Very simple.
Jordy isnt up too it.
30 touches again today.
30 touches minus 4 turnovers that directly caused Port goals and 5 disposals to flatfooted blokes who were tackled or were forced to dispose under pressure that caused turnovers, thats something Champion data won't include in an overall % efficiency, as Jordy's disposal went to a Richmond player despoite the fact that the bloke receiving the footy has a bloke on him or is under heavy pressure and is forced to give the ball up.
exactly why we cringed when he gets the ball the son says oh no his got it
still needs a kick up the bum for turnovers & putting players under the pump.
But l will give him credit in the 2nd half of the game he played well, chasing & second efforts & hard running with good disposal he got paid today
he gets to watch the porn film of his choice