Where do ME have branches? Anyone know?
One in the city. One opened recently at Knox City. Not sure of any others.
I bank with them. Best move for me after outrageous bank charges when with NAB.
Bugger all charges because you don't bank at a branch. Bank online (or phone), messaging service online, instant answering and help if you phone them, free withdrawals at certain atms, deposit cheques at the post office. I get cash out at the supermarket with no charges.
ME have only started opening branches recently. Have branches mainly just to open accounts I think. 8 in Melbourne, 2 in Canberra, one in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Perth.
As a flow-on from the Industry Super Funds, Members Equity initially got members thru those funds by offering mainly loans and term deposits.
As said by Flags above, they mostly operate online with cards for EFTPOS and ATM withdrawals.
See the details from the website below if you're interested.
http://www.membersequitybank.com.au/BTW there should have been a link to ME on the club website at the same time as the announcement, as shown by the queries here.
Object lesson in how to gain and keep sponsors.
Wake up Richmond and make sure you don't do the same with ANY other sponsor announcements and squander publicity for the sponsor.