back to see her live out her days has probably led to my decision."
Tambling will again play with Southern Districts in the NTFL in the 2014-15 season before it is likely he will join Territory Thunder for the 2015 NEAFL season.
"They (Thunder) missed out on the Grand Final last year by a couple of kicks," Tambling said.
"It is a good standard of football as they get to play against the (AFL) reserves sides in Sydney and Brisbane."[year]=2014&tx_ttnews[month]=11&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1896&cHash=ed8c2b59801da18f3df2d6881a6f17fd
Gary there's a blast from the footy past. The ex-Sydney and Richmond man will coach Hallam in the @SouthernFL next year.
Albury Tigers should remain themselves Old Richmond FC :laugh:.
Albury recruit Angus Graham says he’s excited by the prospect of reuniting with former Richmond teammates Chris Hyde and Dean Polo at Albury Sportsground next season.
Albury Tigers should remain themselves Old Richmond FC :laugh:.
Albury recruit Angus Graham says he’s excited by the prospect of reuniting with former Richmond teammates Chris Hyde and Dean Polo at Albury Sportsground next season.
Is their training standard higher than Adelaide's ?
Suspect ex-Richmond rookie Cadeyn Williams will be a good player for Box Hill. Has had injury problems but no doubting his ability.
Suspect ex-Richmond rookie Cadeyn Williams will be a good player for Box Hill. Has had injury problems but no doubting his ability.
and then Hawforn will pic him up in the draft and make him a star
Aaron Edwards to Frankston Pines (Peninsula FL)
Orren Stephenson returns to North Ballarat (VFL)
Brett O’Hanlon to Edithvale Aspendale (Peninsula FL)
Aaron Edwards with Pines president Travis Pastuska after signing with the club. Source: News Corp Australia
Andrew Raines is off for scans on his knee after injuring it at Gold Coast training.
Brendon Gale @brendongale25 twitter:
"Great to catch up with Ray Stokes, Tasmanian sporting royalty and former @Richmond_FC Tiger warrior, 1946-51."
Andrew Raines is off for scans on his knee after injuring it at Gold Coast training.
Brendon Gale @brendongale25 twitter:
"Great to catch up with Ray Stokes, Tasmanian sporting royalty and former @Richmond_FC Tiger warrior, 1946-51."
Legend, born in Longford same as Disco Roach
Andrew Raines is off for scans on his knee after injuring it at Gold Coast training.
Brendon Gale @brendongale25 twitter:
"Great to catch up with Ray Stokes, Tasmanian sporting royalty and former @Richmond_FC Tiger warrior, 1946-51."
That kid looks a bit old to be carried like that by Benny ?
Former Irish rookie, John Heslin, is now a farmer and gaelic footballer back in Ireland.
To some I may be better known as a Westmeath and St Loman’s footballer, something which I am very proud to say. GAA, however, is a hobby which requires dedication that mirrors professional athletes.
My profession is agriculture. When people hear this the reply is often: “So you’re a farmer?” Yes, I am a farmer, a qualified farmer if you like.
I graduated from UCD with a degree in Agricultural Science last May and have recently been pursuing a PhD in heifer puberty. My PhD gives me the opportunity to work with a large number of animals, running different trials with the aim to improve the efficiency of beef production.
I am based in Trim, County Meath, which is going to be an experience in itself considering the love/hate relationship we Westmeath Gaels tend to share with our neighbours.
During my college years I took a year out. I had been offered a contract to play Aussie Rules with Richmond Tigers in Melbourne. It was an experience of a lifetime and I will always be grateful for that opportunity.
Using “I have road frontage” as a chat-up line, however, didn’t get me too far in the city of Melbourne, so I made for home to finish my degree.
I owe both my interest in [gaelic] football and agriculture to my father and he was delighted with my return.
See more at:
By the way, Richo had his phone stolen in Costa Rica.
Leon Cameron and Greg Miller have been awarded Life Membership of the AFL.
Prized Albury recruit Angus Graham has relocated to the Border.
The former Richmond and Adelaide ruckman trained with the reigning Ovens and Murray premier for the first time earlier this week and is eager to rediscover the passion he lost for football during the past two years with the Crows.
Graham, 27, will form an imposing big-man department with brothers Setanta and Aisake o’hAilpin.
David Rodan has joined Northern Football League club West Preston-Lakeside for two years.
Justin Murphy (who is now 38 y.o.) has joined fourth division club Ferntree Gully in the EFL.
NITV (Ch 34) has a replay of a NEAFL game from last year and Cleve Hughes is playing forward for Redlands. He's kicked 3 goals midway through the last quarter.
Justin Plapp is coaching the Casey Scorpions.
For anyone following the Billy Nicholls saga
Former AFL player Billy Nicholls found guilty of shooting two men in Geelong.
The former Hawthorn and Richmond player, who had been on bail, was led to the cells ...
A plea hearing will be held next week ahead of Judge Phillip Coish’s sentence.
Paul Amy @PaulAmy375 twitter:
"Box Hill has finalised its list for 2015, adding 16 recruits, notably ex-Tiger Cayden Williams"
For anyone following the Billy Nicholls saga
Former AFL player Billy Nicholls found guilty of shooting two men in Geelong.
The former Hawthorn and Richmond player, who had been on bail, was led to the cells ...
A plea hearing will be held next week ahead of Judge Phillip Coish’s sentence.
I thought the Hamburgler and Grimmace weren't real people?
Former Richmond Tigers ruckman Andrew Browne stars for Essendon District Football League in 81-point win over Southern Football League
Damien Ractliffe
Moonee Valley Leader
March 29, 2015 3:51PM
FORMER AFL ruckman Andrew Browne solidified his standing as one of metropolitan football’s premier big men with a best afield performance in the Essendon District Football League’s comprehensive AFL Victoria Metropolitan championships win on Saturday.
The Keilor big man stood tallest at Princes Park against the Southern Football League, dominating in the ruck as well as providing options up forward and in defence in the 16.13 (109) to 4.4 (28) masterclass.
“He’s a good player isn’t he? He’s got a good workrate,” EDFL coach Mick McGuane said of Browne.
“This time last year being overseas, he wanted to help the league out even though he wasn’t ready to play.
“This year he’s had a much better campaign as you saw today. He was getting across the ground like a ruck-rover at times. I felt his field position was great, he slid forward when he had to, to put some forward pressure in our front half, but also went back for security and protection.”
McGuane, who also coaches the former Richmond ruckman at Keilor, said Browne still has life at AFL level.
“We hope he does, to be perfectly honest. I’m about promotion,” McGuane said.
“We try to nurture talent in our competition. We often speak to blokes involved in AFL club land still — they ask questions, we give answers, and if we think they’re good enough, we certainly kick them out the door.”
Lionel Proctor is still playing senior footy and is captain of the Fitzroy Stars.
wonder what happened to his son who was going to play on our VFL list
Daniel Jackson has relocated to Toronto in Canada and helping out with Canada's national women's footy team, Northern Lights.
Another member of the Lights team who will be on debut will be former AFL Richmond Best and Fairest winner Daniel Jackson, who will be assisting the Northern Lights in various roles.
“Dan spoke to the players before the IC Grand Final last year. He was impressed with the way they approached their football and in particular how they performed in the final. Since relocating to Toronto this year he has got involved with the program in the East with our forward coach Greg Everett. We are thrilled to have someone of Dan’s experience on board and see his appointment as an indication of the respect these players have earned through sheer hard work.”
Angus Graham kicked 7 goals in the Aberfeldie's Grand Final win over Greenvale in the E.D.F.L. last weekend.
White maggot time for David Rodan, from the AFL live app....
NUGGETTY former on-baller David Rodan has signalled his intention to pursue a career as a goal umpire.
The 31-year-old, who retired in 2013 after rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee for the third time, wants to trade in his footy boots for a set of white flags.
"I've seen David down here on a couple of occasions working out with our goal umpires coach," AFL umpires boss Hayden Kennedy told 3AW on Thursday.
"He moves well between the sticks.
"He's going to bring a lot of character to goal umpiring.
"I spoke to David about why he wanted to become a goal umpire and they're just fantastic reasons, about the multicultural [side of things] and how he can get other people involved.
"It's just a fantastic story if it ends up David actually debuts."
Rodan, who was born in Fiji, played 185 AFL games including 65 for Richmond from 2002-06, 111 with Port Adelaide from 2007-12 and nine for Melbourne in 2013.
His last knee reconstruction was his fourth in total, after being one of the first AFL players to receive a LARS ligament in 2009.
After winning Dancing with the Stars last year, Rodan lined up for Northern Football League team West Preston Lakeside this season and played 16 games.
If he succeeds in becoming an AFL-level goal umpire, he will join Leigh Fisher and Jordan Bannister – who are field umpires – as former players to make the transition.
Former Carlton midfielder Andrew Carrazzo is also expected to make the transition to field umpiring after retiring this year.
Shane Tuck is heading into the boxing ring.
Richie tambling won the B&F for NEAFL premiers NT Thunder
Richie tambling won the B&F for NEAFL premiers NT Thunder
Footballers kick goals in Melbourne’s property game
Adam Smith
October 2, 2015
Retired Richmond forward Jake King also hit a snag with the auction of his five-bedroom house in Northcote.
The home at 82 Christmas St, which had also been expected to fetch $1.3-$1.4 million, passed in but sold four days later for an undisclosed price.
King, who hung up his footy boots last season and is now a commentator on Triple M, bought the home for $745,000 in 2008.
Built in the 1950s, it has been renovated and extended with a designer kitchen, internal spa deck and a spectacular outdoor entertaining zone.
Sadly, Brad Miller and Pia have separated.
Sadly, Brad Miller and Pia have separated.
Sad for them maybe. Seems like an opportune time for me
So sad
Sadly, Brad Miller and Pia have separated.
Sad for them maybe. Seems like an opportune time for me
The Cheltenham Football Netball Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Des Ryan as its new senior coach.
Des comes to Cheltenham with an impressive football resume, which includes 56 games for Richmond between 1986 and 1992 before finishing his playing career with Frankston in the VFL. Des also had a stint as general manager of VFL club Coburg and as sponsorship manager at Richmond.
Originally from Birchip in northwestern Victoria, Des is a co-owner of the Birchip Hotel and coached St Bedes-Mentone’s Under-19s for two seasons in 2010 and 2011 and most recently the Beaumaris Under-14s in season 2015.
The selection committee along with president Col Anderson welcomes Des and his family to the Cheltenham Football Netball Club and look forward to a new era at Jack Barker Oval.
Go Rosellas!
Two weeks after the AFL Grand Final was run and won, football continued to flourish in Tasmania this weekend with a host of stars including Matthew Richardson taking part in a charity match on Saturday.
Richardson, 40, showed he hasn't forgotten where the goals are with a bag of six majors in Tasmania's 32-point win over a Victorian representative side.
The match, staged for the fourth year running to raise money and awareness for Muscular Dystrophy Tasmania (MDT), is the brainchild of long-time football administrator Jaimes Wiggins.
Wiggins said Saturday's game, won 17.9 (111) to 12.7 (79), was played in front of nearly 4000 people at North Hobart Oval.
And here's a pic of the great man in his Tassie jumper...
Would have loved to watch that, seriously.
Bloke was my hero growing up. Miss watching him play for the Tiges...
Pretty decent get for Coburg FC: it has locked in recently retired Tiger Ricky Petterd as an assistant to coach Peter German. @VFL
Two weeks after Des Ryan landed the Cheltenham coaching job, his brother Steven has been appointed to lead VAFA's St Bedes Mentone Tigers
The Perth Demons have signed former Richmond and Adelaide ruckman Angus Graham.
The Perth Demons have signed former Richmond and Adelaide ruckman Angus Graham.
All hail the full body cramp
Andrew Raines is Gold Coast Suns Academy's head coach.
Matty Arnot will play for Port Melbourne in 2016.
Source: The Age (
Dio's mate
Mal Brown, Richmond’s legendary “hardman”, has sold his four-bedroom Hawthorn East home for $2.6 million.
The Browns plan a sea-change on the Mornington Peninsula.
It's a delightful day. And it would be a Dea-lightful day for Williamstown FC if it could sign delisted Richmond player Matt Dea. @VFL
HEIDELBERG has added ex-Richmond player Dan Connors to its impressive list of off-season recruits.
Nathan Gordon has joined Balwyn in the EFL.
Matt McDonough will play for North Adelaide this year in the SANFL.
Nathan Gordon has joined Balwyn in the EFL.
Found his level....
AFL players: Where are they now? Retired, delisted footballers find new clubs
Luke McGuane — Keilor (EDFL).
Former Brisbane and Richmond forward Luke McGuane will also take the reigns of his own team in 2016 and like Chapman he may not take the field. McGuane is seeking compensation for debilitating knee injuries that brought the 28-year-old’s 112-game career to a premature end and this may restrict his ability to play for new club Keilor.
Andrew Raines — coach (Gold Coast — NEAFL)
David Rodan - West Preston (Northern Football League).
Matt McDonough — Woodville-West Torrens (SANFL)
Nathan Gordon — Balwyn (EFL)
Matt Thomas — Old Melburnians (VAFA)
Nathan Foley — assistant coach (Box Hill — VFL)
Chris Newman — development coach (Hawthorn — AFL)
Chris Knights — recovering from ACL surgery
Ricky Petterd — assistant coach (Coburg — VFL)
Matt Arnot — Port Melbourne (VFL)
Biscuits to the Mighty Burra! :clapping
THE AFL has appointed recently retired Richmond and Adelaide half-forward Chris Knights to its Match Review Panel ...
