Author Topic: Membership 2019 - The Hunt Continues  (Read 62103 times)

Offline sugark

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2018, 09:48:24 AM »
I attended last night and must say i left somewhat confused by what the logic or intent of the club is

Benny opened his presentation speaking about football department expenditure and the correlation it has to success, the more you spend the more chance you have to succeed, the club needs to increases its revenues to remain in the upper echelon of football spending to remain a chance of sustained success.

They stated that we have 20K reserved seat holders.

What i don't get is the direct correlation to income and moving people or taking up the North Melbourne model of "floating seats"  I will say i think its a little insulting to suggest that they have been looking at this for 18 months.  No coincidence that the guy Dino who took over from Cain Liddell, came from North Melbourne, has to really question the 18 month scenario.

The sole purpose of this change is to accommodate more Richmond Executive members and possibly 3121 members, this is a dangerous move, RE members unfortunately come and go, i was one of the inaugural members, no longer am i and several others that were also inaugural members. My reason for not continuing was that i didn't enjoy the sterile nature of such a coterie and preferred my 27 year reserved seats that i maintained during my RE time.  My point here is that many of these newcomers are no guarantee of hanging around beyond a couple of years, the reserved seat holders that the club is impacting are long time members that have stayed the test of time.

My current PC membership reserved seat isn't being impacted other than being increased by $75 per year over the next 3 years, i have a choice to either pay the additional amount or move to another area at the current price.

What i don't get is why would you risk losing so many long time members for the purpose of accommodating some new RE members that history suggests the retention isn't great.

If we are to believe Benny's financial spiel at the start of the evening then why not come out and say we need to capitalise on our success and to give ourselves the best chance for sustained success we need to increase our revenues.

Why not give all current reserved seat holders the opportunity to pay $75 more per year over the next three years, regardless of their membership level, that goes for 3121, MR and PC members along with current RE members.  If the majority agree, it provides an increase in membership revenue of up to $1.5m each year for the next 3 years.  Its a lot more than another 30-50 RE members are going to provide to the club and there is no additional cost to the club.  Additional RE members provides additional costs to the club filling them full of roast lamb and red wine at each home game.

I might be looking at it in a very simplistic way but ultimately we as members have endured significant pain for a long time, if paying $7 extra per game for an 11 game membership gives us our best chance of experiencing what we experienced last year then i'm pretty sure most of the 20K would oblige.

Don't disrespect your long time members, be honest with them, don't pull the charade that Dino attempted to pull over us last night and i'd be confident that the vast majority will pay the additional to maintain their seats and continue to enjoy the ride that Peggy, Benny, Dimma and the players are taking us on.

Give it a go Benny, you might be pleasantly surprised.


Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2018, 10:15:33 AM »
Unfortunately they have even cut back on the roast lamb and red wine.....
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

Offline Chopstix

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2018, 10:35:33 AM »
You're a bit of a miserable bastard sometimes, Dwayne :shh

Enjoy the ride with the rest of us plebs. Let the privileged whine about this. :cheers

the "privileged"????

You think people who bought a reserved seat 20 years ago when the club were crap and have kept renewing those seats are somehow privileged?

Then sorry, you are dare I say it clueless on this issue.

These folks from the Southern Stand are not coterie members they are people with standard 11 or 16 game membership who like so many others buy a reserve seat with their membership.

They have been told they have to move to make way for 2 groups; one a coterie and the other a Premium membership group who have been moved to make room for the previously mentioned coterie.

They are anything but "privileged" and they have every right to peeved with how they are being treated. They've been incredibly loyal which clearly means very little

Well said mate!!

Offline yandb

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2018, 11:10:42 AM »
The club needs to maximise it's revenues???????????????

Are we that desperate for money?

The club needs to find that happy medium where we generate revenue to be a great club without selling our soul for the almighty dollar.

Blowing off long time loyal members to cater for the bandwagon supporters who when we eventually slide down the ladder in four or years time will disappear as quick as the have popped up is poor management.

