Author Topic: Richmond president Peggy O’Neal says Tigers united behind coach Hardwick (H-Sun)  (Read 20693 times)

Offline Phil Mrakov

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hhhaaarrgghhh hhhhaaarrggghhh hhhhaaaarrrggghh

Offline 1980

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Are you saying that "sponsoring a player" is in the same category as watching Gary Ablett kick 14 goals against us and making you turn into a homicidal maniac?
Lucky you weren't at VFL park when Dunstall kicked 17, it would have been carnage!

I was. I actually cried that day.

Offline 1980

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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o

He was a Hawks supporter as a teenager. Read your own articles.

And how well did we do with Clinton Casey who was an Essendon supporter?

Whether you like it or note, Eddie has proven to be the best president in the AFL. We would be a different club if we had that type of passion running the club.

And all of this is despite the point. What I said was that Richmond, much more so than other clubs, and especially due to its turbulent history, needs a Richmond supporter as a president. Someone who doesnt stupidly mistake the vast majority for being a noisy minority.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 07:21:14 PM by 1980 »

Offline Penelope

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just curious about you decide it is the vast majority?
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

Offline 🏅Dooks

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Are you saying that "sponsoring a player" is in the same category as watching Gary Ablett kick 14 goals against us and making you turn into a homicidal maniac?
Lucky you weren't at VFL park when Dunstall kicked 17, it would have been carnage!

I was. I actually cried that day.


And where was Peggy Sue? Playing with her dalmations, eating prawn cocktails and listening to Martika
"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018

Offline 1980

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I wasnt aware that family days are traditionally the venue Richmond supporters voice concerns. I dont know where you sit at the footy, but where I sit, the vast majority of supporters dont say the same things during the game they would repeat in front of their families at family day. In fact if Peggy sat with us, she would see first hand what the vast majority of Richmond supporters think about how the club is travelling. And that would not be any different to sitting anywhere else around the ground.

I would think that any time any member or supporter has an opportunity to voice an opinion to those in change you'd take it.

Not quite sure why you wouldn't be prepared to voice any concerns in front of your family unless of course you sole purpose is to be abusive. End of the day you have the opportunity you take it. You have the right as they are answerable to you as a member.

Did you go to the footy as a kid? Doesnt matter whether your dad took you or not, you would have experienced the highs and lows of being a Richmond supporter from seeing a premiership to wooden spoons and you will understand what makes a Richmond supporter more rabid and starved for success over anyone else. Are you saying that "sponsoring a player" is in the same category as watching Gary Ablett kick 14 goals against us and making you turn into a homicidal maniac? The vast majority of Richmond supporters have seen enough of these low points in our history to know that Damian Hardwick is not up to the job. Peggy clearly hasnt. 

Yeah I did go to the footy as a kid just didn't with my Dad. You're the one who made an issue out of the fact she didn't go to the footy with her Dad. What's the relevance? None. But now you add conditions to that statement. You also said that the only her "only understanding of what a Richmond supporter is comes from sitting in the boardroom". Facts are she has been a member like you and me long before she joined the board. As for sponsoring a player, fact is she did that before joining the board as well.

 I was only pointing out that she has had an involvement with the Club at a number of levels before joining the board. You are saying she hasn't. You are also implying that just because for whatever reason she hasn't been a Richmond supporter all her life that she has no understanding of anything to with the club's history, its past and its fans.


And on the subject of dishing out wacks, we have somewhat of a broke record syndrome. You were a hard advocate of Clinton Casey and Greg Miller and didnt approve of anyone serving them wacks. Maybe in your next family day conversation with Peggy you would like to share with her how the "noisy minority" lost patience with those two enforcers of stability.

Yes I backed the Casey re-election back on 2004 because back then based on the options we had, his ticket was a far better option. But I had no problem then like I don't one now with people handing out whacks.

BTW if you haven't worked out by now who the "noisy minority" are then you will never know.

FWIW I've done a fair amount of whacking myself over the last 12 months over the state of this Club. I've whacked every area of the club. So reckon I can say I have no problem with people whacking

Do I think she and her board are doing a good job, this jury is out. Do I have a problem with what she said on Sunday - no. Why? Because talks cheap and the words are just that words. It's actions that matter now.

I am curious. If you got all 60,000 members in a room this weekend and asked them whether to sack the coach at the end of the year do you think the majority would say yes or would it be just a noisy minority that had made up their minds that he is now taking us backwards?

We already know what Peggy thinks from her speech on the weekend.

How about you?

Offline 1980

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just curious about you decide it is the vast majority?

Just answered that question to WP.