John Heslin: I would have regretted not chasing Oz dream
Donnchadh Boyle
Last Saturday's Sigerson Cup win was exactly the kind of thing that John Heslin knew he could miss out on when as a teenager, he took up an offer from the Richmond Tigers to pursue a career in the AFL.
The lure of Melbourne and a professional life was too much not to at least give it a try. Yet he was back in Mullingar with the most of his two-year deal still to run and while there are things he would have done differently, there are no regrets.
The decision to return has since been vindicated. He has seen some big days, not least helping the county beat Meath for the first time in Championship history last summer.
Taking the leap was a risk, but it's a risk he's glad he took.
"Anyone I have spoken to. . . I spoke to Colin O'Riordan and a couple of lads. . . I just said you have to go," he said. "You'll never regret going but I would have regretted not going.
"I went over too early in the year. Usually an Irish player goes over in October, then gets a couple of weeks off for Christmas and goes back over.
"But I went out in July. I had a longer period when I was ineligible to play games and I was just training. That had its part to play.
"But that's hindsight. It's a phenomenal opportunity for any player to go over."
Made sure he got a free trip to Arizona out of us first.....stuffing paddy wanker....
David Rodan is aiming to be an AFL-listed goal umpire by 2017 as he embarks on a new career this year. He will start as a VFL goal umpire this season as he targets an AFL debut next year.
At least one of them has kicked on? "Razor" Ray Hall dropped into @Richmond_FC via @dfat #Amman #Jordan @mattricho0
Not a footballer, but ex-Tiger footy chief Craig Cameron is heading to GWS to become their new list manager. So that will be 3 ex-Richmond people at the Giants with Cambo and coach Leon Cameron up there already.
Jake King has bought into the South Melbourne tattoo studio owned by former bikie Toby Mitchell.
Former Tiger Jayden Post suffers serious corked thigh playing for Altona
Scott Gullan
Herald Sun
July 20, 2016
AN old-fashioned corkie has triggered a series of events that threatens the career of former Richmond player Jayden Post.
Playing for Altona in the Western Region Football League two weeks ago, Post suffered a heavy knock to the thigh in the second quarter but kept playing until he received a hit to the same spot in the final term during a ruck contest.
He iced up the injury after the game and had planned to go and watch his old side play the Western Bulldogs but instead ended up spending the night in hospital.
Despite still being in pain Post was sent home and it was only after the insistence of his partner Bree Bartlett, the daughter of Richmond legend Kevin, that he went back to hospital — a move that probably saved his life.
“He ruptured the artery and bled internally,” Post’s father, Brian, said. “But he then contracted compartment syndrome which was why he was in so much pain.
“The surgeon said if he’d stayed at home and had a couple of Panadol for the pain instead of coming back to hospital the second time then he would have been in a lot of trouble.”
Post, who played 30 games for the Tigers in four seasons before being cut at the end of 2012, has a long scar running down the side of his leg with doctors warning his sporting career could be over.
“He’s obviously shattered because all he wanted to do was play in a flag with his mates,” Brendan explained.
“Probably 80 per cent of the current team started together when they were eight-years old and when Jayden moved to the Western Jets and then Richmond, the other boys won an U/18 flag and then a senior flag in 2012.
“This was hopefully going to be the year.”
FORMER Richmond forward Kayne Pettifer maintained an undefeated start to his professional boxing career last night, defeating Paul Gould on points at Hisense Arena.
Pettifer, who played 113 games for Richmond between 2001-09, last night had former Tigers teammates Jack Riewoldt, Chris Newman and Shaun Grigg in the crowd in support.
Another Richmond star, Dustin Martin, was also ringside.
The fight was just the 34-year-old’s second, but he looked accomplished against West Australian Gould, who now has a 1-3 record.
It was a three-round bout of two minutes each and the first was tight, before the fitter and stronger Pettifer took control.
Petiffer’s right hand caused Gould plenty of issues during rounds two and three.
He was adjudged a 30-27 winner by all three judges.
“It’s a big adrenaline rush, I’m really excited,” Pettifer said.
“I hit him with some good shots. It was really good of him to take the fight, because it only came up late.
“It was only three by two, so it was really on. But it was good to get the win and good to know that the hard work has paid off.”
Pettifer’s only previous bout was in December 2014 against Kiattisak Kuarwan, whom he beat on points at The Melbourne Pavilion.
But he said last night it’s up to his manager and trainer as to what direction his career goes next.
“I’ll see where they want me to go,” Pettifer said.
“But I definitely want to have one more, it’s a pretty addictive sport and this was a good night.”
Dan Foley is a former @Richmond_FC player who's now on the block.
Chris Newman will be the senior coach of Box Hill Hawks for 2017.
Robin Nahas is a player in demand. But there's a fair chance he'll return to Port Melbourne, a nice boost for the Borough.
Justin Plapp is, of course, coaching Casey Scorpions in this Sunday's VFL Grand Final.
Former Richmond player Trent Knobel is tonight a premiership player with Maffra in the Gippsland League :snidegrin
Tom Derickx has been delisted by the Swans.
Tom Derickx has been delisted by the Swans.
Sign him up
Yes! Welcome back X-Man! :clapping
Ricky Petterd will work as an assistant coach at Box Hill Hawks in 2017.
Robin Nahas will return to play for his old club Port Melbourne next year.
Jay Schulz slotted 330 goals in the AFL. And you'd think he'll boot plenty for Shannon Grant's St Kevin's next year. What a recruit.
Liam McBean has joined Glenelg (seeing he didn't get re-drafted)
From twitter
We are pleased to announce that Liam McBean (ex-Richmond) has agreed to join the Glenelg Tigers next year. Liam...
But I thought 4 clubs were interested in the white franklin? :huh
Not only will North Ballarat go on in the VFL next year, but so will great ruckman Orren Stephenson. Big O has signed a new deal for 2017.
Chat around that Andrew Moore is heading to Box Hill Hawks, boosting the midfield. Played 55 AFL games for Port Adelaide, 5 for Richmond.
Tbh I don't think we gave Moore a fair chance. He was really starting to show something
Tbh I don't think we gave Moore a fair chance. He was really starting to show something
Yes he was
that he wasn't up to a consistent AFL standard :rollin
Thought he did Ok as a ruck
Tbh I don't think we gave Moore a fair chance. He was really starting to show something
Yes he was
that he wasn't up to a consistent AFL standard :rollin
Was barely up to VFL level.....
Thought he did Ok as a ruck
...yet still an upgrade on Hamspud...
Where are they now? What the retired, delisted AFL players from 2016 have planned for 2017
Ben Waterworth,
January 9, 2017
Troy Chaplin (retired) — Assistant coach at Melbourne (AFL)
Adam Marcon (delisted) — Williamstown (VFL)
Liam McBean (delisted) — Glenelg (SANFL)
Reece McKenzie (retired) — TBC, but last year was weighing up whether to play in either the VFL or VAFA
Andrew Moore (delisted) — Box Hill Hawks (VFL)
Chris Yarran (delisted) — TBC, but has returned home to WA and reportedly discussed a playing return with Swan Districts (WAFL)
Ex-Tigers delisted/retired other AFL clubs
Tom Derickx (retired) — No football plans for 2017, will pursue music career full-time with some part-time modelling.
Jay Schulz (delisted) — St Kevin’s (VAFA)
Robin Nahas (delisted) — Port Melbourne (VFL)
Tom Derickx (retired) — No football plans for 2017, will pursue music career full-time with some part-time modelling.
WTF :lol :lol
Tom Derickx (retired) — No football plans for 2017, will pursue music career full-time with some part-time modelling.
WTF :lol :lol
Yeah what a crack up and some flogs were spruiking how well Sydney did in getting this dud and how we ever let him go.
Wodonga identity Jack Eames has died, aged 94
David Johnston
Border Mail
18 Jan 2017, 5 p.m.
JACK Eames, a World War II veteran, Richmond player (1946), and Wodonga Bulldogs' star footballer, has died, aged 94.
One of the city's most well-known identities, Eames rose to the rank of sergeant after joining the Army Ordnance Corp in 1941 and served in New Guinea where he is credited with helping establish three spare parts units.
He was discharged in 1946 and immediately joined VFL club Richmond despite still being based on the Border.
Eames played 14 senior matches for the Tigers and famously hopped aboard the Spirit Of Progress train each Saturday morning to travel to Melbourne and play.
Often there would be no seats available on the train and he was forced to stand until spots became available at Seymour.
One of his fondest memories at Richmond was playing in a drought-breaking win against Collingwood at Victoria Park under legendary coach Jack Dyer.
Even though he played only one season for Richmond, Eames kept close contact with the club and is credited with helping the Tigers recruit John Perry, Geoff Strang, Barry Richardson and Kevin Smith from the Ovens and Murray area.
Darryl Sutton (6 games with Richmond, 1982-83) has passed away.
Cheltenham coach Des Ryan has brought in his brother and fellow ex-Tiger Stevie as an assistant coach.
Stevie Ryan coached St Bedes Mentone Tigers to the VAFA Premier B grand final last year but was surprisingly let go.
Young and vibrant, Cheltenham finished with seven wins, 10 losses and one draw last season under Ryan.
Coastal sporting great Ray Stokes died over the weekend at the age of 92.
The all-round talents of Stokes, 92, seemingly knew no bounds, captaining Tasmania in both football and cricket.
His deeds with the Sherrin saw him wear the yellow and black of Richmond 93 times from 1946-51, playing alongside his brother Jervis at times, impressing those in at Punt Road so much he was described by the great Jack Dyer as “the best thing to cross the Bass Strait”.
Stokes and Dyer were not only teammates, but good friends.
Brendon Gale, himself an example of a Coaster to succeed for the Tigers on field who is now the club’s chief executive, the connection runs much deeper than just football, having known him since the mid-1980s as a neighbour in Burnie.
“He was older than my father, but I knew just by the way that my father (Don) spoke about him that he was just a highly respected figure in sport generally,’’ Gale said.
“It wasn’t until I got to Richmond (Gale played 244 games for the Tigers between 1990-2001) that I realised how highly respected he was here, as the guys who played around that time held him in such a high regard as he was so tough and talented.
“He was a very humble person, disciplined and well organised person.
“He was always in really good condition and was a fitness fanatic, and he’d always be out walking or running most mornings or playing golf.
“He was a real product of his generation, pretty hard, frugal, personally disciplined and full of integrity.”
Ex-Tigers Brian Leys (senior coach), Duncan Kellaway (Richmond), James Thiessen (Richmond and Adelaide) and Simon Dennis (Richmond) have all joined the coaching staff at Glenunga Football Club in the SA Amateur Football League (this year to be known as the Adelaide Footy League).
Liam McBean kicked 6 goals in Glenelg's win over Port Magpies last night.
NT Police to pay more than $500,000 to former Richmond player Neville Roberts after wrongfully axing housing deal on the Tiwi Islands.
Former Richmond, Collingwood and Western Bulldogs player Aaron James has appeared in the Broadmeadows Magistrates Court facing 133 charges.
Former Tigers’ ruckman Angus Graham is taking a punt on a new life on the surf coast.
David Rodan made his debut as an AFL goalumpire in the North vs Freo match yesterday.
Craig Lambert will not see out the final year of his contract with the Brisbane Lions after he and the club agreed to part ways.
David Rodan made his debut as an AFL goalumpire in the North vs Freo match yesterday.
We need to send this image to Dusty.
This is what happens if you are not a one club player.
Former Richmond star Jake King will line up for Macleod this Saturday against Whittlesea.
"I've wanted to play with my brother & extended family since retiring & am looking forward to pulling on the Macleod jumper. It's also an opportunity for me to assist the club in fundraising."
King will also be a guest speaker at the 'Ladies Lunch' pregame & also around after the game for photos, autographs & a chat about his debut.
A band will kick off post match from 5pm and there will be Richmond memorabilia available via auctions/raffles for those aboard the tiggy train.
Dick Clay was inducted into the Kyabram FC Hall of Fame last Friday night.
I have been lucky enough to interview a few past players, they have all been fantastic to speak to.
hope you enjoy!
Kane Johnson -
Scott Turner -
Marc Dragicevic -
Inb4 Captain peepee
Kelvin Moore interview from last night:
Nick Jewell is Seymour's new senior coach in the Goulburn Valley League.
Interview i had with Darren Gaspar last night!
Adam Pickering has been appointed coach of Swan Districts in the WAFL.
Patrick Bowden has left Ringwood after guiding them to consecutive Prelims in the Eastern League third division to take up a post as mentor at top-flight outfit Norwood.
Chris Hyde has returned to the post of co-coach at Albury.
Andrew Collins is the coach at Sandhurst in the Bendigo League. He played with the Dragons this year after coaching Bridgewater to back-to-back flags in the Loddon League 2014-15.
Source: Inside Football Vol. 47 No.10 November 2017
Andrew Raines is the Gold Coast Suns Academy head coach.
God help them
Nick Daffy has joined Essendon's VFL coaching panel as an assistant coach.
Craig Cameron is off to the Suns apparently.
GWS list manager Craig Cameron has left the club immediately.
The Giants say wants to join Gold Coast in a similar role.
Cameron only arrived at the Giants last year, and leaves the club less than two weeks before the NAB AFL Draft in Sydney.
Cadeyn Williams is on his way home to Murray Football League club Cobram.
Williams, 23, will return to his boyhood club after two years on Richmond’s AFL rookie list and a VFL stint with the Box Hill Hawk.
