Read an article some years ago about the different reactions to black athletes.
Can't find the article now but it was about how there is a kind of unspoken deal.
One type of black athlete is compliant and does not mention the racism, past and present, that he suffers. He is lauded for his success and ability. Think Joe Louis.
The other is a challenger and points out racism, past and present, and is hated and vilified for his ingratitude at the success "we have granted him". Think Ali.
IMO this is what is happening with Goodes.
He's ungrateful for the success we "allow" him by pointing out our racism failures.
We must tear him down to provide an example to all those other "uppity mans" who forget their place.
Comparison to any other black footballers is both irrelevant and the point.
We don't boo the other 70 indigenous footballers precisely because he is exceptional in publicly challenging racism.
Anthony Mundine anyone?
I'm not against the provocation - I actually quite like it. Making the White Man uncomfortable is okay with me.
I couldn't care less about the politicising.
I reckon that 13 girl was treated terribly but Adam Goodes didn't arrest her.
The knee sliding and the staging for free kicks poos me. It's only a recent thing. He was a jugganaut of the game until 3-4 years ago and he lost his pace so his playing style changed.
I'm not a booer but his recent playing style constitutes the odd boo. Like many before and after him.
What did he really think would happen with the war dance?
What did we all think?
Plugger kicked a ball into the crowd in Sydney many years ago. What happened? Booed.
Damien Monkhurst, the Victoria Park crowd and Spider Everitt were racist in the 90's. The 2 players were rightfully suspended (and booed by the crowd when they returned).
Openly racist people in the crowd began to get challenged by other people.
It was good.
The AFL got that one right.
I have been a victim of colour based racism. Absolutely disgusting garbage.
No doubt I was bullied because of race.
What has happened to Adam Goodes is harsh - that is true - but it isn't bullying nor is it racist and white folk who think it is are being manipulated.
It's just a once great player who has struggled to come to grips with slowly losing his amazing gift for playing AFL football. People are calling him on that.
The politicising stuff and war dance aren't going to help but honestly what do people expect?
Mundine is smarter than he looks,
he knows it will provoke a reaction.
Booing is a consequence of people who are listening (but disagreeing).
And so now the booing has got out of hand.
Perth has a solid reputation for that, ask Jobe Watson (who is white).
Having said all of that, it's time to close the book on this topic (for me anyway).