Is the club anticipating that when we slide down the ladder and the bandwagon supporters bail out that the loyal supporters will just come back and resume their seats.


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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2018, 11:26:55 AM »
May be an unpopular opinion but I tend to agree with a lot of what the club is trying to do it. Perhaps the way they're going about it is slightly less dignified and transparent that I'd prefer.

I've been a member since I could walk; if they started charging an extra hundred or more for my seat next year I think I'd just have to swallow that one.

I guess we just need to make hay while the sun shines.

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2018, 12:15:46 PM »
The club needs to maximise it's revenues???????????????

Are we that desperate for money?

The club needs to find that happy medium where we generate revenue to be a great club without selling our soul for the almighty dollar.

Blowing off long time loyal members to cater for the bandwagon supporters who when we eventually slide down the ladder in four or years time will disappear as quick as the have popped up is poor management.

Is the club anticipating that when we slide down the ladder and the bandwagon supporters bail out that the loyal supporters will just come back and resume their seats.
You do realise that by far the majority of bandwagon members are not the coterie members but the regular type (and even dare I say 3 game type).....
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

Offline yandb

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2018, 01:00:54 PM »
Y&B who are the high paying members who are displacing these long time loyal supporters.

Certainly not the 3 membership group.

Online Diocletian

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2018, 01:56:16 PM »
Self-important coterie wankers undermining the club again.... :thumbsdown

May be an unpopular opinion but I tend to agree with a lot of what the club is trying to do it. Perhaps the way they're going about it is slightly less dignified and transparent that I'd prefer.

I've been a member since I could walk; if they started charging an extra hundred or more for my seat next year I think I'd just have to swallow that one.

I guess we just need to make hay while the sun shines.

We're not Melbourne, most of our supporters don't come from upper middle class backgrounds so an extra hundred or more a year isn't just pocket money to them. :shh
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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2018, 03:36:01 PM »
Self-important coterie wankers undermining the club again.... :thumbsdown

May be an unpopular opinion but I tend to agree with a lot of what the club is trying to do it. Perhaps the way they're going about it is slightly less dignified and transparent that I'd prefer.

I've been a member since I could walk; if they started charging an extra hundred or more for my seat next year I think I'd just have to swallow that one.

I guess we just need to make hay while the sun shines.

We're not Melbourne, most of our supporters don't come from upper middle class backgrounds so an extra hundred or more a year isn't just pocket money to them. :shh
Lol, you think the 3121 members are struggling???

Online Diocletian

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2018, 03:49:05 PM »
Knew you wouldn't understand.... :shh
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good...."

- Thomas Sowell

FJ is the only one that makes sense.

Offline YellowandBlackBlood

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2018, 04:06:13 PM »
Y&B who are the high paying members who are displacing these long time loyal supporters.

Certainly not the 3 membership group.
And you don't think that there are any long time coterie members? I know people who are not on a high income that have been plunging big $ into the club for years.

How about them?

Each one of those is equivalent to 40 full die hard regular members....

And they're not all wankers....  :shh
OER. Calling it as it is since 2004.

Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2018, 05:12:38 PM »
Reading the comments here highlights to me the problem that the club has created not just right now but probably over a number of years

IMHO, this "move" and the way it has been communicated and undertaken by the club is the issue here. Members blaming members is just simply wrong.

The club have done it incredibly poorly. I spoke to a friend this morning who was there last night and they said the presentation listing the reasons for "move" put up by the club was extremely poor and in part made very little sense. After speaking to my mate I don't think the new membership manager who came from N0rt really understands the RFC. To say this or that works at Nort and then trying to implement the same thing here is farcical. Clueless and out of touch are words that spring to mind

Sadly by extension, the message has created alot of views based on perception rather than reality with members whacking other members for no other reason than because they are a coterie member or in the case of 3121 a premium membership category

Few points if I may.