Westmeath star and former Aussie Rules (Richmond) rookie John Heslin insists he’s not upset about his International Rules snub.
Haha I remember that dopey wanker.....sooked it up & quit because he didn't realise a professional sport was more serious and required more dedication than an amateur one and wasn't just one big "craic", complained that everyone at the club was "too nice" to him and got on his nerves..... but not before he scammed free trip to Arizona....suck shyte ya didn't get picked for another free trip, ya dumb paddy stuffhead mick....
Nick Daffy
The former Tiger has joined Essendon's VFL program as an assistant coach. He's spent the past 12 months at North Ballarat, but the Roosters have been booted out of the VFL. Before that Daffy, 44, coached St Albans.
John Northey
Armstrong (Adel, Syd, Coll) will coach Lara in the Geelong Football League, where 74-year-old Northey (coached Syd, Melb, Rich, Bris) will be his director of coaching. Once a powerhouse, Lara has struggled the last few years, and went winless last season.
Taylor Hunt
The 27-year-old former Tiger and Cat is set to play for VAFA side Collegians.
OER inaugural sponsored player, Jake Batchelor, has gone back down to good ol' Franga
OER inaugural sponsored player, Jake Batchelor, has gone back down to good ol' Franga
Legend of a bloke unfortunately injuries killed a 300 game career with the RFC
Ivan Maric (Retired) — Ruck coach and player development at Richmond (AFL)
Chris Yarran (Retired) — Swan Districts (WAFL)
Steven Morris (Delisted) — Richmond (VFL)
Todd Elton (Delisted) — Frankston (VFL)
Taylor Hunt (Delisted) — Collegians (VAFA)
Ben Lennon (Delisted) — Wants to become an NFL punter
Jake Batchelor (Delisted) — Playing-assistant coach at Frankston (VFL)
Might spend a bit of time down Frankston watching OER's all-time favourite player strut his stuff
Rugby Australia and New South Wales Rugby Union have joined together with the rugby community in mourning Wallaby number 452, Leonard Diett, who passed away this week at the age of 78.
Diett even briefly coached Australian Rules after he was recruited by the legendary Tom Hafey to the Richmond Tigers as a defensive coach.
got an interview with Mark Coughlan tomorrow afternoon, will post it here once completed!
Ivan Maric might be going to play club Soccer at amateur level.
Paul Amy @PaulAmy375 twitter:
"The northerly wind at Shepley Oval brings in ex-Richmond forward Brett ‘Birdman’ Evans, supporting @DandenongCC in the @vicpremcricket QF. You won’t meet a better fellow. And heck he could take a mark!"
Former Richmond prodigy Todd Elton will be part of Seymour’s increasingly dangerous arsenal for this season.
The VFL-listed big man will make Kings Park his second home for his first year out of the AFL system.
Ex-Tigers Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls, Garth Taylor and Ashley Blurton are playing WAAFL (WA Ammos) C2-Grade with Nollamara.
Former AFL players Garth Taylor, David Wirrpanda, Kevin Caton, Des Headland and Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls are playing for WAAFL side Nollamara this season.Picture: Ross Swanborough/The Sunday Times
Look like a bunch of South Sydney supporters hanging out at Redfern Oval......
Matt White at Montmorency FC.
Cult hero to grace EKFL
Relton Roberts is set to make his East Kimberley Football League debut on Friday night.
The former Richmond cult hero, who once got in trouble for eating a hamburger before a VFL match, has been cleared to Waringarri ahead of their match against Kununurra.
Roberts has featured in several leagues in country Victoria and the Northern Territory since quitting the Tigers due to homesickness.
The 32-year-old, who made two AFL appearances for Richmond in 2010, most recently played for Wanderers in the NTFL.
Cult hero to grace EKFL
Relton Roberts is set to make his East Kimberley Football League debut on Friday night.
The former Richmond cult hero, who once got in trouble for eating a hamburger before a VFL match, has been cleared to Waringarri ahead of their match against Kununurra.
Roberts has featured in several leagues in country Victoria and the Northern Territory since quitting the Tigers due to homesickness.
The 32-year-old, who made two AFL appearances for Richmond in 2010, most recently played for Wanderers in the NTFL.
However, the man they call the Barunga Bullet, Relton Roberts, struck back quickly for the Crows.
Roberts, who comes from the Northern Territory and played two games for the Richmond Tigers, said he decided to play because he was in the area and some of his mates had been involved in the Crows club.
He said he hadn’t played any football for a couple of months and this would be a one-off appearance for the Crows.
Roberts kicked four goals on the night including three off-deep kicks in the first quarter which helped the Crows get to a 5.2 (32) to 2.0 (12) start.
Former Tiger Todd Elton has made a strong recovery from a shoulder injury and is getting close to a VFL debut for Frankston.
Michael Roach will be a guest speaker at Longford Football Club's 140th birthday.
Ex-AFL big man Ivan Maric makes immediate impact for Keilor in EDFL.
Ex-AFL player Andy Goodwin had his car knocked off as he paid for petrol at a servo in Thomastown early this morning. It’s been recovered minus a few things. The young crooks are VERY lucky big Andy didn’t catch up with them.....
Former Richmond defender Jake Batchelor has joined St Kilda's new-look coaching panel for 2019.
Batchelor, 26, will take on the role of defensive development coach after a season with Frankston in the VFL as a playing assistant.
Newy has just coached Box Hill to a flag.
Andrew Moore is their captain too.
Jade Rawlings was coaching Casey.
Ben Griffiths is going to study primary teaching in the US.
Just imagine big Griff teaching tiny little preppies!!
Dan Jackson joins AFL Europe Commission
“In addition to his standout AFL career, Dan has a demonstrated history of supporting grassroots and international footy, having helped coach the French national team at the IC2011 and IC2014 and since retiring has worked with the Canadian national women’s team and numerous club teams in Canada, the USA, England and France.”
Jackson, who will balance his commission duties with his work with Foundation Performance and masters of performance psychology studies in Edinburgh, said that he looks forward to working with those on the ground around the continent to drive the growth of the game.
“I’m really excited to get on board with AFL Europe,” said the 2013 Jack Dyer Medalist.
“Having spent some time coaching teams in France, Canada, US and UK over the last few years I’ve seen first-hand the passion and energy foreign players bring to our game and I look forward to helping where I can.”
Matt Dea cut by Essendon.
Matt Dea cut by Essendon.
He’d be a great top up to our Ressies team
Werribee Football Club is continuing its busy off season, securing former Richmond star Nick Daffy for its coaching panel for the 2019 season.
Todd Elton is joining Fevola at Hastings in the MPNFL.
“He’s that one more A-Grader that I wanted to get,” Ferraro said.
Elton an "A-Grader" :huh3
I'd say he's speaking in terms relative to the level.... :shh
I'd say he's speaking in terms relative to the level.... :shh
But he'd still be wrong.... :shh :shh
I turn 48 next month, have two crook knees and could still get a kick in the MPNFL..... :shh :shh :shh
But you were one of the smartest players I ever saw. The leg speed goes but the mind never does, could have been anything with a better work ethic.......:shh :shh :shh :shh
I'd say he's speaking in terms relative to the level.... :shh
But he'd still be wrong.... :shh :shh
Hastings is also in Div two :lol
There some pretty good players getting around in Div one just saying :shh
But you were one of the smartest players I ever saw. The leg speed goes but the mind never does, could have been anything with a better work ethic.......:shh :shh :shh :shh
Come on now - as you well know, I overdid the private training sessions that were often held in the company of select female supporters..where we focused heavily on cardio and was often worn out before the opening bounce...not to mention the chronic back soreness I aslo suffered as a result of those rigorous workouts... :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh
FORMER AFL small forward Robin Nahas will be a Python in season 2019 after signing with MPNFL Peninsula champions Pines.
The 31-year-old will join his ex-Richmond teammate Aaron Edwards in the red and green.
Nahas’ appearances in a Pines jumper will be limited, though; fitted in between his role as an assistant coach with VFL club Port Melbourne.
FORMER AFL small forward Robin Nahas will be a Python in season 2019 after signing with MPNFL Peninsula champions Pines.
The 31-year-old will join his ex-Richmond teammate Aaron Edwards in the red and green.
Nahas’ appearances in a Pines jumper will be limited, though; fitted in between his role as an assistant coach with VFL club Port Melbourne.
Breaking news. Robin Nahas is a python. Should read ‘has’ a python :whistle
Thought the name was very appropriate when I saw OE post this yesterday......:shh
Former Richmond big man Ben Griffiths has officially signed a playing contract with the University of Southern California as a punter. (
AFL star Luke McGuane lists South Melbourne cottage for $1.5 million.
Geez he's a size of a man.
Heslin is a busy man. As well as [Gaelic] football he has a job with MSD Animal Health, a PhD to complete and a farm at home to help out on.
In 2011, Heslin dipped his toe into the world of professional sport when he joined the Richmond Tigers in Australia, but he quickly realised a life in the AFL wasn't for him. "There is very little room to manoeuvre in a professional set-up because that is your job, but it is an enjoyable one.
"The commitment levels here in football aren't far off now. We are doing all the same things in terms of training, strength and conditioning, preparation, video analysis, nutrition.
"It's all very similar, the one big difference is the money and the rest.
Over in the SANFL, former Richmond player Liam McBean booted 9 goals on Friday night for Glenelg in their big win over Adelaide.
Source: Foxsports (
Refreshed McBean means goals for Bays
Warren Partland,
The Advertiser
April 9, 2019
Talented Glenelg forward Liam McBean admits he had lost sight of why he played the game.
As a kid, he said football was all about enjoyment and playing with mates.
The more serious his career became, especially when it was a full-time job with Richmond for four seasons, there were times he’d forget the real reason for being involved.
“Coming out of the AFL system my love and passion for the game had wavered a bit,” he said. “Coming over to Adelaide in 2017 and working and playing was a nice balance for me.
“But I felt midway through that year of footy it was time for a change up and to do something different. It was important for me to get away from that footy bubble for a while.”
McBean opted to take 2018 away from the game and travel the world for five months, a trip which included the soccer World Cup in Russia.
It was a decision which provided the answers to regaining the hunger to return to the [Glenelg] Tigers’ attack.
Read more:
#bringnbackbeanie :shh
Des Headland (Brisbane Lions and Fremantle), Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls (Richmond and West Coast) and Brennan Stack (Western Bulldogs) all played for Nollamara, who lost to Kwinana by 38 points.
Derickx reveals dark times at height of AFL career
Sally Coates,
Sydney Confidential,
The Daily Telegraph
June 3, 2019
Even at the highest peaks of his professional AFL career, Tom Derickx was depressed.
He didn’t realise at first, but always wondered how he could be living such an extraordinary life and still feel like something was wrong.
Originally from Claremont, WA, when he moved to Melbourne to play for the Richmond Tigers he started feeling the effects of what would later be diagnosed as mild depression, not only mentally but physically too.
“I moved away from home, I was homesick, I had a few injuries along the way and I didn’t know too much about the issue,” he Sydney Confidential.
“I had no energy and sometimes struggled to get a deep breath but I just put it down to training a lot.
“It was more the lack of energy, the lack of excitement for what I was doing that worried me.
“I was living a pretty amazing lifestyle and my mood didn’t reflect that.”
He said it took courage but he eventually spoke up and was diagnosed.
Getting help, he was able to identify potential triggers for him and more importantly, what to do if he felt himself sliding into a disruptive pattern again and now he is an ambassador for RU OK?
To help spread the word and try to combat the six Australian men who die every day by suicide, Derickx joined thousands of Australians this weekend at Anytime Fitness gyms all over the country in the Tread As One 24 hour treadmill challenge for RU OK?
Last year’s event saw over $400,000 raised for Suicide Prevention Australia and being a survivor of poor mental health himself, Derickx is eager to smash that target.
“There is so much information out there now, it’s a totally different time,” he said.
Michael Bowden was diagnosed with MND one year ago. On Monday, the 72-year-old will complete his 11th Big Bike Ride — a 122km journey from Mandorah all the way back to O’Loughlin in Karama.
‘It mustn’t stop you from living’: School rides to defeat MND
Steve Vivian
15 June 2019
THE inspirational vision of one man has connected a whole community to fight the debilitating condition known as ‘The Beast’: motor neurone disease (MND).
Michael Bowden, who founded O’Loughlin Catholic College’s ‘The Big Bike Ride’ in 2009, which has raised money for breast cancer, multiple sclerosis and many other critical causes, is this year at the heart of the school’s campaign to fight MND.
Michael was diagnosed with MND one year ago. On Monday, the 72-year-old will complete his 11th Big Bike Ride — a 122km journey from Mandorah all the way back to O’Loughlin in Karama.
“Every year has been a major achievement for every kid who has ridden and their families,” Michael told the NT News.
“They face the challenge and grow, and year after year they see the important role they can play in the wider community.”
Chloe Carter, a year 7 student at O’Loughlin, said the ride would be ”extremely special”.
“Because we are helping to fight MND and we get the privilege to do this for others who can’t,” she said.
Joining Michael on the front line of the fight will be Nick Lias, 46, who was recently diagnosed with MND.
“Nick is facing a really big struggle,” Michael said. “We have built a friendship through MND, and together have become mates.”
Michael’s son, and O’Loughlin principal, Rhett Bowden said the school had welcomed Lias, and the wider Greek community, into the fight against MND with open arms.
“We’ve seen Nick grow stronger and seen the spring in the step it’s given his family and community, and that they’ve given us,” he said.