You put 60,000 members in a room and the vast majority will say Hardwick needs to go as he is taking us backwards in the past couple of years.

The unique thing about being a Richmond supporter is that we are experts in failure. We have been to enough games, seen enough losses, got belted by 157 points, seen the likes of Carey and Dermott bully us into submission, to know when a coach's time is up.

And it irks me no end when the president says its just a noisy minority. She clearly hasnt been there long enough and seen enough failures to know that this coach is finished and its not a noisy minority that thinks so. The vast majority of supporters have seen this so many times before. Clearly she hasnt or wasnt paying attention from the corporate box.


Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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1980, do you know any room in Australia that can hold 68,000 members? :gobdrop

OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

Offline Hard Roar Tiger

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1980, do you know any room in Australia that can hold 68,000 members? :gobdrop

Do it at the'G  ;D
“I find it nearly impossible to make those judgments, but he is certainly up there with the really important ones, he is certainly up there with the Francis Bourkes and the Royce Harts and the Kevin Bartlett and the Kevin Sheedys, there is no doubt about that,” Balme said.

Offline bojangles17

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Hawthorns president grew up a RFC supporter , the swans former prez was previously a board member of WC, spare me of the rhetoric. ::) Why have these guys presided over successful clubs, coz they're successful people  :o

He was a Hawks supporter as a teenager. Read your own articles.

And how well did we do with Clinton Casey who was an Essendon supporter?

Whether you like it or note, Eddie has proven to be the best president in the AFL. We would be a different club if we had that type of passion running the club.

And all of this is despite the point. What I said was that Richmond, much more so than other clubs, and especially due to its turbulent history, needs a Richmond supporter as a president. Someone who doesnt stupidly mistake the vast majority for being a noisy minority.
Naturally it's important that they're a legit RFC supporter to ensure their interions are honorable  however I'd argue it's even more important that they have a vision of  what success takes and even more importantly the horsepower to get it done . Flags aren't won by clubs that are a basket case off field , only a few years ago were 5 million in debt having to play games in cairns to compensate for the loss of the royal hotel. We re far from that now and have the off field stability that wouldn't be out of place amongst premierships clubs.
On field now needs to catch up , which is generally always the case , nothing strange there
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Offline Penelope

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just curious about you decide it is the vast majority?

Just answered that question to WP.
You put 60,000 members in a room and the vast majority will say Hardwick needs to go as he is taking us backwards in the past couple of years.

that doesn't answer how you came to the conclusion. it is merely another assumption similar to the first.

So how do you draw this conclusion?

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

Offline WilliamPowell

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Just answered that question to WP.

You put 60,000 members in a room and the vast majority will say Hardwick needs to go as he is taking us backwards in the past couple of years.

How can you really make an assumption as to what  60k individuals would do? Again massive generalisation

In answer to your question I have no idea what over 60k people would decide. Not even going to pretend that I know. Don't think you can claim to know either.
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline The Big Richo

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I would say Hardwick started the year with 70-30 support, and has deteriorated to 40-60 against him.
Who isn't a fan of the thinking man's orange Tim Fleming?

Gerks 27/6/11

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...

Offline rogerd3

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In think what annoys most of the negative posters here is the fact that's they won't listen to the noisy minority Or the whims of the media.

Absolutely nothing wrong with what she said.

I quote what I said again. I can not see where I said any number here were the noisy minority. Peggy said that the club would not llisten to them and I said  "i think" that would annoy most of the negative posters. No stats required.

Peggy Sue has never met a Richmond supporter. Her dad didnt take her to the footy. She didnt play kick to kick in the street wearing a Richmond jumper. Her entire relationship and understanding of what a Richmond supporter is comes from sitting in a board room surrounded by the kind of idiots that have made the same bad decisions for 35 years.

What the hell would she know about what constitutes a noisy minority? Was she there when the "noisy minority" held up wooden spoons when danny frawley was coaching us to death? Does she assume that supporters are happy watching the team lose 6 years into a rebuild whilst other teams like Port and the Bulldogs are speeding past us? Or does she assume that Richmond supporters will sit patiently while the club does nothing? Because history tells us that there is no such thing as a noisy minority at the Richmond Football Club.

How many of the best coaches right now like Lyon or Longmire would want to work for her? None. Is she capable of picking up the phone and recruiting an elite coach? Nope. If the club thinks it will attract more women to the club by having a female as president they are wrong. Caroline Wilson would do a better job.

What rot!

Offline 🏅Dooks

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I would say Hardwick started the year with 70-30 support, and has deteriorated to 40-60 against him.

Agreed. Let's not dodge the issue. We all know Richmond people. We know we have under performed, and we know more people are unhappy than happy.
"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018