1/ This view that the majority of coterie members have suddenly appeared and joined in the last few years is ..well .. to be honest crap. I know of alot of people (myself included) who have been members for ages (me it's 38 years) who started out with just a standard 11 game membership. Who have upgraded because their personal situation allows and because in most cases they wanted to help the club in the bad times. People shouldn't be whacked for that. The majority of Coterie members don't run around making demands on the club. A very small handful do but the majority simple don't.

2/ RE:
I find it really sad that so many people don't know the story behind RE. It was established back in 2005 by Miller to raise money for the club; you know when the club had very little $$$. He manage to pull together 100 people who coughed in $5000 each to establish this group. He went to long time supporters and asked them to help. When it was first set up it's seats and function room were ironically where they are being moved back to in 2019.

I actually think RE should be called the RFC Nomads because they have been moved that many times it isn't funny. Each move hasn't been born out of the RE members requesting it but because the Club has decided to move them for varying reasons. Throw in the stripping back of their benefits over time and that group hasn't been treated fantastically well by the club but gee they've stayed loyal. Despite price increases with the removal of benefits

Did they ask to be moved to the Southern Stand and demand the long term reserve seat holders be moved? No they didn't so to throw whacks their way over this is unfair. This a CLub decision not a coterie member decision..

And just so people are clear the reason RE were first moved out of bays 14 & 13 in the Southern Stand was so the Club could sell more 3121 memberships. If you want to talk revenue raising at the absolute highest level then look no further than 3121, they sold and sold, moved RE and sold some more

3/ 3121: alot of 3121 members are long termers there too, so to suggest like RE that they have all jumped on board in the last couple of years is a furphy. yes some have but so many haven't. Were they consulted about losing one of their function rooms and being moved? Again nope.

4/ The Long time Reserve seat Holders: they deserve to be upset, angry and bloody peeved. The way they have been treated in this is shambolic. Up until this season despite having Inner Sanctum m'ships I had kept the seats I had in N7 because they meant so much to me and my family. I gave them up this year because the time was right. But I know the footy friends I've meet, the bonds that have been formed from people seating together for so long. They cannot and should not be underestimated but clearly the Club doesn't understand it perhaps want to acknowledge it. 

As I said when I started the thread the people sitting there have been coughing up there dough through the darkest of times to support club, maintain their footy friendships. It is about more than the seats and I don't think the Club understand that or want to understand

So the way I see it is members whacking members and pointing the fingers of blame at other members is wrong. This "move" isn't member driven, coterie driven, whinger driven

This whole thing is club driven. The issue has been caused by the club which I'd argue seem to not understand their membership base like they think they do as well as (IMV) struggling to manage servicing 100k+ members.

Just my take  :thumbsup

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2018, 06:47:22 PM »
I like my reserved seat because it’s become my tiger institution.
They won’t be changing it, nor would they want to.....
Mutiny would abound at the club.

For those affected by having their long time seats moved, shame on you Richmond. You should’ve given those people the opportunity to pay a little more to stay put.

The club has been lauded for understanding their supporters, this seems to be the start of a change in philosophy
“I find it nearly impossible to make those judgments, but he is certainly up there with the really important ones, he is certainly up there with the Francis Bourkes and the Royce Harts and the Kevin Bartlett and the Kevin Sheedys, there is no doubt about that,” Balme said.

Offline Chopstix

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2018, 07:02:07 PM »
Rex Hunt tweeted this today :
7 hours ago

Hard to believe that Richmond, a club with 100,000 members, could burn their loyal supporters like this. Cashed up coteries are now the priority, with loyal fans again missing out. The club has never handled success well. An absolute disgrace.


Online taztiger4

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Re: Membership 2019
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2018, 07:05:07 PM »
Rex Hunt tweeted this today :
7 hours ago

Hard to believe that Richmond, a club with 100,000 members, could burn their loyal supporters like this. Cashed up coteries are now the priority, with loyal fans again missing out. The club has never handled success well. An absolute disgrace.



Talk about an over dramatisation