Rhett said there had been an “amazing response (to fundraising efforts) already”.
“It’s something that’s really close to the heart of the community,” he said. “To not only support dad now, but all those who have MND because we know it’s such an important cause.”
For O’Loughlin students, the fight against MND begins at 6.45am Monday morning at the Mandorah jetty. For Michael, the tough-as-nails Richmond Tigers premiership ruck-rover, the fight of his life is just beginning.
“I was diagnosed exactly 12 months ago. I didn’t I know whether I’d be alive today,” he said.
“MND is a life sentence. But it mustn’t stop you from living.
“Don’t go to bed, don’t lie down — get out, and live the best way you can, for as long as you can.”
To find out more information or to do donate click HERE (
Richmond premiership hero Shaun Grigg made his return to footy yesterday, playing for Redan in the Ballarat Football League.
The former Tiger and Blue kicked two goals in the side’s win over Ballarat.
shaungrigg6 instagram
Today I was able to live out a childhood dream and play for the Redan football club. As a kid I hung around the senior team like a bad smell and dreamt to be one of them. It was great to be able to complete my football journey back where it all started with a lot of childhood friends and family. ❤️
The 27-year-old freshman: How Aussie punter Ben Griffiths...
Antonio Morales
16 Aug 2019
LOS ANGELES — Ben Griffiths’ official USC player bio doesn’t dance around the obvious. “At 27,” one sentence reads, the redshirt freshman punter is “one of the oldest Trojan football players ever.”
Griffiths, who hails from Melbourne and is getting such a late start on his college football career because he spent eight seasons from 2010 to 2017 as a 6-foot-5, 250-pound forward in the Australian Football League, isn’t satisfied with that description.
“I want to know who the oldest is,” said Griffiths, who turns 28 on Sept. 17, “because I want to try and beat them if I can.”
Age jokes, American culture and the intricacies of a new sport have all been part of Griffiths’ adjustment to USC. And the Trojans need him to acclimate quickly and revive their punting game, which ranked 112th nationally among 130 FBS programs with an average of 38.73 yards per punt a year ago.
Essendon's VFL side loss today was Matt Dea's final game.
Joel Bowden may be becoming an NT politician.
Independent backbencher Scott McConnell, who was sacked from caucus before Christmas 2018 along with Mr Vowles, told Parliament this week "it is my understanding that Joel Bowden is the likely replacement candidate for the Johnston electorate".
Mr Bowden, a former AFL player for the Richmond Tigers and the current general secretary of Unions NT, hails from a deeply ingrained NT Labor family.
His father Michael Bowden was today bestowed life membership at the conference.
"Our family has been inspired by my father's work, and my mother's work — we're a community-embedded Territory family," Joel Bowden said today.
Giants part with football boss Wayne Campbell.
Jay Schulz has joined Frankston as their senior assistant coach for 2020.
It is the dawn of a new era for the Hobart Football Club with the appointment of Alex Gilmour as playing coach.
After retiring from AFL football at the conclusion of the 2018 season and appearing on Australian Survivor this year, Shaun Hampson is set to take on his greatest physical challenge when he attempts to run 60km in one day for Movember’s MOVE campaign.
Movember’s MOVE campaign encourages individuals to run 60km over the course of November to raise funds and awareness for men’s health, but the former Carlton and Richmond ruckman felt that feat wouldn’t challenge him enough.
Hampson is passionate about raising funds for, and awareness of, men’s physical and mental health following his father Tom’s passing in 2014 following a six-year battle with prostate cancer.
Top bloke Hamspud
Deledio to be a playing assistant coach at Box Hill.
Top bloke Hamspud
Trained like there was no tomorrow
Ben Griffiths interviewed on Nine News last night:
USC notebook: Punter Ben Griffiths has made impact late in season
LOS ANGELES — As USC head coach Clay Helton broke down his team’s win over Arizona State last weekend, he wanted to bring special attention to a player who doesn’t get much.
“I’ll tell you the other man that I thought really stood up today when you go back and watch this game will be Ben Griffiths,” Helton said of his freshman punter. “His punts inside the 20, pinning those guys deep, was just absolutely huge.”
As Helton praised the Australian punter, defensive end Christian Rector sat beside him, nodding his head in agreement.
Griffiths didn’t have the best statistical game of his career against the Sun Devils, averaging just 36.2 yards per punt. But three times he pinned ASU at its 10-yard line or deeper. On its final two drives of the game, Arizona State started from its 1 and its 10, respectively.
“It’s so big,” Rector said. “You can just see the emotions on the offense when they’re backed up like that and all the pressure’s on them. It’s so hard to march the ball all the way down the field and get big chunk plays and be consistent on third down. So we know we have the advantage when we have a punter like that who can place the ball on the minus-five.”
And as demoralizing as it is for the offense, it’s energizing for the USC defense, too.
“You’re trying to get a safety, you’re trying to score,” said Rector, who added that the defense is still looking for its first touchdown this season. “You’re trying to get the ball back.”
Griffiths is averaging 41.5 yards per punt. Of his 37 attempts, 17 have gone inside the opponents’ 20 and six have gone for over 50 yards.
Melbourne has recently handed Greg Stafford the goal kicking coach responsibilities in the wake of a poor 2019 season.
"He'll be the best punter in the country": Former Tiger Ben Griffiths is kicking goals
By Patrick Djordjevic
December 13, 2019
USC punt returner Tyler Vaughns stood ready to return a Ben Griffiths' bomb during Spring practice. The California native had grown up returning punts for as long as he could remember. He was ready for what was to come - or so he thought.
As Griffiths booted a 70 yard (64m) punt, Vaughns stopped in his tracks and tilted his head toward the heavens as it sailed well over him. It couldn't happen again Vaughns told himself, and he was right. The next punt went even further, this time 75 yards (69m).
Onlookers were left stunned and for the first time they truly understood why USC had put its faith in a then-27-year-old retired AFL footballer.
"I've never seen a punter kick that high or that far," Vaughns said.
"I thought it was a fluke because I'd never seen no punter hit it 70 yards. The next one was like 75 and I said okay his leg is real strong."
There are few college students, let alone punters like Griffiths. The now-28-year old turned his back on a $400,000 one-year contract with Richmond to pursue his American dream. Despite what some think, Griffiths' main motive for choosing USC was to further his education.
In order be eligible for a scholarship Griffiths had to complete a year of study in Melbourne whilst training with Nathan Chapman and John Smith at Prokick Australia. USC's special teams coach John Baxter undertook a 17-hour flight to visit Griffiths before he signed on with the Trojans.
"The one thing we knew going in was, [he] had to be serious about wanting to be a student," Baxter said.
"We didn't want some mercenary that was coming here and just going to punt. This is a top 10 institution in this country and he legitimately wants to be a student."
Griffiths is now one year into a psychology degree and plans on becoming a teacher at the end of his degree. One would think the change from a full-time professional sportsman to a student-athlete would be difficult, but Griffiths has transitioned smoothly. Most weeks, football commitments take up over 30 hours, on top of full-time study and classes.
"In some ways it's more relaxed, school is an outlet from football and football becomes an outlet from school, they're both kind of good for each other," Griffiths said.
USC's main campus exists as its own world within downtown Los Angeles. One cannot help but feel energised around such youthful exuberance and Griffiths has fit in seamlessly. Often, he will be seen riding his scooter to and from campus, like many of his 48,500 peers.
Unlike most first-years, Griffiths lives alone and off campus. Given the 10-year age gap with most students, USC opted to put the ex-Tiger in an apartment 400 metres from the metropolis.
In order to keep up his 3.17 GPA, Griffiths will often study early in the morning or late in the evening once he arrives home from practice.
For most part, the freshman has found the rigours of college football and AFL similar. However, USC practice is a completely foreign event.
As the players walk out, R&B music blares through the speakers. Palm trees hover over the sideline as over 100 players take orders from the coaching staff.
As if that weren't enough, Spirit of Troy -- USC's marching band -- conduct band practice right next to the field. The frenetic atmosphere only enhances preparation for game day according to Griffiths
"In many ways I find the game calmer and more settled than practice," he said, "It's hectic, you've got so many people around with so much noise, it's kind of deliberate in a way. I know Bax (coach Baxter) tries to make it [chaotic] so we're calm amongst the chaos."
After seeing Griffiths routinely punt in excess of 60-yards, expectation was high as the season began. The Aussie has been criticised at various stages this season but many have misunderstood his role.
"His skill level for punting the football is uncommon and his power is uncommon," Baxter said. "Starting back in Spring we trained him to be a punter."
Griffiths' job isn't simply to kick the ball as far as possible. If that occurred, he would often out-kick the coverage, meaning the returner would have more room to run forward, and gain further yardage.
There is far more strategy to the position. Similarly to a golfer, an elite punter must have numerous shots in their bag for varying situations.
"As the year has gone on, it's been more mastering the craft and I feel much more confident with where I'm placed now," Griffiths said.
"I haven't been doing too much different, it's more just been a product of the hard work I've been putting in and just getting game experience, which I think is really important."
"Dad" -- as he's known to teammates -- didn't claim any awards in his first full season but he has exceeded expectations, despite USC's underwhelming 8-4 record.
Head Coach Clay Helton immediately lit up when asked about Griffiths, and without being prompted, added: "He will be the best punter in the country before it's all said and done."
Baxter went a step further when asked about his prospects of an NFL career down the line.
"It's definite. He will be a fantastic pro. He has the most power of any player I've ever seen at that position. Ever. This is my 38th college season. That means played for me or against me. He's got incredible personal traits of calmness, but he's also competitive and athletic," he said.
His athletic and personal gifts were harnessed during his eight-year career at Richmond, and after leaving the club whilst at the peak of its powers one may expect some regret on Griffiths' part.
In fact, it is quite the opposite. On the day of the AFL Grand Final (or, Friday night in the state of Washington) before USC took on the Huskies, he sat nervously in his hotel room with long snapper Damon Johnson, watching the Tigers battle the Giants in the 2019 AFL Grand Final. Nerves permeated through the hotel room, before Griffiths' anxiety was allayed when Richmond went on to dominate the match.
"I was just excited for them! I knew I was probably giving up the chance to play in another Grand Final but I was really confident in my decision and it was something I had to do," Griffiths said.
"There's always going to be part of me that wishes I played in an (AFL) Grand Final, that's just part of sport but I accept that and I love my [Richmond] teammates. I sit back and think how cool was it that I got to play with these guys. My time there was unbelievable, I'll never forget it, it's pretty much shaped who I am."
Off the gridiron Griffiths tries to escape the USC bubble by playing Call of Duty or jamming out with his acoustic guitar, often to When the Sun Goes Down by Arctic Monkeys.
Despite his age, the sun is far from setting on Griffiths' professional sporting career. He harbours ambitions of playing in the NFL, but not at the expense of his degree.
"For me it's all about the degree, I'm pretty firm in my plan that I want to graduate before I have an attempt at the professional league, so I'd probably knock it back [if the opportunity arose earlier]."
Drove me insane with anger that guy, could have been anything if he had the heart for it. Athleticism and talent to burn...
Id like to know whats happening with Michael Mitchell.
I always thought hed be the perfect Director/CEO of our Aboriginal Institute. From what i know he has an wxcellent reputation for running successful programs for Aboriginal kids needing Opportunity
Id like to know whats happening with Michael Mitchell.
I always thought hed be the perfect Director/CEO of our Aboriginal Institute. From what i know he has an wxcellent reputation for running successful programs for Aboriginal kids needing Opportunity
He lives in WA
Robin Nahas (North Ringwood)
The former Richmond and North Melbourne goalsneak will serve as a playing coach at the EFL outfit this season, having played 117 games at AFL level from 2009-16. Nahas was an assistant to Gary Ayres at Port Melbourne in 2019 and was a member of the Borough’s 2017 VFL flag. He has a young list at his disposal at North Ringwood. “We wanted to go ahead with a playing coach because, to be honest, the last success we had as a football club was through Brett Moyle, who came as a playing coach for the first couple of years,” Saints president Lee Robinson said.
Mav Weller (Doncaster East)
Weller retired from the AFL at the end of last season on the high of Richmond’s VFL premiership triumph and will take the field for EFL Premier Division side Doncaster East in 2020. The inside midfielder made 123 appearances for three clubs – Gold Coast, St Kilda and Richmond – at the top level, after being snapped up as a rookie in 2014. “We touched base with him shortly after that (retirement) and he knows Tom Appleby from our footy club and one of my best mates, who lives in Queensland, manages his brother (Lachie),” Doncaster East coach Steve Buckle said. “He was obviously putting in a good word for us as well.”
Dan Connors is joining Southern Division 1 club St Kilda City.
Key forward Piva Wright, who was drafted by the Tigers in 2011, will slot into the Tooradin-Dalmore Seagulls forward line in the West Gippsland competition this year.
Joel Bowden has won the Johnston by-election and now is a NT MP.
Tom Derickx seems to be travelling ok. (
One on One Football was started nearly two years ago by Andrew Raines.
The online platform connects accredited coaches with aspiring young footballers for private training sessions.
With the COVID-19 outbreak forcing the AFL and clubs to shut down and closing most businesses around the country, One on One Football has experienced a spike in participation rates as kids without organised sport are looking for some tutelage.
It has also seen an uptake in NAB League players and teenagers from the northern AFL clubs academy programs who have found themselves without football in their draft year.
The program can still continue in the current climate following social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
It is understood that AFL Coaches Association CEO Mark Brayshaw emailed the coaches recommending One on One Football this week and has endorsed the program.
