poo I tell you what, you lot are like pack of rabid dogs aren't you when someone has a different opinion, gang up, just because I believe that the players have let themselves and me as a paying member down again, .....bored of this poo!!!
I'll ask you this. Have you seen no improvement this year whatsoever or so very little that its token and not developmental given the state of our list.? Hence you made a comment that Melbourne would overtake us next year or that our loss to Adelaide last week was worse than the Wallace era? Ask yourself those questions. Seriously ask them.
You are more than entitled to your opinion as we all are. Whilst I don't agree with you there is no name calling from me just a stance on where I sit on a certain topic and how I see things progressing. Just ask yourself the aformentioned questions from the previous paragraph and if you think that we are going nowhere then that's fine I'll leave it at that.
I have seen the improvement this year, last year, the year before, the year before......etc....we have been improving all the time apparently.
Our loss to the Crows lat week was IMO worse than the loss to the Swans when Morton stuffed up.
Ansewer me this when are we going to improve to get get into finals and stay in the 8..... When, because the improvement cards been played over and over and over....