It would be nice to let the young fellows actual get through their first raining before writing them off don't you think?!
Martin looks like a quality midfielder to compliment Lids, Cotch, Foley, Bling and hopefully Collins.
Griffiths could be a superstar if he gets his body right. I am cautiously optimistic about this fellow. Heard that his surgery was very successful.
Our next pick was also a great get IMHO. Tall half forward who leads and marks well and, most importantly, is a terrific kick.
Taylor could be the steal of the century if we can keep him on the straight and narrow. Collingwood convinced him to not join the GC and we snatched him - Win/Win I say
Beyond this pick was all speculative, especially in a shallow draft, but could be excellent given their age and experience playing against men already.
I am really excited about the potential of these players and until time tells me otherwise , I think they all deserve a chance to develop and perform.