Raines is currently the head coach of the Gold Coast Suns’ academy but has been stood down with the majority of the football department at Metricon Stadium during this period.
The 34-year-old will coach the Allies under-18 side – the representative side consisting the best players from Queensland, Northern Territory, New South Wales, ACT and Tasmania – when the under-18 national championships is held – if it is still held – later this year.
Dan Jackson’s epic journey from AFL retirement to Adelaide
By James Hetherington
5 May 2020
When former Tiger Dan Jackson retired from AFL at the end of 2014, his first goal was to “catch up on his youth”.
“I backpacked around Central and South America for eight months, trying to be free,” Jackson told AFC Media.
But for the Crows’ new Leadership Development Manager, it didn’t quite scratch the itch.
After living out of his backpack for more than half a year, Jackson settled in Canada and worked in the corporate world as a consultant.
“When I moved to Canada, I taught myself to skate,” Jackson said.
“I joined an adult hockey school, which is like Auskick for adults… I finally joined a team and was the worst one out there.
“My very first game I was put in the sin bin for charging, but it just reminded me of everything in footy, but on skates.”
Eventually, he moved across the pond to the United Kingdom.
“I did a masters in performance psychology and then started working with youth sport in the Premier League academies system,” he said.
“It involved talking about resilience and managing stress, developing high performance.”
In five years, Jackson had managed to traverse the globe and accrue a unique resume that “came into fruition to get the Crows job” and “bring him home”.
Brett Deledio going into player management according to Ch 7 news tonight.
Ty Zantuck has been working this year as an assistant to Matthew Lloyd coaching Haileybury College.
Steve Morris has signed with Red Hill. (
Former Richmond defender Luke McGuane has joined Port Melbourne Colts.
Des Ryan has been re-appointed senior coach by the Cheltenham Rosellas.
source: HeraldSun
Joel Bowden retained his seat in the NT election.
Ex-Tiger Andrew Browne has signed with EDFL club Keilor for 2021.
source: HeraldSun.
Ex-Tiger Andrew Browne has signed with EDFL club Keilor for 2021.
source: HeraldSun.
Played there for a number of years
You did?
The All New Monty: Former Sydney, Richmond AFL player Tom Derickx reveals why he finally agreed to bare all.
Paddy Steinfort and the Craft of Mental Performance Coaching
The techniques and tactics require trust, but as more athletes embrace the mental side of the game, they draw on experts like Paddy Steinfort to help them find the right headspace.
Sports Illustrated
OCT 2, 2020
“Don’t f--- this up,” Paddy Steinfort tells a major league pitcher throwing his bullpen session. “Don’t f--- this up. Don’t f--- it up.”
Standing directly behind the right-hander as he heaves pitch after pitch, Steinfort fine-tunes his provocations: “Don’t hang the curveball. Don’t hang it out there. I haven’t got this pitch today. Is the coach coming out for a mound visit? Or is the GM in the stands looking at me right now?”
Steinfort is giving voice to the stream of distracting thoughts rattling around the pitcher’s head so that he can recognize and overcome them. The 41-year- old former Australian Rules football player and physiotherapist turned mental performance coach likens this approach to nudging a ballplayer who’s rehabbing a knee injury off-balance as he tries to throw and catch a ball. “I’ll try and push your attention forward, I’ll try and shift it to the dugout or to the stands,” Steinfort says, “and your job as a performer is to bring it back to where I am right now.”
A native of Melbourne, Steinfort has worked with teams in the NFL (Eagles), MLB (Blue Jays, Red Sox) and NBA (76ers), as well as with athletes in seven other sports, and with the U.S. Army. He has helped players develop from relative obscurity into Olympic champions, league MVPs and No. 1 draft picks. That list includes Sixers All-Stars Ben Simmons, Toronto phenom Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, now the NFL’s highest-paid player, when he was at Texas Tech.
Like many mental performance coaches, Steinfort is not a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, though he is trained to spot signs of mental illness and make referrals to other professionals. He focuses on developing cognitive skills, such as confidence, focus and motivation, just as a strength and conditioning coach helps enhance an athlete’s power, speed and agility. The practice isn’t new, but in the last decade, more and more college and pro teams are embracing practitioners of this burgeoning field.
In the NBA, for example, the Mavs hired the league’s first full-time mental skills coach around the turn of the century. Today, about half the teams have one on staff. (And the NBA now requires every team to have a full-time mental health professional, either a licensed psychologist or behavioral therapist.) In addition to director of mental skills Don Kalkstein in Dallas, these coaches in various leagues go by various titles, such as Tampa Bay Rays mental performance coach Justin Su’a, Green Bay Packers director of performance psychology Chris Carr and New Jersey Devils director of player and team development Aimee Kimball.
Despite evidence showing the benefits of mental skills training for athletes, coaches and owners aren’t exactly known for embracing innovation. (See: the slow adoption of sabermetrics.) Also, it can be hard to find a qualified person who can work seamlessly with physical therapists, doctors and the rest of the staff. And for any of it to be effective, players and coaches must first buy in. “Many coaches will just roll their eyes at the mention of psychological flexibility or mindfulness,” says Steven C. Hayes, a professor of psychology at Nevada.
It helps that top athletes are dialing up the conversation around mental health and wellness: Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, Kevin Love and many others have spoken about the value of therapy in overcoming depression and anxiety. And for overall well-being, stars like LeBron James, Carli Lloyd and Steph Curry have added meditation and visualization exercises into their pre-competition routines.
Steinfort uses a range of techniques to help players keep their minds clear and focused on performing, even when they’re not feeling their best. That means working not only with the athlete but also learning their moods and needs from teammates, friends and family. “I joke about it being like a secret agent,” Steinfort says. “Because it’s often background work and just a matter of subtly hearing things to figure out what’s really going on for a person.”
In early March, point guard T.J. McConnell was headed to Philadelphia with a 2015 vintage bottle of Penfolds Grange, an Australian wine, in hand. Before the coronavirus shut down the NBA season on March 11, his Pacers were set to face the Sixers, which meant McConnell, 28, who played in Philly for four years, would be reunited with Steinfort. “With that comfort level I have with him, he was able to break me out of my shell,” says McConnell. “I’m never one to really sit down and talk with someone about how I played or a bad stretch, but he’s the guy where he’s like, We don’t have to meet in my office. Let’s go get a bite to eat and make it super casual and just talk.”
McConnell, who admits he’s “high-strung,” recalls an informal, courtside conversation he had with Steinfort at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, when he was stressing out before a game. Steinfort’s advice was simple, and seemingly inane: Just read the signs. So a nervous, skeptical McConnell spotted each banner hanging from the rafters and read the text, calming down all the while.
“It kind of got me into this Zen,” he says. “It was weird.” Sign-reading soon became part of the pregame routine for McConnell, who last season signed a two-year, $7 million deal with Indiana.
McConnell initially trusted Steinfort in part because he was an athlete himself: an Aussie Rules first-round selection of the Richmond Tigers at age 17. The 6' 6", 230-pound ruckman bounced around the sport for almost a decade, battling broken hands and feet, concussions, muscle strains and more. In the early 2000s, in one of Steinfort’s first interactions with the profession he would later join, a Tigers performance coach encouraged him to give it his all despite his injuries, imparting a valuable lesson he shares with his clients today: The game doesn’t give a s--- how you feel.
“If you turn up and you don’t feel good, the scoreboard’s still going to register what you do, not what you feel,” Steinfort says. “The opponent doesn’t care how you feel. The referee doesn’t care how you feel. The fans who are paying money for it sure as s--- don’t care how you feel.”
After retiring at 26, Steinfort eventually took his first job as a coach in 2011, with the Adelaide Crows. He never intended to build a career focused on mental performance, but that’s what the team needed when they presented him with the following challenge: What can we look for in a prospect’s psychological profile to help us unearth hidden gems?
Steinfort focused on qualities like grit and optimism to find athletes who compete despite setbacks, stay true to their goals, work humbly and push through tough physical challenges when they’re not in the mood. He began compiling player profiles ahead of draft night, gathering insight from surveys prospects were given at draft camps, and took self-paid trips to the U.S. to learn best practices in the mental coaching field from different leagues.
After Adelaide made a coaching change, Steinfort took a buyout, moved to the States in ’14 and earned his master’s in applied psychology at Penn a year later. Steinfort got his big break from Eagles coach Chip Kelly, who hired him as a performance coach in ’15 to teach rookies resilience education. That led to gigs with the Blue Jays and Texas Tech in Steinfort’s expanding portfolio of sports, which now includes athletes from Aussie Rules, cricket, rugby, soccer, golf, swimming and esports.
Each sport, he says, has its quirks, but Steinfort offers all the same menu of services: leadership coaching for athletes who want to set team standards and shape behaviors; relationship management for those who want to improve connections; mindfulness practice, which teaches focus and presence, especially under stress; expression sessions, in which the athlete shares emotional experiences to help quell unhelpful thoughts; and more.
Ultimately, Steinfort doesn’t view his job as “calming the seas” to make athletes’ rides less choppy—it’s to enable them to hold themselves steady when the skies turn stormy.
Since the coronavirus pandemic, Steinfort’s role has taken on increased importance—and busyness. He must help players deal with what he calls the four “uns”: an uncertain situation, an unclear future, unknown parameters and unexpected, novel stressors. At the same time, after the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other Black people nationwide, the Black Lives Matter movement has gained momentum. Steinfort’s job isn’t to counsel athletes dealing with grief or other clinical issues, but he does “help them hold space for it” while competing so they can perform their best while sifting through challenging issues outside the game. “It can be difficult to go from so much momentum on the social justice front to possibly unmet (or under-met) expectations, as well as a shift in focus,” he writes in an email. “And if we don’t attend to that, individuals can develop feelings of loss or lack of mattering.”
Steinfort has a disarming charm that helps him relate to athletes who come from diverse backgrounds. “He’s got the accent. He’s from a part of the world that they’ve never been to, probably, and played a different sport,” says Arizona Cardinals coach Kliff Kingsbury, who worked with Steinfort at Texas Tech. “But he had a way of putting those guys at ease. Anytime he showed up, their eyes lit up.”
Mental coaching is not all charm and character, though. It gets results on a neurological level, according to Hayes. He says athletes who are more “psychologically flexible”—a personality trait that describes an individual’s ability to stay in the present moment, regardless of unpleasant thoughts or emotions, and behave according to one’s values— are more likely to succeed. For example, in a 2018 study of elite-level hockey players in Sweden, a high flexibility, or mindfulness, score—measured by an adaptation of a common psychological questionnaire—correlated to an increase in players’ assists and a team’s points.
Hayes also references the Stroop test, a neuropsychological experiment used to measure attention capacity, processing speed and ability to prevent cognitive interference. In it, the word blue, for example, is written on screen in the color green, and the participant is asked to read the color of the word, not what the word says. Athletes who are able to focus blurt out the right color quickly. They do the same thing on the court: Mindfulness allows players to easily adapt to situational changes and “broaden” by processing what’s happening even at the peripheries of their vision, so they can predict where their teammate’s going to be for a key pass. “It requires practice,” Hayes says. “This is not woo-woo. You can show it at the physiological . . . level.”
Each month as Steinfort parachuted into Lubbock, Texas, to spend a few days with the Red Raiders, one player caught his eye in routine small-group and one-on-one sessions with team leaders: Mahomes. “He would be open and honest about what was on his mind,” Steinfort recalls. “He was a focused, hard-working, competitive beast who was humble and hungry to do whatever it took to get better.”
Competitiveness is key: That’s one of five traits Steinfort says can accurately predict performance, much better than, say, how confident an athlete is. (As for the other four, he says he’s not giving away his “secret sauce.”) By that logic, it’s no surprise that despite being just a three-star recruit out of high school, Mahomes went 10th in the 2017 NFL draft to Kansas City and has already been a league and Super Bowl MVP.
“Pat felt like he could trust him, and Paddy never tried to be over the top, but wanted to be a resource to him,” Kingsbury says. “Just wanted to be a sounding board.”
It’s not always easy for athletes to confide in a professional like Steinfort. Due to expectations of “mental toughness” and, for the men he works with, stereotypes about masculinity, it can difficult for them to channel their emotions, let alone share their vulnerabilities—especially with someone who works for their team and could adversely affect their livelihood. For this reason, Steinfort says he keeps details of each player’s trials and tribulations confidential from team officials. “You were probably the only person that I really opened up to,” 49ers running back Raheem Mostert recently told Steinfort on the latter’s Toughness Podcast.
Hayes notes how important character is for coaches like Steinfort, whom he credits with building MLB’s best mental skills program with the Blue Jays. “If you ever lie, if you ever manipulate, you’re done,” Hayes says. “The [successful] coaches tend to have that quality of being engaging and fun and creative— in the moment, not formulaic—so you can come at players from different angles that fit them.”
Rockies outfielder Kevin Pillar, who first worked with Steinfort in Toronto, relayed athletes’ fears of opening up to his old performance coach: “There’s a stigma around people in your line of work—especially in baseball,” Pillar said on Steinfort’s podcast. “Personal information is so important because we feel like everything is used against us. There’s always some reason not to sign or play us, right?”
Pillar sought out Steinfort because he wanted to use every opportunity available to improve. Along with breathing exercises, he began practicing mindfulness by focusing on his back foot every time he entered the batter’s box, noticing the way his spikes dug into the dirt. “It was this metaphor of being present in the moment,” Pillar says.
Conner Greene, a 25-year-old right-handed pitcher now with the Royals, took to Steinfort when in the Blue Jays’ farm system. The two would also work on focus, sitting together after each game to see whether one box could be checked: Did Greene, then 19 or 20, focus on every single pitch he threw that day, without letting his mind wander off the mound? For a while, the answer was always no, but slowly but surely, he improved. “My focus was normal, and he turned me into laser Navy SEAL focus,” he says. The two also worked to set a routine for Greene, which helped him start to treat baseball as a true profession and less as just a game. “He was a very relatable, intelligent, freaking mental beast,” Greene says.
But not every athlete is eagerly soliciting Steinfort’s services. Norvel Pelle, a Sixers rookie center and G League journeyman who was thinking too much before stepping on the court, finally decided to work with Steinfort a year after being introduced to him. The two have meditated together often, lessening Pelle’s overwhelming emotions. It was an unusual step for the 27-year-old, who says, “I’m the type of person who doesn’t talk about my feelings. . . . He’s a lifesaver.”
Steinfort is a master of helping athletes focus on what demands their attention while helping them file away other thoughts—one of the main attributes of psychological flexibility. “At the wrong time and with the wrong focus, looking at their emotions can actually be harmful, and so they learn to avoid it,” Steinfort says, “rather than be flexible about when and how they do it.”
Mental performance principles don’t just apply to traditional sports. The Sixers own Dignitas, an esports organization, and Steinfort works with its all-female Counter-Strike: Global Offensive team, which has won back-to-back Intel Extreme Masters Katowice championships in Poland. Even though competitors are sitting at computers, not sprinting through an arena, the cerebral component is perhaps even more important for their success.
“It produces the same threat response internally, in terms of our sympathetic nervous system kicking in, heart rate going up and breathing getting more shallow,” Steinfort says. “It happens the same as it would when stepping up to shoot some clutch free throws.”
Esports competitors like the members of Dignitas face cognitive hurdles that don’t slow many traditional athletes, who often execute physical tasks without even thinking. “In football as a wide receiver, even if my mind is somewhere else, I’m so well trained physically that I can still execute the move,” Steinfort says. “While I’m playing esports, yeah, my thumbs will still work, but it’s very important for me to be super aware of what my teammates and opponents are doing, to be able to spot a target....In a way, it’s actually more challenging when their system gets hijacked by the stress response.”
Emmalee (Emuhleet) Garrido, the captain of Dignitas’s five-member CS:GO team, tries to spend as much time with Steinfort as possible whenever the team visits the Sixers’ facilities. With his guidance, Garrido visualizes what could go wrong in a match, along with how to adapt to it, and braces for the worst: Computers crash, the mice sit on uneven tables, opponents bury them. It happens. It’s the same strategy Phelps used when he famously won the 200-meter butterfly at the Beijing Olympics even though his goggles had filled with water—a stressful situation he had visualized in practice. (Hayes notes that the practice of visualization can backfire if an opponent reacts in a way that the athlete had not envisioned.)
“[Steinfort] doesn’t treat us any differently because we’re gamers or because we’re girls,” Garrido says. “He treats us the same as he treats the basketball players. He tells us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear.”
Pelle has started sharing his breathing and meditation exercises with friends and family. That’s exactly the kind of spread that excites Steinfort—it shows his teachings are making an impact beyond the sports community. And, aside from the fact that the game doesn’t give a s--- how you feel, what is it that athletes have learned?
“You can’t stop the waves in life,” Steinfort says, “but you can learn how to surf.”
Deer Park locks in two ex-AFL players for 2021
The Western Region Football League powerhouse has locked in four significant signings for 2021, including former AFL-listed players Todd Elton ...
Ex-Tiger, Sun Ellis set for VFL move
Coburg continued its recruiting spree, locking in a former first-round draft pick for the 2021 VFL season, and re-signed two young stars.
Justin Plapp is Williamstown's new senior coach.
Luke English (delisted) – East Fremantle (WAFL)
Fraser Turner (delisted) – South Adelaide (SANFL)
Anthony Miles (retired) – Playing co-coach at Albury Tigers (Ovens and Murray FNL)
Corey Ellis (delisted) – Coburg (VFL and East Coast Second-Tier Competition)
Sam Lloyd (retired) – TBC, but likely to play footy in the country somewhere
Sam Lloyd signs for Bundoora in Northern Football League 2021 after retiring from AFL.
Brett Deledio will play at least two games with Devon Meadows in Division 2 of the Mornington Peninsula Nepean Football League in 2021 — and could play a “Dusty Martin type role’’, according to the coach.
Former Richmond defender Kel Moore completes Powelltown coaching group
An ex-Richmond defender will provide the ‘missing link’ in the Demons’ coaches’ box this season, but he’s not the only new addition to the Outer East Division 2 club.
Believe a few country clubs are tracking Callum Moore’s progress at Carlton, ready to slip him offers if he doesn’t return to the list. An Ovens and Murray club is particularly keen on the former Tiger....
Former AFL forward Jay Schulz visits George Town Saints as club rejuvenates
Former Richmond and Port Adelaide forward Jay Schulz was at the Saints' homeground on Saturday, getting some of its youngest members excited about the upcoming season.
"I know how important local and junior footy is so I was more than happy to come down and help out in trying to get kids back into the club after last year," he said.
"I come from a small community town with about 1000 people so I know what local footy means to people."
The 35-year-old spent his time with the junior Saints running them through his marquee skill: kicking.
Former Richmond and Western Bulldog goal kicker Sam Lloyd will finally get the homecoming he has dreamt of when he runs out for the Deniliquin Rams in the Murray League on Good Friday.
Ten years after his last appearance, the club’s 2011 premiership victory, Lloyd will pull on the blue and gold in a one-off appearance against Finley in the Leo Barry-Tom Hawkins Cup.
Aaron Edwards joins Dan Connors at St Kilda City.
Dane Swan. Aaron Edwards. Dan Connors. Luke Potts. Mykelti Lefau. Shem Tatupu. Jordie Pollard. Wade Lees. Yep, it’s a fair list of recruits for St Kilda City. Division 1 of the Southern league will be most watchable this year.
Former Richmond best-and-fairest Dan Jackson made a shock return to football on the weekend for the Crows ressies.
Tyrone Vickery back involved in football, running the bench for the Oakleigh Chargers.
Kayne Pettifer is continuing to give Goulburn Valley League defenders nightmares, even at the age of 39. The former Richmond forward was at his very best as Kyabram stormed to a massive 94-point win against the Shepparton Swans. Pettifer booted eight majors to take his season tally to 11 from two games.
Had skills that boy. Just no heart.
Richmond cult figure Brett ‘Birdman’ Evans makes a special guest appearance on the latest #TalkingTigers podcast.
Delisted Richmond utility Fraser Turner (20, 186cm and 76kg) has been named on a seven-man extended interchange bench for South Adelaide.
Ben Nason has been sent back to the Central District reserves.
The Woodville-West Torrens Eagles will welcome back Tyson Stengle.
Former Tiger Tyrone Vickery named to play for North Warrnambool today !!
#hampdenfootballnetballleague @HampdenLive
Daniel Jackson topped the disposal count for the Crows in the SANFL.
Brett Deledio is set to pull on the boots for Devon Meadows in the MPNFL on Anzac Day — and the word is he’s never been fitter.
Thank this man for Dusty ;D.
Well established in the real estate industry, Jordan McMahon’s goal, amongst others, is to be a trusted and recognised agent at the top of his game in a territory spanning the west and south western coastal strip of Adelaide.
Former Richmond defender Luke McGuane has joined Port Melbourne Colts.
Remember former Richmond big man Tyrone Vickery?
He wasted no time making an impact in the GFL, starring on debut in the ruck for @NthShoreSeagull on Saturday, lighting up the TAC Stat Tracker. @premierdata_ @TACVictoria
Liam McBean kick 5 goals for Glenelg who are 5-0 in the SANFL.
Ex-AFL star Brett Deledio signs for Girgarre
Kyabram District League: A former Richmond and GWS star is heading back close to where he grew up.
Ex-AFL forward’s monster day out
Coleraine Football Netball Club can now say they’ve had three members of the Vickery family in their senior ranks.
Ty Vickery kicked 14 goals for Coleraine on the weekend.
Former AFL Tiger Brett O’Hanlon has been cleared to Chelsea, making the Seagulls his home club while he has another shot at elite ranks with Frankston in the VFL.
Garth Taylor, JON & Cousins were at Optus Stadium on Saturday night.
Garth & JON speak in this vid [8 min mark]:
‘I do it for our people’: Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls reflects on Dreamtime debut, fifteen years on.
'I'm still a big Richmond man' - Mark Merenda
Position: Director of Acquisitions and Development
Jeremy Humm joined TerraPact in 2020 to serve as, Director of Acquisitions and Development responsible for originating and developing new acquisition opportunities.
Prior to joining TerraPact, Jeremy spent five years as an Account Manager in American Tower’s Land Acquisitions and Property Management group responsible for originating and closing land and easement purchases, lease modifications and lease renewals. Originally from Australia, Jeremy spent 6-years as a professional athlete in the elite Australian Football League with the West Coast Eagles and Richmond Tigers Football Clubs.
Jeremy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship and Marketing from Curtin University of Technology from Perth, Western Australia.
A notable retirement from the VFL in Williamstown captain Adam Marcon. Played 161 senior games after starting at the Northern Bullants, winning a premiership with the Gulls in 2015, best and fairests at the Ants and Richmond, and the Fothergill Round Mitchell Medal. What a star.
And, of course, Adam Marcon was good enough to play two AFL games with Richmond when he joined his great mate Kane Lambert at Punt Rd.
Ex-Tiger Jeromey Webberley named in the Tasmanian state league team of the year.
Thats Toby's brother Corey @ BP
A bit more VFL news: Jake Batchelor to coach on at Sandringham. Had the Zebras at 4-5 before the season was cut short.
Serial road pest AFL footballer struck cyclist
A former Richmond and Brisbane big man has been banned from driving after he failed to give way to a cyclist in Albert Park.
Former Richmond and hawthorn forward Tyrone Vickery has put pen to paper with Springvale Districts Football club in the Southern Football and Netball League.
Please welcome Tyrone Vickery to Springvale Districts.
The 201cm forward/ruck was drafted to Richmond with pick 8 in the 2008 national draft. He went on to play 125 games for Richmond and Hawthorn and booted 160 goals.
Ty has more recently held a specialist coaching role at Oakleigh Chargers. He has a passion for teaching the modern game and mentoring young talent. We have gained not only a great player but a great person who is keen to pass down the knowledge from his 9 years in the AFL system.
When asked about joining Springvale Districts, Ty said –
“I am really grateful for the opportunity to join Springy Districts. The environment and culture was very appealing to me. I have met many of the players and the enthusiasm for the job ahead in Division 1 is really infectious and I can’t wait to get stuck into pre-season”.
Welcome Ty and wife, Arina Springvale Districts FNC.
Alex Rance has joined Essendon as a part-time development coach.
Alex Rance has joined Essendon as a part-time development coach. ( ( (
"He impressed club officials with his “strong leadership, communication and football knowledge” and the club was moved to make him an official part of its future." - quote from there.
Well, let's see what happens. Let's hope for the best. :bow
Injuries forced Chris Knights to pull the pin on his football career earlier than expected.
But the former Adelaide and Richmond forward/midfielder always had one eye on his life post-footy.
Instead of dwelling on the blows he was dealt, Knights established a digital marketing business while on an AFL list.
That company, Zib Digital, has gone from strength to strength over the past decade with Knights as its CEO.
How are Tigerland’s punters going over in the States? 🏈
📻 @RichmondWomens specialist coach and @ProkickAus founder Nathan Chapman provides an update on @bgriffo24 &
Listen here:
Ben Griffiths and Ben Lennon.
- Griffiths just got married. Last year at College. In line for the NFL draft next season.
- Lennon originally at Utah but now at Bethune Cookman University.
THE Tasmanian Devils will have a new coach at the helm in the upcoming season, with Tasmanian native Jeromey Webberley announced as the side’s new head coach. Webberley has AFL experience as a player, and has been coaching the Clarence Roos in the Tasmanian State League (TSL) for the past six seasons. He will lead both the boys and girls sides.
A great get for Coburg. Former Richmond and Port Adelaide speedster Matthew White has joined the Lions' coaching panel for 2022. Played 150 AFL games and another 49 for Coburg during the Richmond alignment years.
Ben Griffiths: Journey from Australia to USC punter
By Anthony Gharib
Daily Trojan
October 29, 2021
When asked if he remembered his first day in the United States, redshirt junior punter Ben Griffiths looked to the right and chuckled. His long, twirly mustache rose up as he spewed the details.
He said it went like this: After his 14-hour flight from Melbourne, Australia to Los Angeles, he went to his apartment, changed into a new shirt and headed straight to campus.
Griffiths didn’t wait in line at Dulce or try to catch lunch at Cava. Instead, he went to pick up his USC ID card.
“I was jet lagged as hell,” Griffiths said. “I pretty much dropped my bags off at my apartment, didn’t even have time for a shower. I had to go get my student ID done … That was a tough day.”
Although a long way away from the comfort of his home in Australia, Griffiths’ first day is a testament to who the punter is — a true professional and an extremely hard worker.
But, as he traveled to a new country, Griffiths faced a new challenge right: the Australian Football League veteran became a first-time college student at the age of 27.
It was the start of another chapter in his life, one filled with booming punts and sitting in a classroom for the first time in 10 years.
Early life and AFL success
Griffiths’ love for football began during recess. Exposed to Australian football “at a really young age,” Griffiths became serious and joined Auskick, a developmental program in Australia meant for children to get introduced to the sport.
As he rose up in the program’s ranks, making it as a professional became a reality. At 18, drafted out of high school by the Richmond Tigers, Griffiths became a professional player.
The college sports culture prominent in the U.S. doesn’t exist in Australia, Griffiths said. Players are picked out of high school to compete and develop over the years.
“You get recruited from club level and high schools, mainly. Teams, when they draft, you can look at players as more investment,” Griffiths said. “Whereas, I think here you kind of skip that phase because the players between 18 and 21 spend time in college.”
Griffiths became an experienced professional, spending eight seasons with the Tigers before making a decision on his future: He wanted to get a degree to set himself up after retiring from sports permanently.
Australian football began to take a toll on the 6-foot-7, 240-pound man. Injuries stemming from not being fully developed at a young age gave him shoulder problems. Then, as the years went on and injuries persisted, he had a few concussions.
It left him with a choice.
“It put a lot of things in perspective for me. One of them being like, ‘What was I going to do post-football?’” Griffiths said. “Sport is always such a small part of your life. There’s so much lots of life after that.”
It was then where the idea of going to college appealed to Griffiths. Nearing his 30s, he quickly realized sports wouldn’t last forever and transitioned to getting a degree. He retired from the game at 26 and moved on to another football.
Read more at:
Former Richmond and Carlton forward Callum Moore has claimed the Ovens and Murray Football League's top honour after a strong 2021 campaign with the Wangaratta Magpies.
The key-forward soon linked up with Wangaratta in the O&M league, and has since seen the move fruitful, claiming the Morris Medal as the competition's player of the year.
"I'm pretty overwhelmed with emotions, my first ever medal to be honest, coming through the juniors, I'd never won anything," Moore told the Border Mail.
Moore booted 21 goals in his 11 games for the Magpies in 2021, which included a nine-goal haul against North Albury in May.
The Wangarratta recruit polled 17 votes in the league, edging out teammate Joe Richards and Albury's Fletcher Carrol on the podium.
Albury co-coach Anthony Miles wins the best and fairest.
Pretty bloody late in the year to be holding your B&F.... :huh
Pretty bloody late in the year to be holding your B&F.... :huh
Fair few county clubs have held them over the past few weeks.
Being able to have people in the door = cash!
Cultured! Tom Derickx on going solo & balancing music with a day job
Amy Campbell
18 OCT 2021
Tom Derickx is a man of many talents—and 'many' is the operative word here. He trained as a carpenter and joiner, played 15 professional AFL games, then started modelling and became a DJ. If you've had the pleasure of attending a fashion party in Sydney in the last two or three years, it's highly likely Derickx has been there on the decks, raising the roof alongside Palassi Kailis, the other half of dance music duo Kayex.
These days, you're more likely to catch Derickx humming around Sydney in his truck—the David Jones ambassador recently got a job transporting artwork around the city, and he reckons its the funnest gig he's ever had. When he's not in charge of getting paintings from point A to point B, he's studying music. But writing songs and playing with chord progressions for uni quickly turned into something much bigger for Derickx—his very first release as a solo artist, a meandering, indie-pop soundscape called 'Horror Show'.
Tailor-made for summer road trips, when the mood is mellow and everyone in the backseat is lost in thought, it's a confident, cathartic debut from the musician, with a backstory that will resonate with many Australians, for whom the last 18 (or so) months have been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Recently, we caught up with Derickx to learn more about his plans for the solo project, plus, the things he's been listening to, watching and reading throughout this surreal moment in time.
Full article here:
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Reece Conca appointed Player Development Manager at Melbourne.
What every delisted and retired AFL player has planned for 2022
David Astbury (retired) – TBC
Derek Eggmolese-Smith (delisted) – Collingwood VFL
Ryan Garthwaite (delisted) – South Adelaide (SANFL)
Bachar Houli (retired) – Will have some family and leisure time while continuing to focus on his work with the Bachar Houli Foundation and Bachar Houli Academy. He’s also bound for Dubai later this month where he’ll conduct Australian Rules football workshops at Expo 2020 in the lead-up to Australia’s National Day celebrations.
Patrick Naish (delisted) – Norwood (SANFL)
USC punter Ben Griffiths spent bye week getting married
MELBOURNE is considering adding former Richmond and Fremantle midfielder Reece Conca to its COVID top-up list of 20 players ahead of Monday afternoon's deadline.
Five notable names on the Casey Demons' 2022 VFL list: David Zaharakis, Reece Conca, Sam Reid, Jack Lonie and Callum Moore.
Chris Naish has joined Wangaratta Rovers as an assistant coach.
Townsend kicked 8 goals for Southport against Williamstown.
The legend continues
Andrew Raines - "Where are you now?" interview.
For some reason you won't find his name on the Springvale Districts team list in the @SouthernFNL results. But big Tyrone Vickery has made a great start to the season with the Demons. He's kicked goals, taken marks and, the best part, enjoyed himself.
Where are you now - Kayne Pettifer?
There's a bit of talk in the @SouthernFNL that former AFL forward Aaron Edwards could be on his way back to Division 1 club St Kilda City. He crossed to Deer Park at the end of 2021.
We've gone down under for our first selection in the #CFL Global Draft...🇦🇺 Ben Griffiths via @USC_FB
LIVE BLOG | | #GoElks #CFL
Hawthorn has had a departure from its scouting team, with recruiting manager Nathan Foley joining the AFL.
Foley, who played 154 games for Richmond before retiring in 2015, then joined the Hawks as the head of the club's Next Generation Academy.
He stepped into more of a recruiting position in 2020 and has been a central part of the club's recruiting and list management team in the past three seasons.
But Foley has left the Hawks and taken up a position in the AFL's commercial department and recently started with the League. The role is separate to the AFL's football operations team.
Source: AFL website (
Connor Menadue playing with Altona and Todd Elton with Deer Park in the WRFL this year.
Jayden Post was awarded Life Membership of Altona FC too.
Ryan Garthwaite with a 65m torp to goal after the final siren for South Adelaide.
Flushed it beautifully. Good for you matey
Flushed it beautifully. Good for you matey
How funny the commentary
Yes, Nick Jewell is back at East Brighton in the Southern league, taking on the senior coaching position at a club where he started his journey in football at the age of seven. He holds the club record most junior games.
Sixteen wins on the hop for the Des Ryan-coached Cheltenham in Division 1 of the Southern league. Finished two games clear on top and with a percentage of almost 200. Ryan has done a great job with the Rosellas, who are out to win their first division one flag since 1934.
Coaching senior clubs many miles apart, Trevor and Des Ryan will no doubt get together for a drink at the Birchip Hotel if they can win a premiership this year. And Des will be shouting. A piece on the brothers and the Ryan family for @codesportsau
Jacob Townsend into another VFL Grand Final with Southport. All the best Towner.
What position is he playing these days? Good on him
What position is he playing these days? Good on him
Watching the game he was playing the same forward role as he did in 2017
Missed some sitters like his team-mates ;D
Southern Football League B&F: Ty Vickery finished 5th.
Callum Moore kicked 4 goals and won the best on ground medal in Wangaratta's premiership win in the O&M league Grand Final.
Former Essendon and Richmond player Brad Fox to coach Gisborne in BFNL.
Former Essendon and Richmond player Brad Fox to coach Gisborne in BFNL. (
Former Essendon and Richmond player Brad Fox to coach Gisborne in BFNL. (
Played 4 games for us in 1993. Wore #42.
Fox is playing in defence for us in this clip:
Former Essendon and Richmond player Brad Fox to coach Gisborne in BFNL. ( (
Played 4 games for us in 1993. Wore #42.
Fox is playing in defence for us in this clip:
I don't even remember it. It was a long time ago, and he didn't really stand out. There are a lot of players like him, though.
Greetings to all the fans!
Fraser Turner's friendship with fellow ex-Richmond player Luke English has helped East Fremantle land the hard-running midfielder.
All three Ryan brothers to coach in Vic local football in 2023, with Trevor continuing at Birchip-Watchem, Des going on Cheltenham and now Stevie locked in at Rye. It will be the ex-Tiger and Magpie's second stint with Rye. What a great football family.
Bethune-Cookman Wildcats
CLASS Senior
HT/WT 6' 2", 205 lbs
Former Richmond and Fremantle player Reece Conca joins GDFL club Bannockburn.
Patrick Naish has agreed to play for the Box Hill Hawks in the VFL in 2023.
In Lakes Entrance for a couple of days. Might pop in and talk tax and @Richmond_FC 1995 season. #gotiges
Ex-Richmond and West Coast midfielder Patrick Naish and delisted Collingwood onballer Callum Brown will train with Hawthorn's AFL squad across the course of the pre-season.
The former AFL-listed father-son pair have signed with the Hawks' VFL affiliate Box Hill for next year but will train under Sam Mitchell in the coming weeks.
Eastern Football League
Ryan Garthwaite (Montrose)
Essendon District
Corey Ellis (Keilor)
Geelong and District Football League
Reece Conca (Bannockburn)
Southern Football League
Josh Caddy (Port Melbourne)
Where delisted AFL players will play in 2023
Riley Collier-Dawkins - Woodville-West Torrens
Will Martyn - Port Melbourne
Patrick Naish - Box Hill
Sydney Stack - Perth Demons (Training)*
Local Football
Jake Aarts - Dromana
Ex-Tiger Brett O'Hanlon scored a maiden century for Aspendale including 19 fours in their win over Bentleigh.
Richmond premiership player Shaun Grigg will make his return to the footy field in 2023 with Horsham District Football League club Swifts.
He’s a VFL grand final winner and life member of one of Australia’s most famous sporting clubs, but that hasn’t stopped Eric Moore from taking up a role helping out others in the Sunshine Coast community.
The former Victorian kicked two goals for the Richmond Tigers in their 1969 VFL premiership win, playing alongside greats of the game including Kevin Bartlett and Francis Bourke, but now the unassuming 74-year-old is driving a bus, taking clients from a local care service on much-needed day trips.
“It keeps me occupied. There’s nothing worse than being retired and having nothing to do,” Mr Moore said.
Read the full article here:
MPFNL 2023: Jake Aarts makes immediate impact with Dromana
The ex-AFL Tiger has racked up eye-popping numbers already for Dromana, despite added attention. His coach explains why he’s about to get “even more damaging”.
Simon McEvoy
April 19, 2023 - 10:00AM
He’s been attracting plenty of attention.
And Jake Aarts has also been finding plenty of the ball in his first two games for Dromana in Division 1 of the Mornington Peninsula league.
Playing mostly in the midfield, the former Richmond livewire has racked up 63 possessions (second most in the league) in Dromana’s wins over Red Hill and Bonbeach.
He had 35 touches against Bonbeach on Saturday, despite a hard tag.
Aarts also ranks No. 1 in the league for clearances with 17.
“He’s obviously getting a bit of heat from the opposition, he’s coming under scrutiny from them,” Dromana coach Matt Price said.
“But on the weekend he was super.
“He’s been playing midfield mostly, a bit forward, but he hasn’t hit the scoreboard yet.
“He’s just been playing a lot around the footy.
“His leadership has been really good and his instruction has been really good for us.”
Price said Aarts would only get better as the season drew on.
“It will take him a few weeks to find the level as well, just to get used to the speed,” he said.
“But he’s settled in really well with the group.
“He’ll find his feet and work out his running patterns compared to Richmond from last year and once he does that, he’ll get even more of the ball and be more damaging.”
Derek Eggmolesse-Smith is in the leadership group at Point Cook.
GDFL: Bannockburn beats Inverleigh on Anzac Day, Reece Conca debuts
... But it was former AFL gun Reece Conca who stole the headlines, with the former Richmond and Fremantle player making his debut for Bannockburn.
Pilgrim said Conca, who played on the half forward line in his first hit out, would offer the Tigers versatility across the ground.
“He was a bit scratchy in his first game, but he’s only played one game of footy in the past year or two, so we expected that,” he said.
“His running patterns so sensational, to come back from such a high level it’s clear the difference he offers, he led all day and we just need to hit him up.
“He went into the midfield at times, but I think he’s that valuable that he can play wherever he thinks he’s best for the team.
“Reece was one out in the goalsquare at times, we’ll move him around a bit but as he’s getting back into footy we don’t to overload him too much.”
... good luck to No 31 for Tatyoon making his 2023 season debut against Woorndoo/Mortlake.
Craig Stewart (RFC 1984-86) has passed away aged 66.
Collingwood and Richmond are mourning the loss of popular former big man Craig Stewart, who has died, aged 66.
Stewart represented the Magpies in 115 matches including consecutive Grand Final appearances in 1980 and 1981 before adding a further 35 matches with Richmond after being part of the infamous trade wars between the two clubs in the 1980s.
He went on to play three seasons with the Tigers from 1984 to 1986, playing mainly as a defender for the club.
2017 @Richmond_FC premiership player Jacob Townsend having a kick on North Hobart Oval with his Queensland teammates ahead of tomorrow’s representative match against Tasmania.
We’ll have a preview in @WINNews_Tas at 5.30pm.
Sam Lloyd started the game with a bang as Bundoora secured a big win
An inspired Sam Lloyd performance propelled Bundoora to an eye-catching 39-point victory over NFNL Division 1 premiership rival Montmorency on Saturday.
Lloyd booted five of the first seven goals of the match to ignite the Bulls at Yulong Reserve in one of the most dominant individual displays of the season.
Lloyd would finish with six goals in a best-on-ground performance in the 9.16 (70) to 4.7 (31) victory.
Bulls coach Michael Ryan had nothing but praise for his star man.
“Sammy had a great game, he spent a bit more time forward and was able to set the game up early for us,” he said.
Justin Plapp will continue as coach of @WilliamstownFC's VFL team until at least the end of the 2025 season after signing a two-year contract extension.
Notice former AFL player and VFL JJ Liston Trophy winner Ezra Poyas, 42, popped up in St Kilda City's reserves last Saturday, helping his old club send out a team. Bloody good effort. Hope he didn't hurt a hammy.
Private School Football: The AFL players and coaches working in the industry
Dan Batten and Tyler Lewis
August 8, 2023
BARRY ROWLINGS, Caulfield Grammar
An understated yet extremely decorated career as an AFL player, Rowlings is bringing his premiership and best and fairest winning experience to Caulfield Grammar. Works not only with Caulfield Grammar but with its VAFA affiliate as well.
PAUL HUDSON, Yarra Valley Grammar
Role: Head coach
Hudson has come into Yarra Valley Grammar and completely rejuvenated its football program. The 1991-premiership Hawk has brought a balance of professionalism and structure the school is relishing in. YVG was unable to get over Ivanhoe in last Saturday’s AGSV grand final but 2023 remained its best season to date.
Playing coach Anthony Miles was named second best on ground for the Albury Tigers in their four-goal Qualifying Final win over Wangaratta.
On the losing side, Callum Moore kicked 3 goals to take his tally to 78 goals for the season. He is the leading goalkicker in the Ovens and Murray Football League.
Moore slaying it lol
78 goals in 17 games with bags of 10, 10 and 11.
Good on him
Even he would be an upgrade on Bradtke. :shh
Jake Aarts' Dromana is into the Grand Final in the Mornington Peninsula Football League after beating Frankston YCW by 37 points in the second semi-final.
Gripping elimination final in Southern league Division 1, with Josh Caddy's Port Melbourne Colts defeating a doughty Springvale Districts 11.13 to 10.12 after extra time.
Jake Aarts' Dromana is into the Grand Final in the Mornington Peninsula Football League after beating Frankston YCW by 37 points in the second semi-final.
Ex-Tiger Jake Arts having a mighty season for Dromana. He's helped the Tigers reach the GF. And last night he polled 34 votes to win the Mornington Peninsula Division 1 league medal.
Jake Aarts' Dromana is into the Grand Final in the Mornington Peninsula Football League after beating Frankston YCW by 37 points in the second semi-final.
Ex-Tiger Jake Arts having a mighty season for Dromana. He's helped the Tigers reach the GF. And last night he polled 34 votes to win the Mornington Peninsula Division 1 league medal.
Averaging 30 touches and eight clearances a game, Jake Aarts has been nothing short of brilliant for Dromana this season.
Liam McBean and Glenelg are into the SANFL Grand Final in a fortnight's time. McBean today in the second semi-final win over the Crows' reserves had 20 disposals, seven marks and kicked three goals.
There's also a few ex-Tigers playing in Prelims next weekend:
Josh Caddy - Port Melbourne Colts in the SFL.
Sam Lloyd - Bundoora in the NFL.
Anthony Miles - Albury Tigers in the O&MFNL.
Former Tiger & Hawk Ty Vickery bags five in Grand Final win.
Coleraine FNC in the South West District FNL, with former Richmond FC big man Tyrone Vickery continuing on with his goal kicking form from last week's Preliminary Final win, kicking 5 goals in his side's 28-point victory over Cavendish FNC.
Jake Aarts' Dromana won the MPFNL premiership.
Full replay:
Congrats to @DromanaTigers on winning MPFNL Division 1 Grand Final over @stonecats by 54 points. Huge thanks to 7000 spectators that were here today #PeninaulaFooty @AFLSoutheast
Anthony Miles' Albury Tigers beat Callum Moore's Wangaratta Magpies by 41 points to win their way through to the Ovens & Murray Grand Final.
Todd Elton kicked 4 goals in the Essendon District FL Division 1 Grand Final. His Deer Park won the premiership and promotion to the premier division.
He kicked 55 goals for the season from 19 games.
Sam Lloyd kicked two goals and was named in the bests in Bundoora's Prelim Final win over North Heidelberg in the Northern Football League.
So, another former Tiger into a local Grand Final next weekend:
Sam Lloyd (Bundoora - NFL)
Anthony Miles (Albury - O&MFL)
Liam McBean (Glenelg - SANFL)
Sam Lloyd kicked two goals and was named in the bests in Bundoora's Prelim Final win over North Heidelberg in the Northern Football League.
So, another former Tiger into a local Grand Final next weekend:
Sam Lloyd (Bundoora - NFL)
Anthony Miles (Albury - O&MFL)
Liam McBean (Glenelg - SANFL)
All are called the "Tigers"
Bundoora play Heidelberg who are also the "Tigers"
Sam Lloyd's Bundoora lost to Heidelberg in the NFL Grand Final. Lloyd kicked 2 goals and was named in the bests.
Miles and McBean play tomorrow.
Patrick Naish's Old Ivanhoe won the VAFA's Premier C division premiership beating Old Camberwell. Naish kicked 2 goals and was named second best on ground.
Derek Eggmolesse-Smith will play for Merbein in the 2024 Sunraysia FNL season.
Former AFL Tiger headed for Merbein
MERBEIN has made a recruitment statement in the signing of former Richmond AFL player Derek Eggmolesse-Smith.
The 25-year-old Wentworth export, and joint 2016 McLeod Medal winner, will call Kenny Park home next season after playing for Point Cook in the Western Region Football League in 2023.
Beanie & The Bays Premiers again! :clapping :gotigers :clapping
Two other ex-Tigers have premiership medals today.
Chol kicked 4 goals in Gold Coast's VFL Grand Final win.
Liam McBean had a quiet day, but his Glenelg beat Sturt to win the SANFL premiership.
Edit: Beat me to it, Dio.
On the opposite end of the result: Anthony Miles' Albury went down by just 4 points to Yarrawonga in the Ovens & Murray Grand Final in front of a crowd of 10,000.
Add also Des Ryan, who coached Cheltenham to the Southern FL flag.
"Love this pic of Des Ryan and his Cheltenham players. Dessie played league football for the Tigers. Captained Frankston too. But he said last night that the premiership was his greatest achievement in football."
Patrick Naish's Old Ivanhoe won the VAFA's Premier C division premiership beating Old Camberwell. Naish kicked 2 goals and was named second best on ground.
The Gieschen clan (coach Jarrod and mentor/dad Jeff) celebrating the 2023 VAFA C Grade Grand Final win.
Sydney Stack is playing for Carey Park against Busselton in the South West Football League Grand Final tomorrow across in WA.
The Cheltenham Football Netball Club is very pleased to announce Justin Pickering as Senior Coach for the 2024 Season.
Patrick Naish will be playing for Carlton's VFL side in 2024.
Patrick Naish will be playing for Carlton's VFL side in 2024.
Richmond man playing for the filth reserves
Patrick Naish will be playing for Carlton's VFL side in 2024.
Richmond man playing for the filth reserves
It’s about where he is at tho….
Patrick Naish will be playing for Carlton's VFL side in 2024.
Richmond man playing for the filth reserves
It’s about where he is at tho….
He’d hardly be getting a squillion
Surely he had other options than them ??
Patrick Naish will be playing for Carlton's VFL side in 2024.
Richmond man playing for the filth reserves
It’s about where he is at tho….
He’d hardly be getting a squillion
Surely he had other options than them ??
Perhaps he thinks it is a way of getting back on an AFL list :huh
Though if he thinks that someone needs to tell him he is dreaming. :shh
The fact that his brother is probably a better player than him and didn't even bother to nominate for the draft only underlines how lucky he was to get a gig in the first place..not once but twice... :shh
John Heslin inspires St Loman’s to Westmeath senior football title with narrow win over Coralstown/Kinnegad.
John Heslin inspires St Loman’s to Westmeath senior football title with narrow win over Coralstown/Kinnegad.
stuff that massive paddy flog - got a free trip to Arizona than peeed off because we were "too professional" and it wasn't a "craic"(IE pee ups at the pub after training and matches) like playing Gaelic Football back home....and just got more annoyed whenever anyone asked him if he was ok.... stuffing Irish wanker...:shh
Former Richmond midfielder Riley Collier-Dawkins has picked Southern League Division 1 finalist Springvale Districts as his home club for 2024.
Former Richmond midfielder Riley Collier-Dawkins has picked Southern League Division 1 finalist Springvale Districts as his home club for 2024.
Thought he was going to play for Williamstown? That's what Paul Amy reported a couple of months back.
Kaelan Bradtke (delisted) — TBC
Jason Castagna (retired) — Has established himself a tattoo artist.
Trent Cotchin (retired) — Dabbled in media work late last year so could explore that further. Also business interests with Coreplus Studio and Posisocks.
Jack Riewoldt (retired) — Working for the Tasmania Football Club, leading a consultation project with communities, clubs and stakeholders to develop the DNA of the club (aka ‘The Fabric’). Will continue his role with Fox Footy. Also committed to one cameo game for Clarence TSL.
Robbie Tarrant (retired) — TBC
Jason Castagna (retired) — Has established himself a tattoo artist.
Hopefully he’s improved and doesn’t use his own for advertisement
Kane Johnson
Mindset & Leadership Consultant @ Sano Health Co-founder & facilitator @ Breath and Breakthrough
While in the North Central FNL it was former Sun, Cat and Tiger Josh Caddy lacing up for St Arnaud FNC in their clash against ladder leaders Birchip Watchem FNC. Caddy managed to kick two of the Saints’ 5 goals which wasn’t enough to get them over the line.
There’s a number of ex-AFL players playing in the Eastern Football League, which is of a high standard. It’s great to see Ryan Garthwaite (ex-Richmond FC) dominating as the lead goal-kicker in Division 1 for Montrose after R5 👏
Get him back in the MSD..... :shh
Get him back in the MSD..... :shh
Honestly we are so desperate we may as well haha.
I messaged JR and told him to hit the gym for MSD but obviously he didn't reply :lol
In another top of the table clash in the Ballarat FNL, former Freo Docker Brett Bewley’s Darley FNC had their 15-game undefeated run come to an end at the hands of new ladder leader Sunbury FNC, coached by former Port Adelaide and Richmond player Matt White.
Liam McBean's Glenelg are into the SANFL Grand Final. McBean kicked 4 goals in the Prelim win over Central District today.
If he kicks 5+ in the granny I reckon Dio will get in the clubs ear about bringing him back.... :shh
If he kicks 5+ in the granny I reckon Dio will get in the clubs ear about bringing him back.... :shh
Well tbh he's been carving it up since we ditched him and we've had SFA in the forward line so.....yeah...
If he kicks 5+ in the granny I reckon Dio will get in the clubs ear about bringing him back.... :shh
email already sent....:shh :shh
If he kicks 5+ in the granny I reckon Dio will get in the clubs ear about bringing him back.... :shh
email already sent....:shh :shh
:shh :shh :shh
If he kicks 5+ in the granny I reckon Dio will get in the clubs ear about bringing him back.... :shh
email already sent....:shh :shh
:shh :shh :shh
A lazy 7 to get The Mighty Bays over the line in the granny...#bringbackthebeanie :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh
If he kicks 5+ in the granny I reckon Dio will get in the clubs ear about bringing him back.... :shh
email already sent....:shh :shh
:shh :shh :shh
A lazy 7 to get The Mighty Bays over the line in the granny...#bringbackthebeanie :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh
The time has finally come... make the call............... :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh :shh
Jack Oatey Medallist Liam McBean's last two goals to put Glenelg in front.
Richmond three-time premiership player Bachar Houli is set to return to football, with local football club Newport announcing the massive signing coup.
A big recruit for Ballarat FNC, locking in ex-AFL Tiger and Kangaroo 'Biggie' Nyuon. From Swans football boss Phil Partington: 'At 23 years old he’s just entering his prime years, so we’re super excited to see what he can bring to the field. He’s also a ripping person.'
HEAD COACH - GIRLS: Tyrone Vickery
McDonald has thrived under former Richmond player Ty Vickery’s tutelage at Oakleigh, showcasing superb aerial prowess and goalkicking nous.
Didn’t Ty try and sue our sorry backside?
Zantuck yes. and fair enough too
Local Football in 2025
Noah Cumberland - Maroochydore
Bigoa Nyuon - Ballarat
Marlion Pickett - Melton South
Things aren’t going so well for Ty
Local Football in 2025
Noah Cumberland - Maroochydore
Bigoa Nyuon - Ballarat
Marlion Pickett - Melton South
Every player on that list would be an upgrade on Dow.... :shh
South Cairns Cutters sign former Richmond premiership star
Brandon Ellis, the former Richmond Tigers premiership star and Gold Coast Suns player, is the latest recruitment coup for AFL Cairns as he joins the reigning premiers in 2025.
Former Richmond forward Matt Coulthard has landed back with SANFL club Glenelg following his Punt Road departure.
Pickett charged for heavy hit on former Richmond teammate
Richmond premiership star Marlion Pickett has copped a second ban in four weeks after making big contact on a former Tigers teammates in the NTFL.
Pickett is seen to jump and lay a hit on Kaelan Bradtke which resulted in a free kick and easy goal for the Saints forward.